The Flyers now have a "victory" song which will play after each win. Which if my predicit is right you will be lucky to hear once before they realize what an awful song it truely is. I wonder if the people who wrote this song realized the team plays in a city that jeered Santa Clause and launched a full beer cup at the face of the Sabres coach a couple years ago.
Check it out.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Tuckers Cup Picks: The East

(1) Ottawa vs (8)Tampa
Tampa won the last cup. They won't win this one. The barely made it into the playoffs this year, and one of the weakest teams in the playoffs. They simply don't have the goal tending to GET HER DONE.
I am pretty sure these teams never played each other in the playoffs and they both game in the league the same time.
Tampa could steal a few with their scoring touchs. I expect a wide open run and gun match up here with tons of goals.
Ottawa in 6.
(2) Carolina vs (7) Montreal
Montreal has been tearing it up the last month or so and turning lots of heads. I have really been impress the way they have been playing.
However, they are no match for the Canes in a best of 7 series. Its funny everyone thought the Canes would be bad this year, than when they were good, they said it would last. Than they just missed the #1 seed in the East, and people still think they are a weak team.
It really bewilders me. This team is the real deal.
Canes in 5.
(3) New Jersey vs (6) New York Rangers
NEw Jersey was flying high at the end of the season and the Rangers sunk to depths of hell.
At anyrate Jagr and Nylander are a force to deal with. The Rangers actually have fans that will be behind them. The Devils have 3 fans. I think this series will be a huge battle with quite a few overtimes.
The Devils will prevail in 7 games.
(4) Buffalo vs (5) Flyers
Before people think I am being "negative" or "hater". Lets be realistic neither Flyers goalie is better than Buffalo's back up. So it doesn't matter who is in net.
If not for the road trip winning streak during the holidays, the Flyers would not be in the playoffs. They have shown a few moments of greatness in the 2nd half the season, but not enough to forgive the awful play.
Granted the Flyers have missed half their team, but sometimes the playoffs are a matter of w ho is still standing at the end of the spring. The Flyers are in no condition to be that team. The defense is terrible and the Scoring is hot and cold.
If the Forsberg gets hurt before the Flyers first win, it might be time to get the brooms out in Buffalo. The Flyers beat BUffalo just once all year, and can't win in Buffalo and can't kill pentalies at home.
I hope I am wrong on this one, but I although it will break my heart to see them go out in the first round. I am just trying to pick these match ups the best I can. I will be Flyered up, but I have almost zero confidence in this team, and you get the impression that most the players are down on themselves right now after a month and half of poor play. NOt to mention they have not won back to back games in a month, and have a bad record against playoff teams.
I think Philly could win one game, but it will likely be a one goal game.
Buffalo in 5.
Tuckers Cup Picks: The West

(1) Detroit vs (8) Edmonton
After all these years the Red Wings are still a playoff machine. With the Likes of Zetterberg, Holmstrom, Shanahan, Yeserman and Cheilos, there is just way too much fire power for the Oilers to over take them.
The younger players play years ahead of their peers, and the older players like Shanahan who had an awesome year are still a force.
Detroit in 5
(2) Dallas (7) Colorado
Colorado must have wanted to make a bid for the worst trade of the season which was won by Boston when the delt Thorton, when they traded for Theodore who played bad this year and was hurt at the time of the trade.
Somehow Dallas has gone under the radar all year despite play almost flawless hockey. People just forgot all about Mike Modano and Brenden Morrow both had great years. Oh yeah and Marty Turo had 3 shut outs which is pretty damn good in the Western Conference in the new NHL.
Even so Colorado has a lot of heart and will make a fun matchup to watch.
Dallas in 6.
(3) Calgary vs Anahiem (6)
The Flames have a ton of fire power in Inginla, Amonte, and Huselius. Oh dont forget they have the best goalie in the entire conference in Kiprusoff.
Flames in 6
(4) Nashville vs (5) San Jose
CHeecho( seen above), and THorton. Thats all I have to say. Oh wait, also no Vokum for Nashville. Sharks will wreck back up CHris Mason who has barely ever played in the NHL.
