Thursday, December 30, 2004

"New Year's Resolutions"

Anyone got any?

I would make some myself, but I doubt anyone would care or notice if I kept them.

Monday, December 27, 2004

"Reggie White, dead at 43"

Well since none of my circle of blog brothers have mentioned it I guess I will.

Now I have never been an EAGLES hardcore fan. I just keep up on them, and my interest was at an all time high when Reggie White played for them. I always thought he was a cool athlete and was a class guy.

He was fun to watch and as I am sure everyone else is, am shocked that he is gone. Does anyone have an cool stories about Reggie? Or has heard confirmation on his cause of death? As of press time (11 20pm monday) it still isn't known. Although ACTION NEWS tells me they will tell me, but since its not likely to start till midnight I doubt I will hear it.

Sucks about Reggie. Seems Billy Joel was right, only the good die young.

"The Bachelor Pad"

Well since most of my readers have internet (internet,eh?) access at work I am going to recommend a good site to check out.

The site is archives of the Courier-Post column writer Matt Katz. Its basically a sex and the city for South Jersey and Philly from a guys prospective.

The articles are funny as hell, and I highly encourage you to read "This Singles Event Was Awful, Really Really Awful", "A Cat Toy Ploy: A Second Date Cautionary Tale","Comcast on Demand Dating; pick up a remote find a date" and "Interpid Scientists Begin Getting Girls Numbers"(which has a sequel the following week.)

The articles are usually filled with Philly bar references and South Jersey towns. Now the column has gone national and perhaps that would be the case from now but its still cool. Anyway the guy is really funny and I usually crack up reading this column which actually appears every Tuesday in the Living section of the Courier-Post.

So check it out its filled with lots of self deprecating crew humor.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

christmas day...


I will see quite a few of you on Christmas, but for those of you that I don't see I would like to take the time to wish you a Merry Christmas.

I hope that my readers all have a nice Christmas and their time with their friends and family. Enjoy opening your presents and giving them to show how much people mean to you.

Christmas only comes once a year and than its over in a flash. So enjoy it today, and I hope everyone is safe and has enjoyable day.

If you want use this entry to post about what you got, or what you did that would be cool.

Just don't forget to take a minute or two today to actually reflect on the true meaning of Christmas at some point today. It's easy to lose sight of why the holiday actually exists in the first place with all the rushing around and all.

Again Merry Christmas and thanks for reading.

"The Gift"

The following is a short story I wrote awhile back. Here is it again, since it has become an annual Tucker's World tradition to post this on Christmas.

Some time around the first week of the year. I took a second look at one of our traditional Christmas decorations; it was a complete and total eyesore. It was a gift some old lady gave my mother 10 years ago for Christmas and I guess she felt obligated to put it on the tree each year. It was a gaudy looking knitted cat. It was one the most hideous things I have ever laid eyes on. They say its thought that counts well it’s the thought that angers me when I see it every year.

That same Christmas like every year an epidemic spread through the grade school. This year it was in the form of Sega, the newest video game system. Over greasy square pizza, pale yellow peas, and flavorless mashed potatoes shaped like an ice cream scoop, I would hear all the kids discuss the latest video games. I would try my best to stay absent from the conversation. I wouldn’t know what to say when they would ask me if I had gotten past the castle board yet.

One day went I went home I sat my father down and tried to tell him how I would benefit from having a Sega game system of my very own. I told him it would give me better hand eye coordination and against the popular notion it made kids zombies, I told him it acutally made them think and make quick decisions. He went on and on about how when he was a kid he would just use his imagination to have fun, and how kids today are spoiled. I think that conversation is had all over America in every family at one point and time. I used to think that my parents and all the other parents would go to secret meetings at night or when all their kids were in school and discuss stuff like this. I pictured a man with a gavel leading the meeting and hammering home the idea of telling children why they are spoiled and to shove vegetables down their throats. One time I actually searched my mother’s purse for a pamphlet when they got home late the night before.

That Christmas I was hoping for a miracle. I rushed down the steps that morning and studied each mystery. I did the shake test, the weight test and the hold them up to the sunlight test. As I tore, open each one my chances of getting the coveted Sega was getting slimmer and slimmer. All kinds of flashes were going off from my mother’s camera capturing images of me, and my reactions to each present.

Later that day my family and I went to my aunt and uncle’s for dinner. I was in a miserable mood the whole time. The only bright spot was that my cousin Robby who was about my age was there. And guess what he got for Christmas? Of course the very same Sega system. He told me he got it weeks before Christmas even came. Robby and I were always highly competitive. So while the sweet smell of the pending ham dinner dissipated through the air we settled down in front of the television. With all those weeks of practice, he had on me he humiliated me. I think he set a record for goals scored in a hockey game, shot my plane down about a dozen times, and beat me all over the wrestling ring. I went home feeling worse than I did when I realized I wasn’t getting the Sega.

On the ride home my father tried to reach out to me. But I just pushed him away. The image of my wrestler I was controlling laying on the floor after about 30 seconds was burning in my mind. I sat in fit of rage in the back seat as my parents were in the front. My father turned the radio down. He told me that maybe one day I would get one. But I didn’t hear it. I wanted to tell him how Robby’s parents weren’t any richer than we, that I was the only kid that didn’t have a Sega. But all that came out at the top of my tiny lungs was I HATE YOU! And instead of saying anything after that. I just repeated I HATE YOU! Because he was driving of course he had his back to me. But we passed a street light that light up the rear view window and I glimpse of his face. Suddenly I didn’t want to yell anymore. I did not apologize either, in fact no one said anything. The car just hummed along the rest of the ride.

About two months later I got a Sega for my birthday. It funny the minute I unwrapped the gift and realized what it was, I almost had to fake excitement. Sure I spend many a night in the glow of my television going to far off lands and winning championships, but I could never take those words back. At least in a video game you are blessed with more than one life. At the time I meant the words that came out of my mouth. I hated my father as much as I hate that stupid knit cat now. One time after coming home from a fishing trip with my father after many years of those words keeping me up at night, it figured it was time to apologize. However my mouth froze, I never did. I like to think that my father knew what I was thinking. Like I said they say it’s the thought that counts.

I put the rest of the ornaments in a box, and I carried them basement. I placed them in a closet we hardly used. It was full of dust and mildew. I rested the box right on top of the Sega.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

"Christmas Wishlist"

Here it the annual Tucker's World Wishlist for you last minute shoppers.

John Kerry: A Time Machine, so he can go back and win the election.

Gary Bettman: A Clue

The NHLPA headquarters: A flamming pile of dog crap.

T.O.: A new ankle.

Jay: A bag of lima beans, ever since he was a kid he has just loved those things. Just a bag filled with them just like the one he carried around when he was little.

Echelon Mall: A fresh start

Mosco: A stocking full of White Castle burgers

Drew: A Gun

Donald Rumsfeld: Free Public Relations classes.So,next time a soilder askes for better equipment his answer is better than simply telling him that he is likely to die in a firey ball of death in his tank when explodes anyway, so he shouldn't be too worried.

Donald Brasher: He was kicked out of a beer hockey league earlier this week for punching someone who was already laying on the ice. So, perhaps anger mangement classes could help.

Ben Stiller: A new agent that will tell him to turn down something once in awhile. I love Ben Stiller, but 8 movies this year was a bit much.

Fat Albert: Our 8 bucks for his new movie for Christmas Movie Christmas.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

"Best Christmas Movie Moments"

Does anyone have any?

1. There are so many from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation,but if I had to pick one I would go with the scene where the tree is set on fire. The fact that we don't actually see it is what makes it funny. There is a shot of the family sitting there, then the sound affect and you see what appears to be flames of some sort lighting up the room in the background.

2. The movie A Christmas Story a timeless of a film that has aged very well is almost a flawless comedy is also packed full of goodies. I would have to say I always enjoyed the shot of the parents watching the snow behind the tree at the end of the film. However,as far a moments the entire Santa scene is just classic. The film had such heart with just a pinch of dark humor mixed in. The fact that mall Santa is a jerk, to Ralphie and puts his boot on his face is just priceless. Not to mention the creepy kid; "I like the Tinman!"

3. In It's a Wonderful Life, the scene in which George Bailey goes to see Mary when she returns from college. The chemistry between them is so good. Not to mention the scene at the bar when he has a break down.

There are a ton more, from these three movies alone. Let's even include short cartoon specials like the Grinch, Frosty, Garfield, Rudolph etc. Im short on time,but why not get the ball rolling here.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

"Tucker and Barber"

So, yours truely was chowing down at the Don Pablos in Deptford (yes the ban has been lifted) with my wonderful girlfriend.

Behind me the whole time (or at least most of the time) was NHL hall of famer Bill Barber with I assume his grandson. I didn't notice him untill the kid walked past our booth, and Barber was trying to help him get his coat on. I guess it was his daughter he was with.

Now I wouldn't say that I am star struck or whatever, but the few times I meet someone famous I rarely say anything. Mainly,because I don't know what to say. He was standing like right next to me.

I guess I should of asked him how it felt to be FIRST to be first. Maybe I could have asked if Clarkie sent him a Christmas card yet. I certainly could have asked him what he thought about the lock out. Since most former players like him would give anything to lace them up one more time for an NHL game I doubt he would really feel bad for the millionaire players of todays age.

I was at the Tropicania this weekend and supposedly Snoop Dog was there wondering around some place. Anyone, who hasn't been to this casino in awhile should really go. They totally overhauled the entire place they have some cool shops and places to eat. Of course it helps if you win money if you want to actually eat or drink at this place.

Ah...have a good Monday one and all. Hmm..anyone else ever meet anyone cool? Or sit next to anyone cool?

"What's on First?"

What will come first?

