Thursday, June 12, 2003

"Tell the Parents"

Okay I have known about Jenna’s pregnancy for longer than everyone. I was already to post about it so my readers would have something shocking to read about. However, Jenna told me that it would be a good idea to wait a few weeks. She wanted to make sure they were past a certain stage of the pregnancy. I did that, but I never posted. Mainly because Jay (lima beanz) had yet to tell his parents, and believe me I had some great insight. Months and months later Jenna was the first to blog about it.

Slowly but surely (okay not so slowly) word spread. Some even figured it out on their own, and mostly everyone found out at by my graduation party. However, he has yet to tell his parents (unless he broke down tonight but I doubt it).

I understand I might have some outside readers on this one. So I let me sum up a few things. Jenna is easily my closet female friend, and the two of us have been through a lot with each other. I can’t imagine being able to maintain my current relationship if I didn’t have a female friend like her over the years to make light of my many years of romantic misadventures and wounded egos from girls who dicked me. She usually made me end up laughing at being jerked around by girl so I wouldn’t let it get to me. She made me a better person for Liza (my girlfriend).

Jenna and I for many summers were always together sparking rumors (mainly from our parents) that we were secretly in love with one another. Jenna was always popular with the guys heck she’s an attractive girl and has a great personality. However, she decided around this past Christmas that she would rather be on again for the long term with her on again off again love interest LIMA BEANZ. Which I have posted about several times. Lima Beanz and I have had our differences over the years, but it has mostly mellowed over time.

Okay now obviously all the precautions were not taken to prevent the pregnancy or else we wouldn’t be talking about it would we? However, the time to blame anyone has passed. Stuff like who should have taken what pill or who should have used a condom that didn’t expire before Clinton left office . The reality it the decision was made to spare this child’s life thankfully. It certainly isn’t “Baby Beenzie’s” fault his parents got caught up in a wild moment of passion.

Okay I will admit since we both ended up getting into relationships at the same time, our friendship kind of changed. We simply don’t have much one on one time together aside from at work (we both a crappy retail job) but I have tried to make her feel better when ever I could. I know she gets support from her family so for the most part I serve as comedy relief for her. Everyone needs to laugh right? I even told her I would go to her doctor visits with her if Lima Beanz could not attend early on. Thankfully he did.

Jay’s parents likely have no idea that they are about to be grandparents. Perhaps Lima Beanz has no idea how many times my friend has been reduced to tears in front of me at work over the fact that she can’t understand why he won’t tell his parents. I want to tell her everything is going to be okay and I can do that about the child being born healthy and her family pitching in to help raise the child. However I can’t honestly tell her that everything will be okay from Jay’s position. Why would he not tell his parents? Shame? Fear of them? I told her for the longest time that the more people that know (many didn’t till recently) the more of a reality it would become to him. For a period of time he could just hang out with his friends and not have to hear or talk about it. Meanwhile Jenna was in tears and her body was starting to go through changes. She has to go through the pain of childbirth for his kid. The least he could do is go through the hell of telling his parents.

Are they ready to be parents? Only they can answer that. However their current situation worries me, and luckily they will have a nursery built for the Baby Beanzie at Jenna’s home. However its time to buckle down and for the two of them to earn better money and bust their asses for this kid. Since Jenna is having the actual child the work load falls mainly on Jay’s massive shoulders.

Earlier today Lima Beanz was talking about joining Drew and Duke at their current jobs. The job is ideal for Jay because he will have no job in a few weeks when his long time sub-teaching gig ends. It is also related to his field. I told him I heard that they pay well (12.50 an hour) and offer overtime. Jay frowned upon this and said that was more for Duke because he needed the money more than him and he wasn't going to work OT. Actually Jay needs the money A LOT more than Duke. Baby Beanzie needs the money. He was not making a joke either. He was serious. That’s why the girl who loves him so much sleeps in a puddle of tears on a regular basis.

Many jokes have been made about the pending parenthood (hey it’s a gold mine of one-liners) however the whole Jay not telling his parents can no longer fall under “That’s Our Lima Beanz” and needs to be dealt with immediately and so does his attitude towards his job situation.

My friend Ryan who I grew up with dicked me and didn’t come to my graduation party recently. He lied
to my face and my parents face about coming. Ryan has seemingly been a different person in the past 6 months which have sparked many jokes about “That’s our Ryan not hanging out”. However Lima Beanz and I agreed recently that the his decision to not call me let alone show up at my party could easily have damaged long standing friendships and it is not longer all that funny. Was Jay lying to Jenna’s face all the times he said he would be there for her? Does he realize that it is no longer funny? Maybe he should take applied that logic to his own life. He is part of new family officially by the end of the summer. Being a father involves being a bigger more mature person than you were 9 months ago. This is a major step for him that needs to be taken. Lima Beanz needs to tell his parents before irreversible damage is done to his relationship with Jenna and or his parents. He is a father for life, and there will be many more obstacles to over come. I am sure there will be many rewarding moments too.

