Saturday, July 22, 2006

"No end in Sight"

The heat just wont stop...Record heat in LA, hot everywhere still!


Anonymous said...


It was 78 in Laurel Springs today.

Apparently you're living on a different planet than the rest of us, you stupid fuck.

Jenna said...

What day did it only get up to 78? Because, it started out chilly in Magnolia yesterday but once the sun came out was well over 80. I know Magnolia and Laurel Springs aren't the same town, but they are in the same climate.

Anonymous said...

Where did I say it got up to 78?

I simply said it was 78, which it was for a good part of the late morning and early afternoon. That's one hell of a heat wave! No end in sight! Conserve water! Oh no! The sky is falling!

I do know one thing, however. Hot or cold, rain or snow, Keith Hughes is a fucking retard.

Jenna said...

WOW! You really are giving Keith a lot of grief and yet you aren't man or woman enough to say who you are. It is probably because your life is absolutely miserable that you need to pick on Keith...for absolutely no reason. Way to go. Maybe you are too afraid to tell us who you are because you know that we could rip you new one knowing all of your little flaws.

Anonymous said...

yo yo

Anonymous said...

Figures, you would only see whats going on in a small little town. Not the big picture. Typical Right winger nut. It is going to be the hottest year ever. EVER!

Maybe you should go see Al Gore's movie insead watching Sean Hannity lie about whats really going on.

Gore in '08!

Anonymous said...

Let's all just leave that original anonymous alone so he/she can sit alone in the sandbox, crying because nobody is paying attention. [TL]

Anonymous said...

Hey look, my response was filtered.

Go Go Free Speech!

Unknown said...

This is a blog. We, as readers and commentators, are Keith's guests. We have no right to free speech here. Personally, I think Keith has been extremely patient with all of this nonsense.

keith said...

Exactly. I love it when people cry free speech and have no idea what it the true meaning of the concept is.

Anonymous said...

Enlighten me.

What is the true "meaning of the concept"?

You don't own this blog. Nothing about this is your property.