The Wal-mart next to the Echelon Mall will open.

An NHL game will be played again.

Ryan will actually call me.

A new Sopranos will air.

A democrat will be in the White House.

I will see Drew again

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

****coming soon*** Tucker's World Man of the year!

"Five Golden Rants"

Here are some rants that have been ratting around in my brain lately

#1 Bernard B. Kerik

Okay, I admit it I had no clue who this guy was when he was first nominated to head the Department of Homeland Security. However, I saw his picture and saw how though he looks ; like a mean SOB, good choice. I read his bio which was mostly about his work during the horrible events of 9/11.

Come to find out he bangs girls on the side, hires illegal aliens, and I wouldn't want him cleaning my cats litter box let alone telling me what color terror we are at and when and where I might be blown up by a terrorist.

So, since all this stuff came out pretty quick I am guessing reporters were sitting on the story and figured it would sell more papers one day if he ever tried to go anywhere in government. My other thought is why do they do better background checks for the Sears Outlet then they do for this position? I am told that they do the background checks after the nomination. Maybe Bush saw the same pictures that I did and was like yeah he looks mean hire that man. He sure looks tough what with the shaved head and big mustache and all.

# 2 Liberals and Colin Powell

Why is that all the liberals gave Powell the benefit of the doubt when they loathed everyone in the Bush admistration from A-Z from almost day one. Yet they would always, say for the longest time, well I like Powell but the rest of them are bums!

Eventually, seemingly by association they finally said I give up on Powell. He is no good either good I am glad he is stepping down. Now if he looked like Donald RUmsfield he would have never been given that grace period. It's almost like they were like he is black, he can't be corrupt and evil. He is black! Lets give him a pass he is black.

# 3Liberals and Holidays

Listen if I want to walk down the street singing jingle bells or deck the halls it doesn't mean Christians are good you are evil. First off most christmas songs and decorations that are falling under fire this holiday season have nothing to do with the birth of Christ. The Grinch, Santa and Frosty weren't in the bible.

Right now on the crewblog there is a huge debate over if people should not be allowed to hang their holiday decorations up or not. Since this is a free country I am all for it. No matter how ugly some houses can be. I have never heard of parking problems or neighbors being mad because people litter on their lawn since the guy across the street has a Homer in a Santa suit.

Most decorations really don't say anything about religion and if you got into a jewish neigbhorhood your likely not to see any. The thing of it is christianity is the dominat religion in the US. Sorry, it's true. Actually many of the people who founded this country were of Christian faith deal with it. If you live in China and aren't a buddist you would have to put up with most people praying to buddiah. In Iraq Allah, etc. Heck I have friends from other religions that put up trees and stockings. I don't get all mad.

It will come and go in a few weeks and its all over. I don't understand why Atheists can't come up with their own holiday if they feel so left out. Why don't ahteists just celebrate festivus?

The thing that cracks me up is these are the same people stick up for the other less practiced religions in the country so they can pray to whoever. But when christians are expressing their freedom of religion all of the sudden are angry if people walk down the street singing christmas songs.

Listen im not gay I have no idea why a guy would want to hump another guy. I am aware that there are many gay pride parades in the city, but I dont give them a hard time because I don't follow their way of life. Hell I don't get all jealous because they all look like they are having fun dancing and singing and all.

#4 Blockbuster

Blockbuster's new policy. Good lord do I have sympathy for those employees. If you didn't hear by now in order to compete with Comcast on DEMAND, and Netflix they decided to get rid of late fees come 2005. Well that might be a good idea, but you are dealing with the general public who are likely to ignornant to read a paper, or watch the news.

Even if they do see it on tv, you know they wont understand and will put the the people at blockbuster through hell. The rule is they give you a 10 day grace period to get the movie back, if its not back 10 days after its um.."due" then they charge the whole damn thing to your account so you own the movie. If you bring it back in 30 days you get your money back.

I can picture this.

"Whadda ya meaaaaaaaaaaaan? I own Spiderman 2? Own it ? What do you meaaaaaaaaan?

"Sir, actually you can just get your money back if you get it in before your 30 days are up!"

"You better give me my money back or im going to through the DVD through the damn window!"

"No copies of Spiderman 2?"

"Eh, everyone decided to take advantage of the grace period now they own all our copies"

#5 Red lights

So, I hate red lights like most people. Now they always seem like they come at the wrong time. Or don't come when they should.

Awhile back my mouth was feeling a little funky after something I ate I guess. I was lucky enough to have a small bottle of mouth wash in my car. I figured good time swish and spit since that light is always red up ahead. Then simple I open the door real quick and spit. Sure it could look nasty to the dude behind me, but it's not any nastier than all those micro-organisms running around in my mouth having a good old time.

So of course the light was never green when I was running let or ever for that matter when I got to that intersection. This time it was green followed by another, and another. Now I could roll the window down but my luck would have a bunch of minty freshness coat the interior of my car as it comically blew back at me.

It was as if I had some sort of magic powers the lights up ahead were just all changing green. Again and again I got almost home and it was nearly a 25 minute drive. Of course because I am me, I started thinking of the the health risks of having mouth wash in your mouth for this period of time. I started to weigh the pros and cons of consuming the contents in my mouth. So, if you are running late swish you will be there in record time.

"Hockey No Go"

Eh, whats to write? I had a lot but there isn't much to say. The owners basically wrote SALARY CAP on a piece of paper and slide it over to the NHLPA. The no. Then the owners gave them their new deal and they told them to go pound sand. The roll back was a good PR move by the NHLPA to make it look like they were the good guys. Does anyone think we will ever see NHL hockey again?

"First Snow"

We could get snow this weekend. Maybe up to two inches, and the storm could be big west of us. Also the chance of a white chirstmas has increased. We could have another shot of snow on Thursday. Any out of the gate predictions on what will happen this weekend snow wise?

Monday, December 13, 2004

"NHL Season Melting"

One the eve of the counter proposal a memo has been leaked. Actually things look worse then they did a week ago. At least according to this article.

"NHL Season Melting"

One the eve of the counter proposal a memo has been leaked. Actually things look worse then they did a week ago. At least according to this article.

Sunday, December 12, 2004


I was going to post this sometime last week to disprove Drew's theory of the 48 hour forecast, because Rob Guriano said this would happen weeks ago. Now its unfolding.

Hope you folks like cold weather cause are getting tons of it this week. It will warm up a bit this weekend, but will be even colder next week. They are also saying there is a chance of white Christmas because early indications point to some sort of "wet stuff" near the time that Old Saint Nick will be making his list and checking it twice. Here is a brief snippet from FOX PHILLYS weather.

" Temps will be the coldest Tuesday-Thursday this week with lows in the teens north of Philly. The coldest feeling day may actually be Tuesday with a wind chill of 20-24 during the afternoon hours. As far as snow this week we'll see snow showers in the Lehigh Valley with no real accumulation. Once you get closer to the Poconos we could see up to 2" the next 3 days as bands of lake effect snow showers skirt the Pocono region.Temps will rebound late week to near normal values but the cold will reload next week. The cold next week will even be colder than this week so makwe sure the heaters are tuned up and ready. I do not see any big snow makers at this point but we'll focus more toward the 20-23rd for a possible clipper like development near the coast. That could bring a light snow or mix to the region during the 20-23rd timeframe."

See that now that I have more and more readers clicking on here during work out of total boredom you are getting the weather at no extra charge or um extra clicks.

"Lancaster Bush Ban"


You know I can understand people who voted for Sen. John Kerry being upset that he lost. The election was very close and very emotional. I can even understand how people that voted for him were disgusted with our country for a brief time. However, I simply no tolerance for the democrats who have clearly fallen into total lunacy about it.

Its events like this that make me have to call myself a moderate. Because, I see the democratic party as nothing but a bunch of hypocryites. I mean how many times do they grip about free speech? Then when someone dares talks about God, or says the voted for Bush. It is time to run them out of town and burn them to death.

Okay so this is from WPVI, and it does have a bit of an even more local connection then just Lancaster. David Stoltfus is part of the family that runs the Amish market in Williamstown in South Jersey. Anyway here are some juicy nuggets from the article.

A Democratic city councilman has demanded that a baker remove photos of President Bush (Mr Bush for you ABC NEW viewers) from his stand in Lancaster's venerable farmers market, saying the city needs a "healing period" following the bitterly contested presidential election.

City Councilman Nelson Polite approached David Stoltzfus last month and asked him to remove the pictures. When Stoltzfus refused, Polite vowed to pursue a city ordinance that would ban all political items from public places in the city.
Polite said the photo offended city Democrats.

"I just feel that since it was a close election and the city's so divided, that we should have a healing period," Polite told the New Era of Lancaster on Friday.

First off, how the heck is putting up a picture of the PRESIDENT a political statement? My mother has a picture of the President up in the house, but its not saying screw you if you voted for Kerry I hate your guts. Some people actually put pictures up of the leader of the free world and its that simple.

Second, when are the democrats going to get over it? Please Bush won. Its over. Its this arrogant "we are smarter then you dumbasses who don't agree with us" attitude that may have cost them the election. Please, if he had a picture of Saddam up and was told to take it down I bet there would be some democrats out there talking they just dropped from Care- A-Lot about who we can't voliate his civil rights even if its Saddam. God the democrat moto seems to be we belive in the first amdenment and free speach unless you disagree with us.

Lastly, BAN? BAN ? no one can speak out at all period? No one can ever voice their veiws in public? Ban? Because of a few cry babies?

Now before anyone slams me here. I am not saying all democrats are evil or John Kerry voters should burn in hell. Just please, please make this make sense to me. Some many times this stuff happens and you can't have it both ways if you want to pound the free speech drums and stop if you dont like it.

