Okay, so a recent study came out with the top 15 walkable cities. I guess it really means where its a fun place to walk around. You know easy to walk around and places to see and things to do.
# 1 is Cambridge where my friend lives. Its just right outside of Boston. Let me tell you its an awesome town. It's almost as cool as Boston. Just no reason to even have a car if you work near by. The trains take you right into bean town.
The rest of the list was pretty much weird. 3 Cities from
Wisconsin. Really? I guess the few months where is isn't 5 degrees.
Also in the top TEN is Trenton, NJ... WHAt?!?!? I have been to Trenton a few times. But let me tell you, most of the town is a place you would want to RUN. Even my friend who grew up there said, yeah its nice to walk till night falls.
I would like to know how they came about this study. Did people actually just hoof it around cities of America? Or did they randomly poll people on the streets and ask them where they like to walk when it comes to a city? How do I get this job?
Here is the list. But Trenton? Really? Oh yeah Philly was #15. Okay Philly has its problems but what the hell are you going to do in Trenton? At least in Philly you can lick the liberty bell and get your picture taken with Ben Franklin.
What about STratford? YOu can get porn, chinese food, water ice, and hit up a diner if you dont get run over on the White Horse PIke.