Let's face it all 4 Philly teams are not good. So lets rate the 4 Philly teams from who sucks the most to who sucks the least.
Here is my Rank:
Sixers: No one cares about this team at all. Not even the players feel like showing up for games at the end of the season. Literally, they don't show up on time for their games.
Phillies: I was so excited about this season for some reason. They started off pretty bad, and than seemingly turned it around. However, after the winning streak the team went into a tail spin and can't seem to win any more than back to back games. Getting swept by the Mets last week already may have melted their shot at winning the pennant, and its only June. With sad outings against the Yankees and Redsox even their Wild Card hopes might be fading. This gives them 2nd place, but before the end of the season they might suck worse than the Sixers.
Eagles: Andy Reid lost total control of his team. Most football fans don't think enough changes were made in the off season to make up for last year's train wreck of a season. You can be sure enough that most of their are already getting their excuses ready. TO, might be gone, but we have to play him as a Dallas Cowboy. The final meeting of the two teams is even on Christmas Day. One can already see it play out being the game that if the Eagles lose ends their season. I can already see TO running for 3 or 4 touchdowns and blowing the Eagles out and mocking them. Driving the holiday suicide rate even higher in the Delaware Valley.
Flyers: I know you might say just because its the Flyers I put them as the least sucky team. Please make no mistake. This is a pretty lousy team, with no goal tending and no 1st line centers with Forsberg out for over half the season. Lets face it. If it weren't for the hot run on their annual west coast road trip last season, there is a good shot they would not have made the playoffs. They were at best a .500 team without Forsberg, and will have to play with out him most of this coming season. I have huge doubts the team will even qualify for the playoffs for the 06-07 season. Which could land them right above the Sixers on the level of suck.
Come on who agrees or disagrees with the suck list?