Not to mention it was just something simple a picture of the President. Did it really cause people to fall down and shake and slip into a coma? If so they shouldn't watch TV, read the internet (or Internets as Bush calls it), papers or talk to anyone. Should we just act like Kerry won in New JErsey and all the other Kerry states just so people don't get upset? Should be put up pictures of the losers of the elections now next to the President in schools so we don't offend anyone?

Oh heres the article. I have to go my head hurts.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

"AOL delays"

AOL for some reason takes almost 48 hours in some cases to actually show my new posts. SO that means you might be behind on my blogs if you just read on AOL. What you need to do is go to my page and if the dates seem they were days ago cut and paste the URL in Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer. That as far as I know is a problem on AOL users are having, but is shows up if you open up those applications seconds after I update it. So, AOL users drop the URL in the other applications to double check for updates. Thank You---------Keith

"Bettman Pondering"

There are signs out there and rumors that Gary Bettman will give on the salary cap and think that this new agreement will save the owners some serious green. Despite the fact there is no "cap" word to be found players are already grumbling that it is way too much. Some of the most vocial is Robert Esche.

Here is a new story and I am going to try to cover this story at it develops. Lets keep our fingers crossed for Tuesday. Now I honestly can't imagine that the owners would ponder over it if there wasn't a chance to save the season. I also don't think they would be cocky enough to give a counter offer with a salary cap in it.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

"The NHLPA's Olive Branch"

NHLPA statement

NHLPA REVIVES TALKS TO END OWNERS’ LOCKOUT WITH NEW SIX-POINT PROPOSAL FROM PLAYERS an effort to end the owners’ lockout that has reached 85 days and threatens the 2004-05 season, the National Hockey League Players’ Association (NHLPA) put forth a comprehensive proposal to the league today with major concessions to the owners, beginning with an immediate and unprecedented 24% rollback of all players’ salaries through the term of their existing contracts.The proposal more than quadruples the players’ last offer from Sept. 9, while providing the owners with a competitive business model for a new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). Based on the NHLPA’s six-point plan, the proposed rollback triggers a windfall of short and long-term savings for the owners through a system of changes to the Entry Level System (ELS), reductions to qualifying offers, new salary arbitration rules for clubs, a payroll tax and a revenue redistribution plan.

“The players have dramatically lowered the overall marketplace and adjusted all of the main system elements with changes that will help well-managed clubs maintain their roster at a significantly reduced cost,” said NHLPA Executive Director Bob Goodenow.

“Once a rollback of this magnitude is recognized in the system, the owners’ cost-savings will be realized for years to come.”The six major elements of the NHLPA’s plan as presented to the owners include:24% Compensation RollbackAn overall market deflator that resets player compensation at a new, sharply reduced level by rolling back all player compensation by 24% through the life of existing contracts. The rollback in compensation over three years will be $528M. In addition to an immediate economic impact for owners and their teams, the deflator will have major ongoing effects on new contracts.

Future Salary Restraints (Entry Level System, Qualified Offers and Arbitration)A new set of system deflators that will reduce spending on the individual contracts executed in the new, rolled-back marketplace. These system deflators include substantial restraints in the ELS; reduced qualifying offers; the use of rolled-back and new contracts as the only comparables available in salary arbitration and in negotiations for new contracts; and the use of arbitration at the election of the club for two new purposes identified by the NHL as important.

Conservatively these system benefits to owners will pull $400M out of the ELS system over the next six years, reduce the aggregate qualifying offers due to Group II Players by $285M over three years and provide other benefits. Payroll TaxA payroll tax with thresholds that begin at $45M, tax rates between 20% and 60% for first time taxpayers and higher rates for repeat taxpayers. If a club triggers the tax, its payments will be pooled for distribution by the NHL and NHLPA. Revenue Redistribution PlanA revenue redistribution plan that will transfer money from the high-revenue clubs to the low-revenue clubs, and encourage low-revenue clubs to increase their own revenues.

The redistribution will inhibit spending on players by the clubs that have formerly spent the most. This plan offers three alternatives to the NHL with amounts ranging from $65M, to $124M and $190M, respectively. Joint Player-Club CommitteesJoint Player-Club committees designed to ensure real improvements in the game, its marketing and its revenues, along with other areas of mutual concern. As an initial step, the players propose to commit to play in the 2006 and 2010 Olympics. Ongoing Adjustments and UpdatesAdjustments and updates to a variety of other CBA provisions..

Today’s meeting in Toronto was attended by NHLPA executive committee members Trevor Linden, Bob Boughner, Vincent Damphousse, Arturs Irbe and Trent Klatt, and NHLPA officials Bob Goodenow, Ted Saskin, Ian Pulver, Mike Gartner and John McCambridge.“This proposal demonstrates the players’ sincere desire to get the game out of the boardroom and back on the ice,” said NHLPA President Trevor Linden. “While the concessions on our side are quite significant, we know that our effort represents a meaningful compromise to get a fair deal for both sides.”

The last collective bargaining agreement between the NHLPA and the NHL expired at midnight, September 15. NHLPA members have pledged to play hockey this year and next while negotiations continue to end the owners’ lockout.

"Tuesday or Nothing"

Dec. 9, 2004
TORONTO - NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman today released the following statement:
"The Union presented us with a proposal today that, clearly, they worked on for a long time. We wanted to give it at least a preliminary review before making any comments.
"We will not discuss any of the specifics until we formally respond to the Union. To do otherwise would not be constructive to this process. However, I will acknowledge that one aspect of the proposal is very significant. That element is a recognition by the Union of our economic condition -- but it is a 'one-time' element.
"We have said consistently that the focus must be on the overall systemic issues and the long-term needs and health of the game. We will fully review the Union's proposal and respond next Tuesday. It is our present intention to make a counter-proposal."
::::::::Tucker's World's Take::::: Well so far it looks as though as I thought, that they would make a counter offer. I am feeling a heck of a lot better than I was a few weeks ago. There is still a chance that we could see some hockey tonight. They may play with the numbers a bit, but some how I think they might work things out. We should know a lot more Tuesday. The tone is a lot less nasty than its been.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

"Little Parking Spots"

So I got this new job in Westmont. The surronding area is made up of some of the oldest towns in South Jersey. Its a little neat and all with the history, however everthing is insanely small. There is a Wawa down the street from my work which is plain and simple a death trap. I honestly don't see how their parking lot is remotely legal. THere is so few parking spots and the space to zoom around once you realize there are no spots is insanely small. So you have cars having to go out of their way not to hit each other if there are no spaces.

To make matters worse there is usually no room to park your car to the side of the parking lot not that stops some people despite the fact that its illegal. So, you have to make your way back on to one of the roads in order to try it again. All the businesses are like that. There is a diner a few miles down the road with like a total of 12 parking spots. I realized they were all full when I went to eat there today, and went into the neighborhood behind it which as streets that seem like that haven't be widen since horse and buggies were trotting down them.

There are some stores that look cool on the sides of the street, but there seems to be no where to ever park the car. The places that do have parking lots my place of work included have huge dips going into the parking lot. What genius ever thought it was a good idea for people to scrap their cars on their way in?

Drew when are we getting together for Peanut Butter Sandwitches and pickles?

Monday, December 06, 2004

"Hockey Doomsday"

The two hockey sides will sit down and talk this Thursday. It's fairly clear thought the plan hasn't been released to the press that the NHLPA's new plan still doesn't include a salary cap. The owners said just last week that no luxury cap is good enough. Even still the two sides are going to sit down together for the first time since the lockout started. Does anyone think any good will come from this or it just a bunch of people stilling around? Why did the owners accept the invite if they know there is no salary cap? Will one side bend? Will the owners make a counter offer? Only time will tell I guess. Its clear if nothing is really agreeded upon the 2004-05 season will likely be offically canceled

Sunday, December 05, 2004

"Tucker to Readers:Eagles are '05 Superbowl Champs"

Okay, I am not an Eagles or football expert. However, I think its time to use up all the William Penn curse jokes before they don't make any sense. I have followed the Eagles a little closer this year. I still find football to be an overrated sport, but whatever. Now that the NHL is gone I really don't have a sport anymore. So, most my friends are Eagles fans so its only fair to let them use this post to talk about it.

The Eagles have only one Loss, and most their wins were done with out breaking a sweat. Todays smack down was one of the biggest spankings I have ever seen. Most the games are over by the start of the 2nd quarter when Philly is playing. Its like someone playing on rookie in one of the EA sports games.

Yeah, the Stealers beat their asses, but the Eagles didn't have their A game going. Lets face it they were not going to win EVERY game. HOwever, its likely they will from this point out. Unless they are slammed by the injury bug they should be able to make it to the Superbowl in their sleep. Their confidence is so high right now the teams just fall to their knees in fear.

Now the Redskins took awhile to be put out of their misery a few weeks ago, but the Eagles still had control of the game.

The Stealers I think will actually be up rooted by New England and the Eagles can take them. In fact I will predicit this far in advance that the Eagles will win the Superbowl over New England by two touchdowns.

It's about time we have all team for all 3 of the major sports (4 actually till this past September when the NHL went under) and its been forever and a day since we had a parade. Does anyone actually have and doubt about the Eagles? I will steal the concept of the 610 wip guys..whats your confidence level?


Curious how much snow you will have to shovel this winter? Well check out Fox Philly winter outlook. In my book its the most accurate place to find out whats going on in the weather world. It breaks it down by county and it appears that some of us will get a tad more of the white stuff then the average.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

"Mr Monkey's Bicycle"

Check out Mr Monkeys Bicycle!

"Tucker in the Danger ZONE!"

Okay, someone at the country store mart (a Wawa rip off) was stabbed to death by some guy and robbed for drug money.

Not long after that a couple was robbed at gun point in the parking lot of the Ritz Movie Theater.

