Friday, June 04, 2004

Smarty or Stanley?

Well the Calgary Flames could win the Stanley Cup tomorrow night on home ice. The small market team that could, might get to keep Lord Stanley's Cup till the cataclysm comes if the NHL locks out.

A lot of Flyers fans simply aren't tuning in to the finals since the orange and black came oh so close to winning the cup. Now I am watching it (though I missed a game and parts of others) its fairly entertaining hockey. However it just is anti-climatic for me since I have no emotional investment in the outcome of the game. Sure I want to Flames to win, but I won't be crushed if they lose.

Joe and Rick are just hockey fans, so I really don't know how they can deprive themselves of the different experience there is to watch a team in addition to the league. Just so much better to pick a team and follow, instead of just being an outsider. Anyway does anyone here remotely care about the Cup Finals this year?

What about Smarty? Tell me your plans for the big Smarty weekend. Do you have a Smarty Party to attend? Where will you watch the race? Will you even watch the race?

Will all this Smarty is from Philly talk come back to haunt the poor horse? Will he be sucked into the curse and choke? If Smarty wins the streak isn't over. The streak will continue till at least November (but judging by this week the Phils are in no shape to end it) but if he loses the triple crown I will be convinced that there is not only a streak, but a curse.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

"Mountains Out of Cherry Hills, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Discounted Beer"

If you haven't seen the story yet, I guess I should fill you in. The Coastline in Cherry Hill (where Price's wife works. I heard she was actually on ACTION NEWS about this. Wonder if she will return phone calls for a comment for Tucker's World) is being taken to court by some dude who thinks lady's night is discrimination. Read this:

"The case began in June 1998, when a man complained to the state after he was required to pay a $5 cover charge on Ladies Night at the Brace Road business, while women entered for free. Men also paid full price for drinks, while women received a discount."----from the Courier-Post

Note to Crew Blog Readers Some Material Not Posted on the Comments at that site is after the repeat.

Our legal system should be jack ass proof. Just like when radar zappers used to go off when driving through fast food places. It just something that shouldn't happen.

Come on do honestly think this person was being or felt discriminated against? Please. What is next axing discounts for seniors at ShopRite? Banning give-a-ways at Phillies games for kids? Under that idiotic logic you might as well.

Please this is a PROMOTION not DISCRIMINATION! Men benefit from having nights (usually the traditional off nights) to bring women in.

The courts don't need to be be tied up with this garbage. If this jackass really wanted to make a point why couldn't he try to lower car insurance for males in the state of the NJ?

This makes a mockery of the judicial system and our state.

How could he possibly get money out of this? I really hope not. He is clearly doing this to get rich, and it will just make lawsuits like this more common.

Lady's night is a good thing, that isn't meant to turn guys away. Its total bull.

This guy and his stinking lawyer should be tossed in the Cooper River. We should all be so lucky to live this man's life when this is his biggest problem in life actually having to spend money while going out.

The 2nd thing that went through my head when I heard this story after thinking that his guy is a jackass, was I wonder what Drew thinks. I thought to myself, even Drew couldn't defend this guy. Sadly he seems as though he is going to defend him.

Come on Drew this is just wrong.

"The local nightclub owner vowed Wednesday to fight a state decision that his Ladies Night promotion discriminates against men.

"I'm going to appeal it because it's wrong," said Chris Mourtos, who runs the Coastline bar and restaurant. "I'm outraged.""-------also from the Courier-Post

Price we should make up T-shirts with some clever sayings on it to stick it to this Garden State if it goes any farther.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Flames Girls

Well the Stanley Cup Finals are now tied at 2 games a piece. I was going to write about it, but its late so insead I will provide my readers a link that has taken the hockey world by storm.

Okay you won't see this webpage being talking about by Barry Melorse or Gary Thorne, but lots of people in hockey news groups are talking about it. Someone posted this link in the FLyers news group a few weeks ago.

The site is Flames Girls where female fans of the team get their pictures taken as the "go wild". Some of these girls look like they are just leaving the game. They all sure do love their Flames though. If the Flames when God only knows what the parade would be like.

