Sunday, June 25, 2006

"Almost Here"

Don't forget to run to the theaters Wednesday to catch Superman Returns on opening day. Or for you nightowls catch a midnight showing Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

The superhero genre is one that I have never, ever enjoyed. Superman? Spiderman? X-Men? The Hulk? You can have 'em. They're not necessarily bad movies; I simply don't care for them.

But I know I'll see it eventually, thanks to both DVD and HBO. I'm actually looking forward to seeing X-Men 3 on HBO so I won't have to pay extra for my Famke Janssen fix. [TL]

Anonymous said...

I'm going tonight. Keith call me.

keith said...

I have no idea who you are random stranger.

So I am not calling you. I didnt realize Somerdale was showing the movie tonight at 10pm. I promised a friend at work I would go with him. Its his last week before he transfers to another off. Im going sometime early evening tomorrow after work. Gives me another day to think about it.

Anonymous said...

You and one of your faggot buddies from work are going to see Superman? How fucking gay. Maybe after the movie you can fuck each other in the ass while looking at pictures of a crippled Christopher Reeve.

Jenna said...

He isn't crippled anymore!

Jason said...

Hey anonymous, weren't you just asking Keith to go to the movies with you? Sounds like the green-eyed monster of jealousy has reered its ugly head yet again.