On Monday, two guys car jacked a guy in the aparatments in Lindenwold off the White Horse Pike.

Maybe, you guys can just get me a gun for Christmas. I mean these are some fairly serious crimes in this little area. I don't recall there ever being such a crime wave in such a short amount of time.

Monday, November 29, 2004

"Writer/Director Combo"

Martin Scorsese and Leonardo Dicaprio are teaming up once again in the soon to be released The Aviator covering 20 years of the life of Howard Hughes (no relation). If you recall they worked together in Gangs of New York a few years back, and are now working again in the film The Departed. Has Marty found his new De Niro?

Well in honor of this I think it would be fun to list and talk about some of your favoriate teamings of writers/directors.

I got a few, but hopefully my readers will get the ball rolling and I will come back and put in my two cents.

"Tucker's Echelon Report Confirmed"

My article awhile back that talked about the mall being revamped was confirmed to a certain extent in the Philly Inquirer this past week.

The confirmed that all the zoning laws were approved for the Wal-Mart. They also confirmed what I said about the Sears space, although they cliamed it was going to be 3 not 2 stores. I am guessing this will be converted into almost another wing of the mall.

However, despite all these good nuggets of news out there. Rick claims that the Cinnabun is leaving. Although, that this years Black Friday wasn't all that "crazy". If this is true that would be the third place to pull out of the foodcourt in less than a year. Till recently it was one of the few bright spots in the alling mall.

The past two Christmas's have seen a large number of stores pulling out right after the shopping season is over. Wonder if anyone else is pulling out this year. Wonder if people are just pulling our leg about the Mall being revamped.

Thursday, November 25, 2004


Well, I stole this tradition from Jay which he used years ago on now defunct (like the NHL) message board. This year you can all post stuff if its funny or serious that you are thankful for. Well here it goes.

I am thankful that I haven't had to work since last Friday, and haven't had to shave either.

I am thankful for black olives. I don't usually eat them, but I always eat them on Thanksgiving.

I am thankful for countless marahtons on TV so I don't have to pretend I care about college football game. (Theres a Boy Meets World on Sunday on ABC family for 9 hours!)

I am thank for Netflix so I can rent old movies without people looking at me as if I just dropped down from Mars.

I am thankful my wonderful girlfriend Liza, who puts up with more than she should from her moron of a boyfriend. Shes always cooking me stuff and stopping me from having meltdowns over dumb things.

I am thankful Drew can drive again

I am thankful random people google Echelon Mall and are led to my blog.

I am thankful for all the presents that I will get for Christmas.

I am thankful SO VERY thankful for Hickory Farms gift sets. My god, you should check out some of the stuff they have out this year....mmmmm

I am thankful I don't have work this weekend.

I am thankful that for the first year my readers can actually list stuff they are thankful for. I mean the comments things has really worked out well. Even though for a time there was no one commenting on here, and I was ready to start reviewing episodes of the original Transformers cartoon series in order to make people respond and tell me to stop.

I am thankful Price came home safe and sound.

I am thankful, well for basically all that I have. I am truely a blessed man. Some people think that they may not have anything to be thankful for or that this holiday is just another one to go through the motions and look bored. Well I know two people close to my that have lost their father this year, and I can't imagine how hard that is. So, keeping that in mind most people should really treasure their time with their family this holiday season because thats what life and this holiday is all about. I am sure it means a lot to my aunt who lost her husband over over 20 years this past summer to be here with my family for the holiday.

Thanks to my readers for coming on here and making this little project so much fun. Thank you both of you.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

"Talking Turkey"

Well is Thanksgiving Eve, and well its time to talk about food. If you are like me there is a dish or dishes that you look forward to. Like stand clear or your face is getting knocked into the cranberry sauce. Well I am pretty happy when my aunt brings her deviled eggs. Something about them makes them a cut above any others out there. Also it might gross people out, but I also love Turkey skin. MMMM....thats where all the flavor goes. What are your favoriate dishes? Also, what about most unsual dishes or even Turkey alternates that you are having this year? Liza's family is frying a Turkey and although we are doing dinner with our own famlies she promised to save me some. If Brant is in charge of Thanksgiving this year I wonder if he might be the first one to grill the hoilday turkey. So, lets get this started loyal readers, what will you be chowing down on tomorrow?

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

"Future Movies Mill"

Well I still haven't come up with a good title for this feature on my blog. Any suggestions? Well the basic concept is to pass along movie knowledge of future projects on to my readers.

Steven Speilberg's has really lofty goals for this next film the War of the Worlds based on the Orson Welles radio prank of the 1930's. For some reason this film went from being slated for 2007 to 2005. The film is shooting in North Jersey as we speak (any of my readers up there have any SIGHTINGS?) and they expect it out to kick off the summer season. Thats insane considering the fact that the film is going to be quite special affects heavy. Tom Cruise and Tim Robbins are the only two names connected to this project at this point. I don't quite know what reason they had to rush the production of this film. It will be either a big first or simply a huge turkey.

Steve Martin has a new movie coming out titled Shopgirl. About an older man and younger girl which he directed, writes and starts in opposite Clarie Danes. I never really cared for any of the movies that he wrote, but am a fan of his acting. His other movies include the unmatchable LA Story, and dull Eddie Murphy teaming Bowfinger. The movie originally slated for a holiday release has been pushed off till 2005, because of delays in production.

Early canidates for the crew CHRISTMAS MOVIE CHRISTMAS (to be wrote about more later, if it is even happening this year) are Meet the Fockers and, Life Aquatic... Starring Bill Murray.

George Lucus has said that the upcoming (and last) Star Wars Prequel is going to be the darkest of the entire series. Not a big surprise to me considering how much ground there is to cover to reach the point of the first (er um...4th) film. No word on if Jar-Jar gets his head ripped off or not. I have my fingers crossed though. I heard Jar-Jars voice was inserted in the DVD release of the RETURN OF THE JEDI, but can't confirm that. This of course would mean he doesn't get murdered. Anyway I am sure he will be making these new ones 5 times like the others.

Jurassic Park IV is due out in 2005, yet no director has been officially named to the project. Supposedly the film is in pre-production. Keira Knightley (pirates of the Caribbean) is rumored to have the lead, and Sam Neil is also supposed to return. No word if the War of the Worlds project will delay this film.

Monday, November 22, 2004

"Turkey Day Marathon Guide"

Well if you love to eat, and watch TV then man Thanksgiving is the day for you. I watch enough TV to know that Turkey Day is when the cable channels roll out the marathons of popular shows. I used to watch the Mystery Science Theater 3000 Annual Marathon every year back in the day. Well here is the list:

Everybody Loves Raymond: On TBS Thanksgiving starts from AT LEAST NOON on Thanksgiving lasting 8pm

Home Improvement: On TBS Black Friday starts from AT LEAST NOON will about 8pm.

Transformers: Energon: On Turkey Day, Cartoon Network 12-3.

MadTV: On Comedy Centeral pretty much Turkey Day will about 9pm. The marathon takes a break at 3pm for Wayne's World 2 for no good reason.

World Series of Poker: Noon till about 7 on ESPN. POKER, POKER, POKER

Family Ties: From early in the moring through 6pm on UPN 57 (WPSG). slice up your Turkey with the Keatons.

Aobbott and Costello Movies!: All Morning and afternoon on Turner Classic Movies. Films include Abbot and Cotello Meet the Invisible Man, and the one where they meet the Mummy. At least 6 movies will be shown.

Clark Gable Movies: Turner Classics kicks it off with Gone With the Wind followed by two more of this flicks starting at 8pm.

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy: From 1-7pm on BRAVO! of course on TURKEY DAY.

King of the Hill: Not sure the start time here, but at least starts at 6pm on FX and runs though at least midnight.

Check the websites of the channels I listed for more details. If you have almost no real work to do to get ready for Thanksgiving there isn't an excuse not to sit out and zone out in front of the TV. It will also prevent your family members from trying to have a conversation with you.

Oh yeah there might not be an Black Friday 1pm Flyers game (a yearly tradition that I LOVE), but you can sub it this year with the Wizards vs the Sixers live from Philly at 1pm. I think I will be watching Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor blow stuff up personally.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

"Tucker Time"

I got a job offer for more money and am now between jobs. I don't start my new one till Dec. 1st so I have plenty of free time. So, call me UP! I am willing to try to hang out with people I rarely see over this time. If you don't have my number or access to my number than that means you are just generally a bad person or I never really cared for you.

Thursday, November 18, 2004


Nah, not that draft! The hockey draft.

The lastest article fresh from the AP talks about how its not really legal to draft players if there is no CBA. Of course since the season looks like a wash, I don't know why anyone 18 college student or juniors player would want to be drafted so they can sit and stare at one another anyway.

Here it is if you missed it:

TORONTO (AP) -- There won't be an NHL entry draft before a collective bargaining agreement is reached with the players' association, the director of the league's scouting department said.
The lockout has already wiped out over 240 games, plus the All-Star weekend, and it appears there won't be any NHL hockey before January -- if at all this season. The sides haven't met since Sept. 9 and no negotiations have been scheduled.

If the season goes by the boards, next June's draft -- scheduled for Ottawa -- would be the next major event to be lost. The draft can't be legally held without a collective bargaining agreement.

.If the lockout continued into next season and was then settled, Central Scouting director Frank Bonello said there could be two drafts within a few months.
``If there were to be an agreement, say January '06, we would have a draft shortly after that time so that we'd have it prior to June '06 when the next draft is,'' Bonello said. ``In other words, we would be very anxious to get a draft in so we don't miss it if that is the case.''
What would have to be hammered out as part of labor negotiations is the draft order.