The days of being totally careless are gone for the both of them for the most part. They are responsible for a human life. Its time for Jay to suck it up and put both feet into the kiddie pool and accept his new life. There is a hard road ahead of them both, being a parent, working hard at getting jobs to support their child without leaning on their parents too much. . Even though many people might think he was unlucky to be in this awkward situation. At the same time he did get lucky in the sense that the woman that is having his child has it in her to be a damn good mother not every guy can say that.

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

"In Other News"

I don't normally do this, but you should check out Jenna's webpage today. She has a good article and she will likely not post again for about two months. Although at this point its not really news to most of my readers. Pretty fitting of an article with Father's Day around the corner and all.
"In Other News"

I don't normally do this, but you should check out Jenna's webpage today. She has a good article and she will likely not post again for about two months. Although at this point its not really news to most of my readers. Pretty fitting of an article with Father's Day around the corner and all.
“Ten Simple Reasons”

Trying to make plans for your summer Vacation? I think South Jersey could be the right place for you and your family.

1.) The Ocean City a pretty nice boardwalk that boasts some of the best Pizza and Fudge you can find on the planet. There is also a few great shops including cloud-9 with the best selection of whacky t-shirts. If all that walking gets you winded, have no fear there is an oxygen bar in the Surf Mall right on the boardwalk now. Not only does it give oxygen that you need I am told it gets you high as a kite. The sign says it’s a “natural” high. Oh yeah and if you get bored you can always sit on the bench and make fun of all the people walking by. There are usually almost entirely naked young girls on walking the boards for those of you that like that sort of stuff. Although the friendly Italian guy who used to sit outside his restaurant God blessing everyone, and telling them to have a nice day is long gone you can still hear him wishing good cheer if you listen enough on a quiet night.

2.) If you idea of fun is hanging out with people who have seen the Fast and the Furious too many times and an ample amount of white trash than the Atco Raceway is the place to be. It can cost you upwareds of 15 dollars just to have the pleasure of watching cars drag on the famous track. Fridays are popular because they are street cars nights where anyone that wants to (and pays) can race. Sometimes the car race gets all funky and you are forced to find entertainment in the food court. There is usually supposed to be a band. There is always the tradition of walking through the parking lot and looking at other cars. If you are like me you will just sit there and stare when your car loving friends rant off things about the cars. I couldn’t tell you the difference between Lima Beanz’s car and Dan K’s car. They are all the same to me.

3.) You can go to Wildwood. The mile long beach is there so bring your walking shoes. OH yeah and a lot of inconsiderate jerks go there. They like to leave all the trash they can find on the beach. Than later they complain that the Jersey shore is too dirty. The boardwalk is bigger than our country’s deficit and has a lot to do. It appears to be 24 hours because I have left after 2 am several times and people are still walking around. Wildwood is known for crappy homes in the center of town that might remind you of home if you reside in Camden. Its also recommended for my drug using readers or anyone interested in STDs.

4.) If driving out to a road in the middle of the woods and stopping you car is your idea of fun, than man do I have the place for you! Yep the famous Atco train ghost. You drive out to Jackson Road flick your lights off and honk your horn a few times like madman. Than after sitting there like a goober you start the car and start driving. A light is supposed to follow that comes out of no where. It actually worked for me, jenna, Harry and Dan K once. I have no idea how to explain what happened other than perhaps it was a Motorcycle but given the poor visibility that night and the fact that it appeared and disappeared on a road without and side streets it is kind of thin. Perhaps its just pure evil in energy form which should delight kids of all ages. So if you want to toil in Satan’s domain this might be your hot spot this summer!

5.) The Cape May Zoo a well kept secret of South Jersey! Even better its free if you don’t feel guilty ahout not making a donation. Its pretty big now and deep into the woods, Good for an over-cast day. They have a good amount of prairie dogs so if anyone wants to get Monkey Pox you should go here. Because its easy to hop their dwelling. There are all kinds of animals there some stinky and some not so stinky. 5 dollars for anyone that gets Drew to go.

6.) Nothing says summer to me like the Arter house in Somerdale. There is a hammock and a pool that is warming than bath water due to having direct sunlight on it for 12 hours a day. IF your lucky it will be a 3 arter night (better yet a 3 arter shirtless night). Every year since since I have known Chris we have made a whirlpool no matter how old we get I am sure we will still giggle in delight as we do it. There is also a good chance you get to hear some TRAVIS on his radio sitting on the deck. Its even a better night if Kareem who is deathly afraid of water comes over, because he will just do his comedy routine from the deck. I have learned a lot about the differences between white guys and black guys over the years. Will somebody get this guy a spot on BET already. I also hear a rumor that a grill might be built there this summer.