Sharks in 5
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
"Heartbreak in Stratford"
My father who was on the school board for over a decade lost tonight by 3 stinking votes. It really sucks because it ment alot to my father is who a retired teacher. I think this would have been his fifth term. I am not sure if Sucks is a strong of enough word to lose by 3 votes. My family has had so many personal issues going on lately, this is the last thing we needed. Hopefully I got all the crappy stuff that will happen to me out of the way for the calendar year now. Seriously, would you have rather lost in a blow out? Or lost knowing that there is a good chance people that were supposed to vote for you had a wave of laziness or apathy come over them at the last minute?
"Worst President Ever!"

Don't know how much water Rolling Stone holds in the world, but they seem to have declared Bush the worst President in the history of our country. This by far could be the most memorable cover since the time they showed Jennifer Aniston's ass in the mid-90s.
Come on Drew, Jay give points to support this claim.
Monday, April 17, 2006
"Smoke Night Recap"
So, this past Friday night marked the end of smoking in public places in New Jersey. I had planned to get some people to go out for the historic night in south jersey. However, my plans didn't go as I hoped at first. I had planned to get a large amount of people to the bar and have the smokers smoke more than usual, and the non-smokers smoke cigars.
I called Duke who told me everyone was coming over to watch Dr. Who on the Sci-fi channel and had no desire to go out at all. This apparently a new version of the long running show. Think of how some of your friends are about Desperate Housewives or Lost and multiply that by two and you have the level of obsession of the show they have. They even had downloaded the very same episodes that are all seen the episodes that are airing now months ago when they were airing in England. Its become a weekly event for them.
So, that left me with my friend Rick who like myself does not smoke(well Rick does when he is majorly intoxicated). The two of us were to lazy to actually get cigars.
We first went up there at 9:30 since I had to be up early for half day of work. The night started with tons of people lighting up. I wondered if they even cared about anyone smoking that night up till last call. However, the bartender told me that the cops told them that all ash trays must be behind the bar at 12:01 or she would get a $250 fine.
There was a bit of a buzz going on in the bar that night, and the smoking pan in NJ was being talked about quite a bit. Some how myself and the dude next to me got into a discussion about it. He was from Millville in Cumberland county, which is a different world.
He kept calling himself "ghetto" and blame "punks like me" for the smoking ban. I told him, I didn't really vote for anything towards a ban so I doubt it had anything to do with me.
Before midnight approached Rick and I agree to stay till the ban went into effect. Around that time some people I knew from highschool came up. One was getting married in Jamaica in a few weeks. So, we shared a beer together. Next thing I knew a bunch of people Rick knew came up and it turned into basically a party.
Later, some dude who I found to know common people with told me he lived next to my house for years (I have no idea who he is). He even invited me to some party the next night. It was pretty random, and all the groups of people just kind of mingled for once, and almost no one was sitting at the bar, just hanging out and shooting pool.
When midnight came the last cigarettes went out and the new social scene known as outside the bar started. Now, this is a new thing for me. I mean I was playing pool with Rick, the random guy and his lesbian friend (who told me she was not of the legal drinking age) and since they both smoked it turned into a very long couple of games, stopping for their smoke breaks. Now, what is the edict here? Can a non-smoker go outside and join the smokers ?
During the game Rick wondered off a few time (I'm pretty sure he was kicking game to one girl) so a few times I went outside, since I already knew everyone there it wasn't strange. But its clear that most bars there will be socializing inside and out. Sometimes the outside was better than the inside.
The bouncer told me he was worried about having more problems thanks to the ban. He explained that many local bar owners were worried about drug dealers having a much easier job of making sales. They don't even have to enter the bar.
The cops never came to check if anyone was smoking indoors (if they need they may have seen the one guy smoking a joint outside the bar) but for the first time that I can remember I could actually see across the bar without a smoky haze.
For the last time, I threw my clothes that were worn for a mere few hours in the wash due to the reek of smoke smell.
Will the ban kill bars? Maybe. Or at least make people stay there for shorter periods of time. I know since my friends are pretty well split with smokers and non-smokers I maybe sitting there awkwardly waiting for them to return or take their next shot.
I didn't smoke cigars that night, but Rick did get drunk enough to smoke a cigarette and some drunk girl told me I should start smoking weed, so that counts as something right? Despite the fact the no one was down (or I neglicted to call them) the strange mix of characters that meshed together that night made smoke night rock.
I called Duke who told me everyone was coming over to watch Dr. Who on the Sci-fi channel and had no desire to go out at all. This apparently a new version of the long running show. Think of how some of your friends are about Desperate Housewives or Lost and multiply that by two and you have the level of obsession of the show they have. They even had downloaded the very same episodes that are all seen the episodes that are airing now months ago when they were airing in England. Its become a weekly event for them.