Wait, did he just throw 'o6 out as the date they are aiming for? More and more I am hearing this is lasting till January of 2006. Are these people high? It is almost as if they just shrugged it off and have no desire to get it done quicker. Again THERE WILL BE NO FAN BASE if they wait till winter of 2006!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

"Old Man Tucker"

My friends an I lately talk about how fast time goes. How we are all getting "old" and of course 25 years old isn't old at all despite being a quarter of a century old. However, man did this seem imposible to reach when I like 8. Thought we would all be zipping around in flying cars by now.

Anyway, everynow and then something happens, and you are like DAMN I am old.

Take an point the text message I got tonight

Hey, Keith Friday Dec, 3. we are getting a bus and going to philly cause im finally 21. You should def come and tell the crew.


from Alssya

Jesus, how did this happen?

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

"Fish Have Feelings Too"

Just read this. I guess we should just start eating bark and dirt now. Eating seafood is evil now.

"Late Night Snack...errr Blog"

Well, I pissed all this time away reading email and other people's blogs. Now its the witching hour and I should be hitting the sack. So I am going to have to delay whatever great article I was going to write since I should be counting sheep right about now.

So, I will leave you with this thought. Mama Nuccio's Cheesesteak Hoagie. Yum...Ate one this weekend and am still thinking about it. If you never had one. Get one. Now that you can't get your balls washed by Asian hookers I guess its the best way to spend your time in money in the town of Hi-nella.

MMMM....Anyone want to go this weekend?

Sunday, November 14, 2004

"The Ultimate Doom"

Well in case you haven't noticed there isn't any NHL hockey being played at all. If the NHLPA thought their tactic to refuse to even talk about a salary cap let alone accept one would work better with work stoppage they are sadly mistaken. Perhaps they thought the work stoppage would shock the sports world, well it didn't since they have been talking about it for two years now. Not only that after about 48 hours it wasn't even a story anymore.

No one is talking about. Not that there is much to talk about. Most the casual fans have simply lost interest and moved on with their lives. I have talked to some people, who didn't even realize that there was a lockout.

Since the lockout beacame offical a few months ago the two sides are acting as if our public oppinion actually matters. You would think they were running for office, with both sides attacking each other. The NHLPA meet on Nov,2 to try to figure out what their next course of action they would take. Meanwhile was trashing them telling their readers the NHLPa is a bunch of liars basically. NHL commish, Gary Bettman met with fans in the home of the Hurricanes to take their questions. What good does that do though? The fans can't fix the problem. Don't bitch to us about the NHLPA ...TALK to THEM.

The NHLPA may think that have scored a victory this week. Forbes Magazine said the NHL lost ONLY $123 million not $ million stated in the Levitt report. The Levitt report filed by former head of securities and exchange comission Arthur Levitt was slammed by the NHLPA, who said it exaggerating their losses.

So while still some people think the season can be saved (I am no longer one of them) others feel that it could last for years. Coaches, and players have already made plans for the years of lockout. Are these people insane? Do they actually think that there is going to be hockey to come back to after such a long lock out? Do they really think that the fans will act like nothing will happen? Do they not realize that angry fans=no fans= no money=millions and millions of bucks to play a game? I am bewildered by their comments of a 2 or 3 year lock out.

These "victories" that the sides keep thinking they are winning are nothing. Every week that a goes by makes it worse. These sides seem to live in a different world than we do. They can't realize that the NHL could be gone forever if they don't start talking ASSAP. They seem to think that the fans won't lash out at them. They seem to think that their casual fans actually give a damn.

Recently, I Bill Guerin who is high up in the NHLPA was asked if he would rather see a salary cap or the NHL die. He said he would rather see the NHL die before there was one in the NHL. That says it all! Don't worry Bill, you asshole looks like you are going to get your wish. The bottom line is it works in the NFL, so there is no reason to think it won't work here either. The owners I am assuming have lost so much money (its their own damn fault though) they said to Garry Bettman, listen most of us are going to pull out of this league if there is not cap. So, if you really want to give in you will lose over half your league. I am sure Bettman doesn't want that to happen since it will make him look mighty bad. Meanwhile the players are like, hockey players deserve all the money they can get. Our sport is the most popular in the world, the sports world simply won't last without us!

Once the season is officially cancelled, I would assume thats it for the NHL too. I can only hope that they late replacement players come. I mean really who actually belives in the the NHLPA's cause aside from lawyers and lawschool students (sorry Drew) when they have players over seas playing for less money, 3rd &4th line players getting screwed either way, and the vast majority of the public being so apathetic about the NHL ever coming back let alone if the players will be able to earn 1.7 millon or 1.3 millon bucks a year.

What I see happening is in roughly 4 years or so a new World League forming. They would likely have a North American Division which would include teams in Philly, NYC, Hockeytown, Boston, MOntreal, Toronto, and maybe a few other cities. They would play in their own divison and then play for a winner to go to Europe to play against teams over there. The season won't be as long. More hockey players will out of work than ever before, and Americans aside from a few in the towns with teams will care about the sport as much as they do about soccer.

Someone should tell that prick, Guerin about the people conntected to the game who actually have to work for a living that are losing their jobs or taking huge paycuts so him and his greedy friends can bicker with millionaires about a game no one gives a crap about anymore.

****nerd props to anyone who knows where I got the article title from*****

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

"Echelon 2k5: A New Hope

Despite the fact that the Echelon mall is roughly half empty and suffered another blow in the food court losing the Philly cheesteak place recently there is still hope.

One of Tucker's Worlds inside sources seem to think big changes are on the way. Although ground will not be broken for the new Wal-Mart till after the new year, and the store isn't slated to open till 2006 it will have an impact on the mall. Some stores will be hurt some won't be hurt.

Anyway the feeling is that PERIT is going to try to turn things around. Despite the fact that the Wal-Mart will not be actually connected to the actual mall it is undeniable that their will be an increase in traffic at Echelon. The mall just has to capitalize on it.

My source said that according to PERIT that almost every empty space in the Echelon Mall is spoken for to be filled in this rebuidling process. Although, its unclear when that will actually start. Even the old double level Sears building will be split into two different stores.

It is also unclear to what kind of stores are coming into the mall, and if they will be higher end stores or not. Nothing is likely to change till after the holiday season.

I was there recently when they had a Halloween event and the mall was mobbed. Perhaps PERIT this off. There is still not date for the destuction of J C Pennys yet. If these rumors are true the dark days of Echeleon could be coming to an end soon. 2005, will certainly be a make or break year for the aging mall.

Monday, November 08, 2004

"Blame Tucker"

This past Sunday was the first time I watched an Eagles game from start to finnish all year long. In fact I put aside time in my day to watch it. I went over Price's new apartment and watched with his wife, sister-in-law, and Allen.

The played awful and got their butts handed to them. I fairly sure it was my fault. Sorry to anyone who had money on the birds.

Oh yeah, and I already told Price if he has the Super Bowl Party John Madden will be there.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

"The Day After"

Well clearly I don't have to tell anyone the news of the day. What is amazing is how well George W. Bush did in the popular vote, and the Republicans gained a lot of power in the Senate. Now that later, makes me a bit uncomfortable I must admit, because I like to have some checks and balances. Also, the one guy (don't know his name, or that state) thinks homosexuals shouldn't be able to teach. Well, I got really mad an outraged. Then I thought to myself, well if thats the way that State wants to be represented then I guess that is the voice they want. Thats the whole point of it really to give the states some say in what goes on.

Anyway, the voters turned out in record numbers, and every think I predicted you can pretty much flip-flop (last one I swear) in regards to the swing states. It just shows how the exit polls can't always be depeneded on. For whatever reason by the time I was leaving work and Kerry's people were ready to pop-the champaign and start moving into the White House.

The democrats are really stinging, because the lost seats, they lost the popular vote, they lost the election. One wonders if one of their bullet points for the stolen election accucastions in Florida may also has vannished. I was listening to a certain loud mouth 610 guy who took a caller who said that losts of independent parties including the NYC times counted the votes and came up for more for Bush then Gore. He claimed that the exit polls couldn't be all wrong. Well, apperently they can be, and in addition Bush knocked one out of the park in FLorida.

The democrats will have four years to figure out what went wrong. Was the MTV Vote or Die move a waste of time? Did they back the wrong horse bringing Kerry out? I am not sure, but looking at the popular vote one wonders if putting the most liberal man in the Senate in the race was the right way to get to moderates. Even John Edwards couldn't win his own state, and Kerry actually was out performed by Al Gore 4 years ago. Is is possible that Bush wasn't as hated as we thought? Again..I am not sure.

Now, before I wrap this up I would like to thank Drew for John Kerry week a few weeks ago. It was very informative and a class act. In fact I don't hate Kerry voters, or think they are dumb. I don't think the doomsday painted for the US will happen. TERMINUS is clearly pretty much in agreement that the draft will happen soon, and Lima Beanz wonders if the draft will last shy of a decade to draft his son.

I don't see prayer in school coming back, just because Bush wouldn't want to divide the country even more. I also don't even think all the republicans would even be in favor of that. I don't think abortion will be over turned. I also dont think there will be a draft. I do hope Bush pushes through the healthcare plan he had to have small businesses band together for cheaper rates.

In fact I will let the next 4 years unfold, and whoever the first 3 commenters that disagree with them dinner if any of those 3 become a reality. The worse thing for Kerry people will hope that they are wrong about being draft etc. I feel for people who voted for Kerry, because I am sure that people who voted John Kerry because of how much emotion was put into this election.

Its November 3rd now we have to understand that we are all Americans. In reality there has to be a different voice out there we don't hear from at that much in order to shoot Bush to such a large win in the popular vote.

So, thats it the ride is over. The race is done. No more hype. No more questions just moving forward. What wild ride. I will remember this race for the rest of my life and certainly tell my nephew about it.

