Tuesday, May 25, 2004

"Tucker on 610"

I was listening to the Steve and Mike show on 610 and decided to chime on the topic which was lack of Philly winners. I don't always listen to this show and sometimes they are cool, but other times they are idiots.

Anyway for the first time ever my phone call actually got through and I got on the air. I told them that falling short is harder for younger guys like me and my friends since we never saw a championship team and don't know how it feels to be a winner. We talked about that for a bit.

Then I said that the horse doesn't count. I don't which one (I can't tell their voices apart) starting going nuts. HE was saying that I should just have fun and be excited for the horse. At that point he turned into a Flyers vs Smarty Jones thing. Which wasn't my point. He said I should just get excited.

Before I could explain to him that I watch the first two races and was happy for Smarty I was either hung up on or my time ran out. So my point was never really made and I couldn't set him straight. He went on to tirade about me for a few minutes afterwards.

My point is I have had fun watching the horse race, but it still wouldn't count or make me feel what its like to be part of a winning fan base. First off I didn't know who the horse was till 3 days before the Derby so it is not like I grew up with the horse and taught about the horse like the other 4 teams when I was a kid. It is as if Smarty just appeared out of no where one day, and I don't think I would even talk about the triple crown much more than a few days after the fact. Where as if the other 4 teams won a championship I would be able to vividly tell my nephew about it when he is old enough to understand like older people tell us of the Phils, Flyers and Sixers winning teams. It is like I won't even bother telling him about Smarty. I doubt Jay and Jenna will tell Hunter about Smarty.

I mean it is like saying if sports team from one of the big 4 sports showed up randomly in South Philly two months ago I should be treat them as my own Feel the same way if won it all like it was my team. No way Smarty getting the triple crown will make finally understand what it is like to have a championship team. If the wings and phantoms don't count the horse sure as hell shouldn't.

What about the Soul? I could careless about them, but I bet you I would watch if it only took up 2 minutes of my Saturday to follow the team. I mean Smarty is cool and all and fun to watch race, but the fun only lasts a few seconds. Between races what is there to talk about? It's just one horse that runs around in a circle. Some of the articles on the race and his shot at winning again are just pure fluff. The four teams you follow their journey from the start and go through the playoffs with them.

I want Smarty to win. However I think it's lack of championship teams that have made this area embrace this horse as much as we did. Had the Eagles won the Super Bowl I doubt we would even care about that horse. Just because I rank smarty winning no where near a major sports team winning doesn't mean I don't want him to win or let the Flyers ruin my fun.

What a bunch of tools. Figures first time I get on the air and I get ripped a new one, although the 2nd guy kind of stood up for me. Maybe I should have just popped in my Big Fantastic CD instead.

Has anyone else ever got on to a talk radio show?

Also how about rating what the team means to you in order.

Tuckers Sports List:
Flyers (live and die by)

Phillies ( If I watch a whole game I really must have time to kill. I however do keep on the team on daily basis.)

Eagles ( I hate the stupidity of their fans and it almost makes me want to root against them)

Sixers (Meh I will jump on the band wagon if they make the final four. I like to read the AI dirt in the Daily News).


Jason said...

Phillies-number one with a bullet
Eagles-I root for them and would celebrate an Eagles vicotry but I still consider myself a Redskins fan, although that is lessening and the Eagles fan is growing, I also loathe most Eagles fans
Smarty Jones is behind practgically every other sport and non-sport out there, it is exciting but it is still a fucking horse.

Unknown said...

I got on the air at 610 both times I tried to call. The first time you probably remember, when I called up late one night shortly before the invasion of Iraq started. I guess that would have been March of '03.

Then a couple of weeks ago I called up to lend my legal expertise (ha!) to the Jason Williams verdict discussion.

Now, I've never tried to call 1210, but I've often thought about it. If that ever happens, I'll definitely post it on Terminus.