7.) If any of my readers think they are too happy for their own good than they should stop by the Sears Outlet in Voorhees. The dungeon like décor will make you want to jump in front of traffic. If you need a reason to put yourself over the edge fill out an application to work there. You will likely be making your suicide note before the leaves turn colors.

8.) The VET! Okay that’s Philly, but close enough. It’s the last SEASON EVER OF THE VET. One last season of baseball to smell the stale cigarette and the age old urine from drunken fans through the years. If your wallet it thicker than mine than you can shell out some green for two seats of the stadium. Of course they only date back to 1996 when the old ones were replaced. So nothing of particular note happened around those seats. Aside from that Army Navy/Game where a marine or two almost plummeted to their deaths. There were also there for Harry Kalias night. Its recommended to bring weapons to dismantle what ever you want to from the stadium and of course your appetite on dollar dog day. I am told the new stadium will be nicer, and have more corporate assholes who don’t care about the game. Oh yeah and this stadium doesn’t have a view of the Philly skyline either. Some how the Riversharks were able to manage that though.
9.) Try out one of the various miniature golf courses. Its good clean fun. I hope to start the Crew Masters soon. However, that shouldn’t stop anyone from getting their game together. Its highly recommended not to do it if your significant other is a big cry baby of a loser. If that’s the case be prepared to stroke my ego (I mean his or her) for about 30 minutes or so.
10.) The unemployment line. This should be a great place to meet people that have the same interests as you this summer.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

“Tucker’s Quest”

So I have been in the job market for almost half a year now, and I don’t particularly care for the job market. Sending out resumes, sifting few the same job opportunities over and over again. Looking for a sparkle that catches me eye. Something I am confident I could do, or at least would pay reasonable.

It’s been a long road so far. A few times I felt that the road had ended, but since my phone calls never came I figure I haven’t hit the last mile yet. Its frustrating to the point that at times I will just zone out in front of the compute like a zombie, other times its just plain disheartening to the point that I think I should get some sort of refund for my education. I look at some of my other friends who attended college, and none of them are exactly on a fast paced career path. Most of them decided after a few years of unfulfilling work that being a student is better and are currently perusing more expensive degrees.

Many people remained at jobs that ironically put them through college. A depressing, but logical move that I have temporarily accepted. Always taking the safe bet. Yep that’s Tucker. Being practical. Even if it involves working with the dregs of society.

Sometimes I should consider myself lucky. Some of the people I am going against have no jobs or any sort of income at all. Many of them with other humans in their live to support. Some of these people at job fairs have been out of work as long as I have been done school. I’d imagine Price went through more hell in an hour than I did since my last final at Rowan, given his high risk job. A son of a co-worker’s life was cut short this past week. He will never have a chance to arrive at this cross roads. Lost in the mean streets of Philly.

People give me all kind of advice. Some more meaningful than others. People that have never done such a thing don’t understand why I don’t have a job yet. Apparently I missed the booth that was giving them away at my graduation ceremony. I walked a few weeks ago, and I felt a little better that everyone else that finished up in December was in the same crowded boat. No one that has just finished finals had exactly lined anything up just yet. Those wise enough to choice education, nursing or engineering are reaping the benefits of open markets in big demand The rest of us are fighting over the same jobs. Most of them ask the question in the ad whether or not we are driven.

I have had several interviews. Just the first step. Sometimes I have gotten to the farther rounds of the interviewing process. Sadly those are jobs I didn’t desire as much as ones I got eliminated from in the first round. One example is Madison Reily . Apparently a marketing company. However they don’t actually pay you anything. You just make meager earnings on outside sales. I wouldn’t be opposed to such a thing. I really wanted an outside sales job for a newspaper selling ad space. However Madison Reliy, gives no such base pay. You also have to spend time schooling new employees or taking potential employees (like I had to do) out on the road. I did this on my 2nd interview. I decided it wasn’t for me. I wouldn’t have lasted. Their top earners made less than I make at Sears. Supposedly it all works out in a year when you are making six figures. Sound shady? Perhaps. Just look up the company in any of the job search engines and look how many different ways they explain the same exact job position.

I wish if I wasn’t going to be back for second sit down with the business they would tell me to kiss their ass on my way out the door. That’s quite a bit easier to take than the waiting game.

A few jobs sounded like a good entry-level Public Relations jobs, until I read it paid 7 dollars an hour. Maybe I am just being to picky. I feel that I shouldn’t have to take a pay cut. Something else will come up and its better to be patient than to accept a job that pays lower than a supposed best friend lying to you about coming to a college graduation party. Okay getting paid 7 bucks an hour isn’t THAT low, but you get my point.

It’s a nice day out, and in the past it would been another beautiful summer day at the start of the season for me a student. I mean Summer of 2003 is still an infant who knows what fun there is to be had? However this summer I will be driving down the road to a better job, inching my way along in a crowded highway filled with equally clueless sheep.