Now Bush has to try to unite America again, and hopefully everyone can get behind him and move on.

***note to readers*** I have included John Kerry's speech from today in the comments section. Also Drew I will buy you a beer the next time we go out. Not to drown your sorrows in. But, out of respect and hope that this didn't really shatter your will to stand up for what you beileve in. Drew you are one of the most passionate people I have ever met about politics and I would hate for you give up on doing what you are doing. You have a huge following on your blog, and the potential I feel to become a big name blogger one day. In the next election stuff like that will play an even larger role. Hold on to your hope for this country Drew. Take pride in making a difference. The democrats have plenty of time to get on the same page.

Hey only 1,460 days to the GENERAL ELECTION! Hey why even bother putting the Tucker's World hype machine at all?

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

*********ELECTION NIGHT**************


Well okay I put it off and for some good reasons, and at some very bad reasons.

I had to make a decision about how I was going to run Tucker's World during the campaign. What I realized this year is to have a much better political conversation with someone no matter where they stand is to put a topic in the air and look at both sides. I don't usually start the conversation with I THINK BLAH,BLAH,BLAH. I usually start with..what do you think. I get a feel for where they stand on the issues and take it from there. I figured I would try to make fun of the election that wasn't all that funny.

Maybe I was a little to easy on Bush, but most of my readers read TERMINUS, so why beat a dead horse? I did question John Kerry quite a lot on here, and that happened after I realized that many of the people I talked to couldn't give me one thing they liked about John Kerry or even tell me how he was going to fix most of our problems. Not to say they were all uneducated. I just wanted people talking about it.

Well let me just say that I backed out of an making it clear this weekend, because I realized. I am not going to sway anyone's vote. To be honest I am sure some of my readers would have just called me nasty names and attacked me. Yeah, Lima Beanz you are right. It was no secret towards the end anyway. Although, I have had readers tell me they didn't have a clue who I was voting for. Also, most people at work from the way I discuss politics with naturally assumed I was voting for Kerry. Although, I tried to convince someone I was voting for Nader today.

The thing of it is, I didn't make up my mind till about over a month ago. Towards the end it was between Bush and no one at all. At the end of the day, I just wasn't sold on John Kerry. He had better music, and lots of promises, but I didn't buy that he would MAKE A STRONGER THE US. I honestly, think he is totally underestimating how easy it will be to fix the nations problems. If he wins tonight I highly doubt that the terrorists are going to stop what they are doing, and everyone will want to help us with the mess in Iraq.

The war In Afganistian (sp?) was sadly over looked, and I think it was a much larger success than people give credit for. Hell, they actually had elections there. Do I agree with the war in Iraq? For some reasons I do, but not entirely. In the comments section below I will give you list of quotes from others who thought there were WMDs too. In fact given all the confusion who really knows if there were some at one point.

I am not going to make this a long story, because clearly I stand where I stand. The majority of my readers are Kerry voters. So, I must be the only blogger in the world who has the majority of his readers disagreeing with him. Think about that. Most blogs are read by people who nod their heads and say...yeah..That's right.

The sad thing is even though I knew in my heart who I was voting for I wasn't looking forward to saying so on here. Considering I know of only one of my readers (god knows who half the mystery posters even are) for a fact voted for Bush. But really what difference would it have made but to have hate projected towards me? I might even lose some of my new readers which I really hope not, because I consider most of them my friends. I get it a lot when it comes to my worldly views. Most people think those views don't even fit my personality and are shocked to hear where I usually lean.

As I am writing this Dan K asked me how anyone could actually think John Kerry to run this country. The fact is not everyone that votes for Bush is an idiot or rich. So, please I can think of tons of people that are middle class that are voting for Bush. I even know a handful of democrats that are voting for Bush. Today a friend at work told me he was democrat and read a lot about the race, and told me he is voting for Bush because he just doesn't think Kerry is up to the war on terror.

Now, I respect every ones views on my blog. I will never call anyone names that disagree with me. Sadly, I am rarely given to the same respect when I speak my mind. Usually, slandered and called nasty names for people who supposedly love freedom of speech. I had a friend at work that I have been talking about the election almost non-stop for several months. He actually was disappointed in me for voting for Bush. Telling how disappointed it was that I was going to vote for Bush, given how in formed I am.

I just think that Kerry is mostly all style. He will win this election based on all the MTV watchers who know very little and think that we will be drafted if Bush wins. They let Kerry's wife get away with the lie that we would "Catch" Bin Laden a week before Nov2. It was a bold faced lie based on nothing. Sadly, NO ONE called her on that.

I gave Kerry a good chance, but I never was fully sold. I can go on and on. If Kerry thinks we need more people in Iraq...How will HE DO IT WITH OUT DRAFTING YOU? He keeps saying he has a plan. Sometimes citing you have to wait till January to hear what it is.

I really fear Kerry thinks its an easy fix..It isn't.

Now I have heard so many nasty things about the Bush. That's fine. No problem with that. However, there are many people that are close to me and important in my life that did vote for Bush. They aren't even close to all the nasty things that are said about being a Bush supporter. In fact some of them are some of the best people I have ever met. I respect peoples views. I am not a bigot, I am not against minorities, and I don't think anyone voting for Kerry is dumb, un-American, or bad people.

You can't change my mind I can't change yours. We can talk about stuff all we want, but the bottom line at the end of the day. I voted for Bush. I could endorse him, but who would listen? I am not in that business its up to you to make up your own mind and vote. That's what makes America great. Hopefully, you people will continue to read my blog and respect my views.

Thanks for reading and following the wild election ride. Sorry for the delay in this post. Keep reading and thanks again for supporting Tucker's World.

Monday, November 01, 2004


Well, I just had to relax for a bit. Well this is it my friends, today it the day we have been all counting down to. Some of you might be reading this before you go to bed and will vote first think in the morning. I have a friend who never voted before that i making a point to get up at the butt-crack of dawn and vote. It's going to be a wild finnish to a wild long memorable, history in the making ride. I am voting after work most likely, unless I happen to get up early for some reason. Considering the states won't be called till at least 8 I won't miss too much but hype and spin. My prediction at this point is that it will be John Kerry by a much larger margin than anyone would have expected. Be careful out there tomorrow people...enjoy voting and please check in on my blog with stories at the polls. I want to know whats going on out there. I will try to update my blog through out the night. So, click back if you have time. I want to see if can be one of the first bloggers to declare the winner. Again, I am saying Kerry is going to win, by a big enough margin that we should know it when we go to sleep tonight. Of course, I am not anpert.


JOHN KERRY JOHN KERRY JOHN KERRY JOHN KERGeorge BUSH! RY JOHN KERRY JOHN KERRY vote or die!!!! BUSH..BUSH BUSH..4 more YEARS! WE WILL HOPE IS ON THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!STRONGER AMERICA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Flip-flopper!!!!!!!!!!!! Draft dodger.....IRAQ...OSAMA TAPES...FLIP FLOPPER....KERRY voting for stuff before he voted against it....KERRY saying well it depends on the outcome about if he would have done something....Micheal Moore's movie ......pulling troops out of Iraq.......people with kerry edwards signs at the intersection of haddon ave and cuthbert blvd wanting me to honk my horn...images..images......muddslingging I have election over load...too much media propaganda..too many many signs...too many talking heads im...freaking out loyal freaking out TUCKERS WORLD's HYPO-METER has broken.....................where are my cicada friends? did they go under ground for 17 years when I was paying attention to this election./...where are the cicadas? WHEEEEEEEEEEEEERE are they?

"What I Learned"

:::cue up childrens music:::

Okay, kids here is some stuff that I learened during the race for the white house.

1. If you are the front runner for the democratic candidate for president. Don't scream like a crazy guy.

2. If you opponent is in the middle of farm country holding an ear of corn looking like a jack-ass. You imedately have to stand in the middle of farm country and hold an ear of corn and loko like a jack-ass.

3. Because, John Kerry served in Vietnam, and we should listen to everyone who served in Veitnam, unless they don't like John Kerry.

4. Rock Stars LOVE Kerry.

5. MTV thinks we should vote for Kerry or we will all die.

6. Bush thinks lots of stuff are funny. He kept laughing in the 3rd election.

7. Curt Schilling LOVES Bush

8. Osama HATES Bush

9. Osama LOVES Micheal Moore's movie.

10. Sean "P Diddy"Combs really wants us to vote.

11. Both sides are getting down in dirty to try to sway the election.

12. Younger voters will believe anything you tell them.

13. Kerry Really thinks Hope is on the way.

14. If we found WMDs by now people would be like John ..Who?
15. Bush thinks we will be hit again if Kerry wins and we will all be eaten by wolves. Kerry thinks if we vote for Bush we will all be drafted and attack Iran. ***note to readers Liza's dog looks like a wolf and tries to chew my hand off everytime I go over her house. ***

Sunday, October 31, 2004

"Monster Mash"

I was working in the lab late one night When my eyes beheld an eerie sight For my monster from his slab began to rise And suddenly to my surprise He did the mash He did the monster mash The monster mash It was a graveyard smash He did the mash It caught on in a flash He did the mash He did the monster mash
>From my laboratory in the castle east To the master bedroom where the vampires feast The ghouls all came from their humble abodes To get a jolt from my electrodes
They did the mash They did the monster mash The monster mash It was a graveyard smash They did the mash It caught on in a flash They did the mash They did the monster mash

The zombies were having fun The party had just begun The guests included Wolf Man Dracula and his son The scene was rockin', all were digging the sounds Igor on chains, backed by his baying hounds The coffin-bangers were about to arrive With their vocal group, "The Crypt-Kicker Five" They played the mash They played the monster mash The monster mash It was a graveyard smash
They played the mash It caught on in a flash They played the mash They played the monster mash Out from his coffin, Drac's voice did ring Seems he was troubled by just one thing He opened the lid and shook his fist And said, "Whatever happened to my Transylvania twist?"