So, that left me with my friend Rick who like myself does not smoke(well Rick does when he is majorly intoxicated). The two of us were to lazy to actually get cigars.
We first went up there at 9:30 since I had to be up early for half day of work. The night started with tons of people lighting up. I wondered if they even cared about anyone smoking that night up till last call. However, the bartender told me that the cops told them that all ash trays must be behind the bar at 12:01 or she would get a $250 fine.
There was a bit of a buzz going on in the bar that night, and the smoking pan in NJ was being talked about quite a bit. Some how myself and the dude next to me got into a discussion about it. He was from Millville in Cumberland county, which is a different world.
He kept calling himself "ghetto" and blame "punks like me" for the smoking ban. I told him, I didn't really vote for anything towards a ban so I doubt it had anything to do with me.
Before midnight approached Rick and I agree to stay till the ban went into effect. Around that time some people I knew from highschool came up. One was getting married in Jamaica in a few weeks. So, we shared a beer together. Next thing I knew a bunch of people Rick knew came up and it turned into basically a party.
Later, some dude who I found to know common people with told me he lived next to my house for years (I have no idea who he is). He even invited me to some party the next night. It was pretty random, and all the groups of people just kind of mingled for once, and almost no one was sitting at the bar, just hanging out and shooting pool.
When midnight came the last cigarettes went out and the new social scene known as outside the bar started. Now, this is a new thing for me. I mean I was playing pool with Rick, the random guy and his lesbian friend (who told me she was not of the legal drinking age) and since they both smoked it turned into a very long couple of games, stopping for their smoke breaks. Now, what is the edict here? Can a non-smoker go outside and join the smokers ?
During the game Rick wondered off a few time (I'm pretty sure he was kicking game to one girl) so a few times I went outside, since I already knew everyone there it wasn't strange. But its clear that most bars there will be socializing inside and out. Sometimes the outside was better than the inside.
The bouncer told me he was worried about having more problems thanks to the ban. He explained that many local bar owners were worried about drug dealers having a much easier job of making sales. They don't even have to enter the bar.
The cops never came to check if anyone was smoking indoors (if they need they may have seen the one guy smoking a joint outside the bar) but for the first time that I can remember I could actually see across the bar without a smoky haze.
For the last time, I threw my clothes that were worn for a mere few hours in the wash due to the reek of smoke smell.
Will the ban kill bars? Maybe. Or at least make people stay there for shorter periods of time. I know since my friends are pretty well split with smokers and non-smokers I maybe sitting there awkwardly waiting for them to return or take their next shot.
I didn't smoke cigars that night, but Rick did get drunk enough to smoke a cigarette and some drunk girl told me I should start smoking weed, so that counts as something right? Despite the fact the no one was down (or I neglicted to call them) the strange mix of characters that meshed together that night made smoke night rock.
"Sad Day"
For ever since I can remember I have gone to a little produce stand called Bucks on Laurel Road near where I grew up. As a kid I was taken there often by my parents, and years later my parents would become friends with Buck and his wife through a common interest.
The the couple now in their 80's has ran the stand for decades with the help of their kids and the friends of the family. The season would kick off around now this time of year, with flowers followed later by delicious tomatoes, corn and other summer treats.
I was looking forward to this season since my new apartment is not far from my house where I grew up and Bucks was not going to be out of my day after a day at work.
However, I found out this weekend that the Easter weekends that just ended was the finale for Buck Produce. Their daughter is moving to Florida leaving the eldery couple with no one at all to help them with their business.
So, despite the fact they still have a farm, some land, horses the stand will still as empty during 4th of July as it does during the dead of winter.
Truely a sad day.
The the couple now in their 80's has ran the stand for decades with the help of their kids and the friends of the family. The season would kick off around now this time of year, with flowers followed later by delicious tomatoes, corn and other summer treats.
I was looking forward to this season since my new apartment is not far from my house where I grew up and Bucks was not going to be out of my day after a day at work.
However, I found out this weekend that the Easter weekends that just ended was the finale for Buck Produce. Their daughter is moving to Florida leaving the eldery couple with no one at all to help them with their business.
So, despite the fact they still have a farm, some land, horses the stand will still as empty during 4th of July as it does during the dead of winter.
Truely a sad day.
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