Friday, January 28, 2005

"Silent Pucks"

Here's the lastest on the lockout.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

"Dark Days of Echelon"

Well I figured the months after the holiday season would be telling one for the future of the Echelon mall.

Well I have been there a few times since the holiday season past, and you could hear a pin drop. The one day the building was almost totally void of any customer traffic. All I saw was vast emptiness and could hear my foot steeps echo across the empty shopping mall.

THere hasn't been a post holiday mass exit. However, rumors are still floating around that the Cinnabun is leaving and one of those girlie stores I never went into has closed its doors. The only new store in the mall by my estimate in the last 2 years was the Mens Mart. Some nice stuff, but I always feel like the workers (and I assume owners) that stand around in there are always really nice to me. However, I just feel like if I don't buy something there the entire family will be out on the streets.

The only changes that PREIT seems to have done in order to get readying for the awakening at this point is the different displays they put up in their dozens of empty store fronts telling you to go to the foodcourt where there are still some stores. An entire wing of the malls only purpose at this point is to let old people walk around. Or local blog writers to investigate for any new developments.

So, if you go to mall enjoy your time in you store of choice, because it might be your last trip there. Also stop by the dollar store, because they play Russian music really loud. Its very absurd to have pop Russian music play there all the time and good for a laugh. Also there seem to be lots of kids that work there even during hours when you would think they would be in school or something.

Wish PREIT would just get their butts in gear sometime before 2020.

Monday, January 24, 2005

"Philly Birds of Prey"

Well for the first time since I was younger than Hunter (does it even really count?) the Eagles are going to the Superbowl. Now for my age group the very concept of the Eagles being in the Superbowl is a mind blower. I accepted over the years, that the Superbowl was something that happened after the Eagles were eliminated. Certainly not a game that had anything to do with the team that played in Philly. So Superbowl Sunday was almost like a holiday for some sort.

We stay up some what late, have a lot of stories to exchange the next day. Mainly it was about breaking out John Madden, eating lots of good food(Ryans family used make me gain about 6 lbs every year), and watch,,,um commericals. Unless someone had money on it, or was one of those sickos that rooted for an outsider team no one cared who won or lost. This year we find out if the curse of Willy Penn will be lifted. Wh ich makes it a a SUPER bowl indead.

"Son of Monster Storm?"

An inch of so of snow tonight. Some more chances of a little dustings this week. More importantly something big might be brewing this weekend. Could be rain to melt the snow, could be nothing, could be a little snow and there is a fair chance it could be a repeat of this weekends storm! Looks like there might be a sequel on the way. Sorry, Hunter no days at the playground anytime soon. You can always make snowcrewmen. Point your mouse clickers here readers.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

"Two Good Days in CBA Hell"

The two side for the NHL lockout met this past week. Well sort of. They banned Bettman and Goodenow from the meetings. They really wanted to make the talks more friendly so they hung out in an airport lounge the first day. Clearly, there are people on both sides that are starting to piss themselves since they realized that the general public either has moved on with their lives or hasn't yet noticed there is no hockey. Bill Daly was there for the NHL owners, and Trevor Linden was there for the players. Nice of them to finally get around to doing this around the time the ALL- Star game should have been played.

Supposedly, there is a scheudule made up of as many as 37 games and as few as 24 in case things get worked out. There might be times when the teams could play 3 games in 4 nights. The players said they would be ready to go if things got together that quick.

However, having a meeting without the big guys there isn't likely to move either side anywhere. Sadly, I think just as much came out of the talk Duke and I had about the lockout at SHarkeys a few weeks ago than what came out of their friendly meeting. Maybe, when both sides finally run out of money they might actually give a damn about the game.

Check this out for more details.