It's now the mash It's now the monster mash The monster mash And it's a graveyard smash It's now the mash It's caught on in a flash It's now the mash It's now the monster mash Now everything's cool, Drac's a part of the band And my monster mash is the hit of the land For you, the living, this mash was meant too When you get to my door, tell them Boris sent you Then you can mash Then you can monster mash The monster mash And do my graveyard smash Then you can mash You'll catch on in a flash Then you can mash Then you can monster mash

"Weird U.S." (Tonight at 10:30 pm! on the History Channel)

Well you might have thought this was going to be about the election based on the title. Perhaps how "weird" it is that these two guys are the "best" men for the job out of the entire population of the U.S. Well it isn't.

Well most my readers know I am big fan of the local publication WEIRD N.J. in fact I have brought issues out for my friends to read on many occassions. I know some of my readers even read it on their own. Anyway, if you don't know what the magazine is about its out twice a year Oct, and May it talks about strange roads, legands, folklore, abandoned wharehouses, places where the NJ devil supposedly lives, UFO sightings of the the years, midgets, and freaks that live in the woods and mess with people.

Honestly, I don't believe half of what I read. However, its fun to see how the legends get the changed, and different people debunk of confirm the stories. They magazine is really interseting and a even people that don't think ALIENS have shown up yet can get something out of it. They show road side oddites like robots made of junk, big statues, bizarre sayings written on trees, and they even wrote a great (and freaky) article about a cold case of a missing girl years ago. The case is now reopened despite still not knowing if who or why she was killed, but the details around it are crazy.

Anyway, to get to the point the two guys who started out (they also have a book) are doing a spin-off book WEIRD U.S. ,a nd they were asked to film a special for the History Channel that will air tonight at 10 30 pm est.

If the show goes over well, it will become a series. Good for them! Although, I am worried that it will lose its NJ appeal, they assure their fans that WEIRD NJ will still be around.

In the newest issue (now at newstands) people might be saddened to hear that The Swampman or "Swampy" the man who roamed around in the creek in woods near the Deptford Mall, was arrested after attacking someone. The police said he was believed to be living in the woods bettween 10-2o years.

He was sent to ancora and the incident was even in the newspapers I am told. So, don't bother looking in the woods by the mall anymore for "Swampy" because, he is gone. I feel cheated that I never got to see him. They said he wore several layers of clothes, and attached pieces of trash to his body and ate out of dumpsters by the mall.

So, don't forget to tune into Weird US tonight at 10 30 on the History Channel!
Poor Swampy....

Saturday, October 30, 2004

" 3 Day BLITZ!"

3 simple days left....who do you think will win and why?

Simple question.

ENJOY THE HYPE, HATE ADs and PEOPLE SCREAMING AT EACH OTHER for the next 72 hours or so.

Bask in it my friend, beause this is the 3-day blitz.

"Bush Bashers Gone Wild!"

Its amazing how few people know that this even happened. A few months back Drew wrote on TERMINUS (too lazy to use the URL) in article called "Typical Republican Behavior" he wrote about how republicans are more likely to become really voilent and I guess just plain mean towards people who didn't vote their way.

I begged to differ.

I am sure so would Catherine Harris who almost met the reaper at the hands of a man who I would doubt has Bush sign on his lawn. Well just check here.

"Look Who is Back!"

Hey, just in time for Halloween Osama Bid Laden is back making tapes and telling us why we are all going to die. Experts say that they can tell its a new video because of his reference to recent events such as Dan K's wedding (hey I never blogged about that...mental note), Boston Red Sox winning, the NHL locktout and the Eagles 5-0 record.

Okay, he didn't talk about all that stuff thought I would lighten the moode. Jeesh, just when you thought this election couldn't get any more nasty, darker or depressing. Now don't take this the wrong way, but do you think Osama has seen Micheal Moore's film? I uses some of Moore's most burning jabs as talking points. Not to say he is getting his info from there, but perhaps he knew where to hit.

Political experts with fancy degrees on their walls have said this will benefit President Bush (Mr. Bush to you ABC news viewers) in the pending election. I have a meaningless degree that is lost in my room somewhere. I am not sure, if there were any undecided voters out there (I know a few actually) then I am sure that this could easily sway them to vote for Kerry just as easily. Osama paints Bush as arrogant, greedy and on the same level of his pals in the middle east.

On the other hand John Kerry's comments about going back to when terrorism was just a nusance might just come back to hurt him. You know the good old days when people just got killed over seas and when we could collectively forget attacks like the '93 WTC attack and get back to are lives and stuff. Oh, once in awhile people like those on the USS Cole would be attacked, but that was just annoying too. Just like hookers and gambling, right?

Anyway, even still I don't see this swinging into Bush's favor. If Kerry's camp really do they might try to spin it. Saying that the released the tape this late to try to change the out come of the election. If Kerry says this you know he is officially shaking in his boots. Kerry as far as I know has just jib- jabbed at Bush saying that the fact that Osama is alive and free and making tapes proves Bush is failure when it comes to protecting our nation.

As a service to my readers all 4 of them I will provide you with the chilling transcript left by the terrorist mastermind. Well it will make my article really long and many people stop reading, but heck I am saving you the trouble of actually googgling the for it, Right?

In this verision it includes a few "news readers" that might shed some more light on what he is saying.

Newsreader: A new message from Bin Laden to the American people about the reasons and resulats of the 9/11 attacks.

Newsreader 2: The head of AL Qaeda says the continuation of us policy will lead to the repetition of what happened.

Male presenter: The head of AL Qaeda organization directed a message to the American people and this video and audio apearence in this tape which Jezeera required for the first time for two years. In the beginning of his message, he spoke about the reasons why they chose the US to execute 9/11..

OBL: You American people, my speech to you is the best way to avoid another conflict about the war and its reasons and results. I am telling you security is an important pillar of human life. And free people don't let go of their security contrary to Bush's claims that we hate freedom. He should tell us why we didn't hit Sweden for instance. Its known that those who hate freedom don't have dignified the 19 who were blessed. But we fought you because we are free people, we don't sleep on our oppression. We want to regain the freedom of our Muslim nation as you spill our security, we spill your security.

Female presenter: Bin Laden spoke for the first time about the main reasons he thought of executing Sept 11 attacks, confirming that the Israeli operation in Lebanon was the first incident where he thought of it.

OBL: I am so surprised by you. Although we are in the fourth year after the events of sept 11, Bush is still practicing distortion and misleading on you, and obscuring the main reasons and therefore the reasons are still existing to repeat what happened before. I will tell you the reasons behind theses incidents. I will be honest with you on the moment when the decision was taken to understand. We never thought of hitting the towers. But after we were so fed up, and we saw the oppression of the American Israeli coalition on our people in Palestine and Lebanon, it came to my mind and the incidents that really touched me directly goes back to 1982 and the following incidents. When the US permitted the Israelis to invade Lebanon with the assistance of the 6th fleet. In these hard moments, it occurred to me so many meanings I cant explain but it resulted in a general feeling of rejecting oppression and gave me a hard determination to punish the oppressors. While I was looking at the destroyed towers in Lebanon, it came to my mind to punish the oppressor the same way and destroy towers in the US to get a taste of what they tasted, and quit killing our children and women.

Male presenter: Bin Laden considered in his message that the results of Sept 11 were successful in his opinion and as a reason of that, he said that the similarity between the administration of Bush the father and the arab regimes said Bush learned so much from them during his visits.

OBL: We didn't find difficulty dealing with Bush and his administration due to the similarity of his regime and the regims in our countries. Whish half of them are ruled by military and the other half by sons of kings and presidents and our experience with them is long. Both parties are arrogant and stubborn and the greediness and taking money without right and that similarity appeared during the visits of Bush to the region while people from our side were impressed by the US and hoped that these visits would influence our countries. Here he is being influenced by these regimes, Royal and military. And was feeling jealous they were staying for decades in power stealing the nations finances without anybody overseeing them. So he transferred the oppression of freedom and tyranny to his son and they call it th e Patriot Law to fight terrorism. He was bright in putting his sons as governors in states and he didn't forget to transfer his experience from the rulers of our region to Florida to falsify elections to benefit from it in critical times.

Female Presenter: Bin Laden considered the way Bush dealt with the first moments of Sept. 11, giving a good chance to the executors of Sept. 11 to complete it.

OBL: We agreed with Mohamed Atta, god bless him, to execute the whole operation in 20 minutes. Before Bush and his administration would pay attention and we never thought that the high commander of the US armies would leave 50 thousand of his citizens in both towers to face the horrors by themselves when they most needed him because it seemed to distract his attention from listening to the girl telling him about her goat butting was more important than paying attention to airplanes butting the towers which gave us three times the time to execute the operation thank god.

Male presenter: the final part of the message is that the security of the Americans depends on the policy that they execute despite the winner of the elections. OBL: Your security is not in the hands of Kerry or Bush or Al Qaeda. Your security is in your hands. Each state that doenst mess with our security has automatically secured their security.

Female Presenter: In Bin Laden's message he approached other points. He pointed to the contradiction which considers oppression and killing of innocents a legal act. They formed an international law as bush the father did with the children of iraq according to bin laden. Bin Laden pointed to the millions of pounds of explosives dropped on Iraqi children as bush his son had done, as he said to remove an old agent and install a new agent to help instealing the oil of iraq. And bin laden said the events of 9/11 came as an answer to this oppression and said that if the answer to this oppression is considered bad terror, then we need to do it. And he stressed that he wants to deliver this message to the Americans in words and in deeds since the 9/11 events. He reminded Americans of a few warning messages through various news media like Time Magazine and CNN and other Arab and correspondents since 1996. He warned them of the conswquences of their countries policies. He talked abou t the damage Sept 11 caused the US economy and that it cost close to a trillion dollars. He talked about President Bush and that the emergency law requires more money.