If you want to check out what the buzz is about click on FLAMES GIRLS. Unless of course your 18.

Monday, May 31, 2004

Memorial Day Quest

After all the bad press the US solders got over their treatment of Iraqi prisoners. I decided for Memorial Day I would seek pictures of US soldiers doing good in Iraq.

I wanted to show that for all the bad stuff that nabs ratings on network news and sells newspapers there is a lot of aid and good going on over there. There are a lot of US soldiers that deserve to have their good deeds put on the front of papers. How many people saw the pictures of the Iraq soldiers being mistreated? Everyone. How many see pictures of Iraqis getting food or aid from US soldiers?

I don't know the answer to the last question, but I just spent 25 mins looking for a picture to link which was the original purpose of this article. However I couldn't find any. None. Just all negative stuff.

If anyone has time I would like some positive articles about Iraq or even better images of troops doing positive work over there link them on the comments section. I know that there is a lot of good happening over there that never gets
reported. Link them up and let us see how many we can get.

Thanks for all the troops living in dead that have protected this country.

Happy Memorial Day readers.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Summer Movie Files 102: Troy

It seems epics are the in thing in Hollywood again.

Troy's male dominate cast gives most the screen time to Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom, Peter O'toole, and Eric Bana. The women aren't given much to work with. Although the actress that plays Helen is fairly hot.

The movie chugs along during the first half and the majority of the dialogue is fairly pedestrian. A good part of the drama in the first act of the film comes in Orlando Bloom's storyline. Bloom who was never required to act in the Lord of the Rings fumbles almost everytime the picture leans on him. His performance is way below everyone else's it hurts the film. Take for a example the scene on the boat early in the film when Bloom is talking to his brother (played by Bana) his eyes dart around as if he is looking for his cue cards. A few other times it appears that he is just spurting out lines he memorized the night before.

Now if there were more scenes like the exchange bettween O'toole and Pitt the movie would have been awesome. Troy isn't a bad film by any strech of the imagination it just teeters on greatness falling to the other side more often than not.

The strengths of the film lay in the action scenes (although I hate the CGI of people running since people actually running will always look better) including a few one on one matches bettween key characters. This is what the movie promised in is marketing and it certainly delivers.

The movie also tones down the mythology making the characters that were supposed to be Gods, or semi Gods more like icons and beloved warriors and heros. If you didn't have any outside research I doubt you would have picked up on any of it. This might really piss some people off. Not me though
Don't get me wrong the movie was fun at times and I didn't hate it. I just wasn't overly impressed and think the actors saved the film.

During the movie there are many quotes about remembering names in the future when looking back upon an era. I doubt Troy in the history of movies.

Then again it is just a movie so if you want to be swept away for a few hours I am sure there is a lot worse out there.

"Kappy Shocker"

In the week that followed the Flyers being ousted from the post season it was made fairly public that the Flyers would buy out the contracts of John Leclair and Tony Amonte. This was move made mainly because of the pending lockout and an attempt to trim pay roll. Not to mention the fact that neither player put numbers up worth their salary in the post season.

However, the Flyers might have their pay roll lowered even more much to their disappointment in this case. Sami Kapanen, who was a large part of the Flyers postseason success playing defense and being generally one of the hardest nosed players during the run might have played his last game as a Flyer.

After the Flyers parted ways Kappy flew home to his native Finland. A couple sources told the Philly Inquirer this weekend that he will likely not return. Considering he never won a cup and at only 30 (he turns 31 next month) it is surprising that he would hang up the skates already. Or at least leave the NHL.

No word if he plans to play overseas, but people close to him think he already made up his mind. Flyers fans are hoping he just is still stinging from the elimination game last week, and will eventually have a change of heart.

If he dosen't return he will join Michael Renberg and Peter Foresberg on a list of players who have left the NHL for their native lands at the end of this season.

Meanwhile the finals are heating up with the Flames taking a 2-1 lead in the series. I never got around to it but I did call the Flames to win the cup over the bolts.

Coming Soon:
The Legend of Corn Boy
Another Classic Movie Review