Saturday, May 28, 2005

"Tucker's Drunk Friends"

It seems that I am cursed with drawling the drunk wierdo people to me when I go out with my friends.

Just last night, some old guy up at Sharkey's kept asking me if I thought he could kick the ass of rather large man sitting on the other side of the bar. THe rather large man was a guy I went to High School with, and he is roughly the size of Camden County.

Later that night he drunkenly came over to his arm around Jason and me and slurred his words and went on about the three of us trying to take on the large man. Thankfully his wife or whoever she was made him leave.

Later that night a guy came up to me and put his arms all around me asking if I used to drive a blue escort. I did for a few years back in highschool and my first semester of college. Now I had no idea who this guy was, but he clearly knew me. Apperently, he graduated a year after me at the same school. He either always wanted to kick my ass, or wanted me in gay. Judging by the way he drapped his drunken arms on me. Akwardly embracing me.

A few years back Steve and I were at the Wick on THanksgiving. Wow, that sounds really sad when I type it. Anyway I had to break the seal so I went to the restroom. There was a dude already in there pissing in the urnial next to the one that I would use. Steve came in, because I guess he had to go to. I saw him come in the door and since it was a small bathroom.

I said" THeres no room"

Now this really bugged out the stranger pissing next to me. You would have thought I had just told him how he was going to die. He started bugging out.

"What man?!?!" No room?"

When Steve got in there. THe guy told him "Your friend is wierd man"

We left that place, and he was just looking at me saying. What do you mean no room?

Oh, Liza, her friend Megan and boyfriend were at Barons one night. This guy sat next to me, and kept telling me how he was going to go out and dance. He also kept asking if Liza and Megan "hated" him. LIkely because, they didnt want to make eye contact. THen he moved over adn sat net to me and shook my hand. Most of what he was saying was unable to be understood any sober person.

Also, this large 6 foot rabbit named Harvey that follows me all around town...

Thursday, May 26, 2005

"Philly Bans Smoking"

Its offical, well really a matter of time till it kicks in. Check it out.

Oh, sorry about the missing joke of the week. Look for a double header this hoilday weekend! I just crashed the night that I usually post that. Also, is anyone else sick of this weather? Its rained everyday since SUnday. This is what I like to call Dan K weather. Wet, Dark, Windy, Cold. He has told me several times its his ideal weather.

Note: this post was supposed to be here on Thursday. Did anyone actually see it?

Monday, May 23, 2005

"Mid-June or Bust?"

Could the NHL's 2005-06 season's fate lie in the next few weeks? Perhaps according to ESPN, from what Bettman is saying.

"Swimming with Sharks"

The Camden aquarium has gone EXTREME. Check it out. I dare Mosco to swim with the sharks when he returns.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

"Summer Movie Files: 201--- Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

The final installment (production wise) of the Star Wars saga hit theaters this weekend. Now I didn't hold the first two prequel in the same regard as the original trilogy. In fact I thought Phantom was pretty bad, and Attack of the Clones although an improvement was far below the quality of the original films. Mainly, I felt the heart, characters, dialogue and the special effects were a huge let down. Even more importantly they were just entertaining while the others got emotionally involved in the story and lives of what a appeared on the screen.

Revenge of the Sith is hard to compare with the other films, because the tone is different. Its more a tragic tale than uplifting adventure. The story has few surprises, but sheds light on how Darth Vader came to be. So, its sort of hard to route for the hero of the first two films anymore, considering he is about to become a ruthless killer.

Revenge of the Sith gets off on shaky foot. With General Grievous, a character apparently fleshed out in the 30 minute cartoon released in between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. That was supposed to fill in some events. I understand he is hurt in a battle, and that is why he coughs. This is never explained in the film. So, the entire time I just figured in a Galaxy Far, Far Away, that there was also a shortage of flu shots once. He also is up there with Darth Mull as must over-hyped villains. I just think it doesn't really fit when everyone jumps all around and bounces off stuff like pinballs, then in the future the original series they fight a lot more like regular humans.

It's when action sequence to start the film ends that the film hits the ground running. Revenge of the Sith is good enough to make you ALMOST forgive Phantom Menace, and it better film than Attack of the Clones. We get to see "the chosen one" being pulled in both directions. Good or evil. It makes you appreciate attack of the clones a little more after seeing this.

The film pacts an emotional wallop. Although Empire Strikes Back was a dark film, Revenge of the Sith is filled with even more sadness. The other two films were just mindless entertainment. This story is actually involving.

We know there are only two Jedis by Star Wars, so expect some major violence. Hence the PG-13 rating.

The movie will never take up the same place in my heart that the original trilogy does. However, regardless its a great film, and lived up to its expectations in my book. The acting is an improvement, and yeah the love story is still forced, but it all comes full circle. I respect how the film didn't pull any punches. Although, the killing off an important character was pretty hooky.

The film lead up to the original quite nicely. In fact today like many I am sure I went and popped in the DVD of Star Wars. Yes, I refuse to call it a new hope.

Despite a few flaws, there is a lot of the film that stayed with me over a day after I saw the film. Which is always a good sign. They really bounced back with this one. Oh, and I find it odd after what Drew said. Since more than half the theater was clapping at the end of the film. I can't imagine everyone loathed the film at his screening and clapped at the one I went to.