Friday, October 29, 2004

"Rats, Locked Out Again"

So, since there is no hockey the close I have come to see any NHL action is via the Playstation Game Liza got my for my b-day. NOw I don't have a system so I have to play it when I am over Lizas house which works out fine if she has school work to do or whatever.

Anyway, I have been telling everyone how great this game is. The season mode is great you can look at the Phantoms statics, keep 3 people as scrathes, and move other to the minors so when you use them they are better players.

There is also a gameroom where you can play hockey trivia, air hockey or bar shuffle board. In addition to those, you can unlock jerseys and old team including the '87 Flyers. I haven't figured out how do this yet, but I am sure its cool.

The gameplay rocks the players can use their skates when pinned against the boards, the goalies are the most realistic I have ever seen as far as moves. The game is played like an ESPN broadcast. Gary Thorne and Bill Clementon call the game. Aside from the fact they seem to think the Flyers still play at the Frist Union Center it is pretty well done.

Anyway, I started a season. With all the feature of injuries, minor leaguers, and what not its quite fun to play the coach and try to get lines to score and win more games. In fact the players on waviers or listed as free agents are impressive. They even have Mark Greig who was mainly a Phantom, every time I flip through his picture he looks all sad.

"I just want to be a Phantom again!"

Anway I was 5-2 and about to face off against the Habs who had almost the same record. It was going to be a great matchup! Sadly when I tried to load that game, the screen just kept saying loading and the music kept looping. Convinced I had a smudge on the disc I removed it and looked at it. Not the case. I tried restarting a few times. No luck.

So, like a nerd I googled it. Found some video game geek message boards, and found to my horror that my season like the real one was likely to be once ice for ever. Apperently, the game has a bug in the Season or franchise mode that if you end up with more than 3 injuries (I did) the game just shuts down and never loads again with in the season. Especailly if the other team you are about to play have people hurt. So, the season was lost, because of lazy programers.

Now I have started the season all over again, and lost the first two games.

Just be warned anyone who buys this game. I think the only way to fix it, is to play the season with no injuries which sucks. Hopefully that is THE ONLY bug that will keep my season from locking up.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

"3 More Reasons Kerry Will Win"

Okay most these polls are all over the map. So, lets look at this logically. Okay, lets at least talk about these 3 things standing in the way of Bush's relection.

1. Did you know that 7 percent of all Americans have a cell phone, but not a land phone? Well its true, at least that what I read recently. Now I am guessing these are mainly 30 and under people. Who are likely to vote for Kerry. The kicker is that very few if not none at all were included in any of the polls. That alone could shift the results.

2. You would think people would rally around a wartime president more, right? Well clearly not in this election. Look what happened to his father back in '92. A hell of a lot more people supported that Iraq war than this one. Still Bush the father lost. So, how you could his son win if his father lost even though he pretty much won that war?

3. I really don't see Bush taking the Keystone state at all. He has a lot of people pulling for him in the state. Also, I think he could lose Florida too. Although, unless it is a wide margin it could get sticky again. Well the last election there was so neck and neck. However, I would imagine he lost more votes than won votes in four year. Plus you have the people who voted for him and are miffed at him. Lets all them the Jenna voters. Nothing personal Jenna, I just want to create a cool buzz word for the election. So, the Jenna voters will swing this state in Kerry's favor.

Do you guys actually see any holes in my theories?

Barely over 5 days left to go..well to the election anyway. Actually know who our next president in...well that could come sometime around the next time we see an NHL game.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


5 Days Left

The missing weapons story seems to have more and more twists to it. Like a Stephen King book the story keeps getting more complex. Now it appears that the Russians are involved here. Check here for details. Now I took some heat for my last post. Can I ask the question now..does THIS change anything?

I recall two things leading up to the war in Iraq. Ed telling me that France and Russia didn't realyl "care" too much about the war in Iraq. He claimed that the two countries would benefit from keeping Saddam in power. I am not going to get into that whole thing(unless I can better research it and actually have time) and sadly Ed is still out in desert training. I talked to him the other day and he has no e-mail access at all! What stinker no Ed for blog writing up to the election! For those of you that care he will be home to cast his vote on Nov,2.

Anyway, the 2nd thing I recall was someone I am close friends with here (we all know his name, but I am paranoid about typing it) was in Iraq in early 2003 when the war started. He had told me one time when I asked him about the WMDs that it was common knowledge among people he talked to that "Stuff" was moved to Syria. Not to say that is where the WMDs went, but that isn't impossible. However, this story seems to gel with the stories I heard from my friend and a few others that were over there about weapons being moved to Syria. Remember everyone kept saying we were going to invade Syria over a year ago? When I have time I will see if Drew, or I blogged about it.

Is this Bush's October suprise that we have been hearing so much about?

5 Days to the general election, but does it really matter the Red Sox has won the world Series the world is likely to end sometime tomorrow.

This weekend Tucker's World will announce it's official edorsement.

"Michael Moore Is Dead!"

About a year ago (don't ask me why please) I had this vivid dream that Star Trek stary Leonard Nimoy died after a long battle with cancer. I was news footage of him and even some of his co-stars talking about his death and his brave battle with cancer.

So, I was shocked, because apparently Dr. Spock had cancer for almost a year and finally lost his fight. I was so confused when I woke up that I could not figure out if he was dead or not. I picked up the papers really quick before work and couldn't find anything. So, I was thinking maybe I heard the story right before bed.

I was embarrassed to ask anyone at work. So, I snuck a text message to Lima Beanz asking if he had died or if it was dream. Thankfully, Beanz send me back a text that he was fine. I wonder if he questioned how strange a question that way.

Anyway the other night..the dream was. I wake up to hear my parents of cable news on as usual. Only to hear Michael Moore was found dead at his home! I was shocked! I picked up the paper (although I can never EVER read in my dreams which pisses me off) and his picture was in the type right corner. Hmm...

It seemed real. He had a heart attack, and I was shocked even with his weight problem. Bill Mahr was on tv crying...and I thought it was a real shame that he died before the election got here.

You might all think that I am so right that I would want him dead which is not true. In fact in my dream I wrote for my blog. Proving that I have a heart and that I am a total loser to dream about Tucker's World.

I basically wrote his death notice. I traced his rise from cult status, to big name after Bowling.. and how his last film made him officially made him a legend like it or not. I was saying he would be remembered in film history as one of the biggest name filmmakers of the modern era, and we were robbed not by not seeing his follow up. Okay, I don't agree with him all the time, but still as a film buff I like to see where people go in their careers and certainly don't want him to die.

I guess I should have figured it was s dream when the report was released that he like food so much he had a feed bag surgically attached to him so he could be constantly having food bumped into this back.

So, basically if Dr. Spock dies of cancer and Mr Moore dies of a heart attack..I am going to be really freaked out.

Anyone interested in my posting more of my dreams on here? Can anyone figure out why I would dream about the death of two famous people I deep down don't really care about ?

"That's Our New York Times!"

Well yesterday the news story that exploded all over (pun intended) the news and airwaves was the story was out there for awhile, but the NYC times really blew it up. Here is the Jist:

"The Iraqi interim government has warned the United States and international nuclear inspectors that nearly 380 tons of powerful conventional explosives - used to demolish buildings, make missile warheads and detonate nuclear weapons - are missing from one of Iraq's most sensitive former military installations.

The huge facility, called Al Qaqaa, was supposed to be under American military control but is now a no man's land, still picked over by looters as recently as Sunday. United Nations weapons inspectors had monitored the explosives for many years, but White House and Pentagon officials acknowledge that the explosives vanished sometime after the American-led invasion last year."
Anyway, come to find out on NBC news last night that their embeded reporters were with US troops when they got to the building. They said the weapons were gone already. Now you would think that the NYC times would. I don't follow up on the story. Shed light on the new facts brought to the table. Sadly, they didn't and suprisingly almost every other paper I picked up totally ignored the paper. Air America's Al Franklin acted as if the story didn't exist. He was still just slamming them for not protecting the weapons.

Before, you start saying, hey man stop watching Fox News, and listening to Rush. Let me make a pre-emptive strike on those shots that could be thrown at me. First off I listen to Air America between 12-3 if I can. Unless I am listening to 610 that is. Secondly, I wanted to write this last night when the story broke, and predict how the media would burry it. But, I thought I was over-reacting. So, I slept on it.

So, yeah it would seem the weapons were gone already when the troops got there. I expecte Drew on TERMINUS. To say listen we were excited about this..but its turning out to not be a slam dunk for Kerry. However, he goes on an slams Bush anyway. Doesn't mention anything about NBC in the entire report.
Okay, so the timeline might be made up. But why not ask. Why if this is such an important story was CBS planning to sit on it till the day before the election? Could it be that there would be no time to spin or even get the truth out there? Ask Micheal Moore likes to say.."What was going on here?".

I don't know. However would it have killed the NYC times or other medias to mention. Hey NBC said something makes the story that we drilled into your brains for a long time..well a completely different story. I figured papers and media outlets would draw lines in the sand for this election, however I didn't think that objective journalism would dislove like sugar in un-sweatened tea.

Drew ponders what happened. I don't claim to have all the answers, but if Iraqis could loot and take it there with "not enough" soliders around to stop them. I am sure they would have no problems with no one around moving it getting ready for that war an all.

Also, please when will the general public just admit that the NYC times is just the Fox News of the left?