Saturday, February 19, 2005

"Over & Over Again"

Um the NHL season is cancelled for real, for real.

The two sides met for 6 hours in NYC and decided they werent going to get anywhere and are now focused on getting a 2005-06 season. Although, who knows how serious they will make their efforts once they part ways tonight.

No idea what the fall out this time was since a cap of $45 or $46 seemed to be on the table. People were flying high last night and were thinking pucks were going to be dropped March 2nd.

The whacky ride of will they or won't they might have finally come to an end.

"Sitting & Waiting"

The sides are meeting. Reports late last night about the NHL having a season after all may have been premature.

Check it out.

Friday, February 18, 2005

"Swing and a Miss, For Old Man Winter"

Ah Old Man Winter still has some power his bag of tricks. Sunday into Monday is the next shot of snow. Seems odd to think of such a thing since it was insanely warm for the most part the last week.

Now its cold again, but Old Man Winter's timing is fairly poor to bring in snow. The storm will come just as it gets warm, so it will change over to rain early Monday morning anyway. So, not only is it snowing on a day when tons of people have off anyway, it seems that the roads will be safe early Monday.

They are capping the worse (or best if you like snow) case senario at 6 inches. I don't even see us getting any more than 2 or 3 inches at the most. The storm isn't worth hyping up as the news station have been since last night. The timing is off, and if you notice its going to be well over 50 degrees on Monday. So, I don't know baring a big change for Monday, how they can sell this as anything to worry about.

Could be our last chance for noticable snow.Check the map out for updates.

I may update the situation if need be on TUCKERS WORLD. As a loyal service to both my readers. I have to go bake cookies for my neighbors. Won't they be happy when I knock on the door and run away.

"Garden State VS Blockbuster"

I wrote about the new "late fee" policy awhile back. I was there a month ago or so, and thought to myself that something like this might happen. Since the policy is some what misleading, if you are late past the not really late date you get charged for the movie. So, I guess its depends on "Whadda Mean Late?"

Check it out.


Sorry for any left wing readers for the link to FOX news in advance.

"Day of NHLPA Reckoning"

As I was update on the NHLPA press conference, part of me thought NHLPA might actually take the almost offer to discuss the $45 millon cap. However, Goodenow refused, despite the fact that several players were begging him to do so. He didn't listen.

The NHLPA is falling apart right now. Some players are pissed that Goodenow went behind backs and actually accepted a cap. Two of them were Flyers forwards John Lecalir and Tony Amonte (who I offically loathe now) of course its players like these who clearly don't care about the game that will drive fans away.

During all this none other than Jeremy Roenick started to rally the troops to get something done. Even right now Friday afternoon he is trying to get people to see the logic in a $45 million cap. Since despite the fact that the season has been "iced" its not too late to uncancel the season.

Sadly, though if you listen to the stupidity of Trevor Linden you have to think that this is just players, and reporters in denial. In fact one gutless player gave a vauge threat to Roenick to the papers.

"There is going to be a reckoning," one unidentified player told the New York Post. "There is going to be an inquisition. What happened inside this union will not stand."

If JR finds out who he is and gets to skate in the NHL again I seriously, seriously, hope he kicks the living crap out of him. Flyers netminder Robert Esche has also drawn some fire. He had an emotional tirad on Daily News Live the day of the cancellation. He said he could careless that he is the lowest paid goalie in the league he just wants to play. That is should not have come to this. He certainly didn't care about a cap. It seems most players that speak out against the union are threatened, and I wonder how many more people would slam them.

Goodenow I doubt even has the majority behind him anymore. He is costing carrers, he is not looking out for their best interests, and should be committed.

So, rumors fly that this weekend that the players that care about the game are going to pull a superman and reverse the earth till the time when the season wasn't cancelled. If they don't succeed hopefully they will be the first to break the union and play next year if it comes to that.

Check this article in todays courier post. Here is another good one about the affects on others. Philly stand to lose $5 million. Mayor Street is thinking about taking action along with some other city mayors.

HA HA HA the union is falling apart! :::rubbing hands together:::

Thursday, February 17, 2005

"McGreedy & the Whore"

Now former garden state Gov. Jim McGreevey, came out last year. He said he was gay. All the scandal that went along with him hooking his boytoy( the guy said he never had gay relations with the GOV.) up with a job he wasn't qualifed for. Some figure he got paid off to drop his lawsuit, but whatever.

Anyway now WPVI Channel 6 (ABC affliate) has a special report that he carried on a two year relationship with a known hooker.

Cheap sweeps stunt? Or another nugget of joy about our former GOV.?

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

"TGIFridays Burns Down"

The TGI Fridays in Williamstown (Washington TWP)was engulfed in flames last night. It was severly damaged, and I am not sure how much is actually left. I just wouldn't count on getting and chicken fingers from there anytime soon.

Thankfully, no one was hurt or killed in the blaze. Certain most my readers have been to this one before.

Click here for more details.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

breaking news.........


Despite an even bigger move to lower the cap by the NHLPA late last night said to be around $49 million Gary Bettman decided to tell them to pound sand and said $42.5 million or nothing. The NHLPA finally budged on their salary cap, and Bettman thanked them by arrogantly standing his ground.

Now besides the obvious with a lack of a season hurting the fanbase, this just awful. I highly doubt that NHLPA will even put the cap back on the table now that there is nothing to lose for awhile.

So it roughly comes down to 6.5 millon dollars they couldn't get on board with. Bettman is trying to spin it, but the truth seems to be clear.

I said all along despite maybe being a little to soft on the owners, that I thought the bottom line was that many owners simply want out. That perhaps Bettman was bluffing. Besides all he needs is 8 people to go against this and its a lockout. I don't think Bettman ever thought they would give back with a cap this late in the game. HOwever, its clear to me that he was going to do nothing to save the season.

So, now the blame went from the players who were dumb enough to never ever even consider a cap ( the concept is highly reasonable, the amount is arguable)which is why we are in this mess. Now the shift goes to to Bettman. The NHLPA leaped forward, Bettman took half a baby step forward. I can't blame ALL the owners, because I doubt Comcast and the Flyers wanted the cap that low. As long as 8 teams, so no way thats it.

Now plans to save the next season is underway. What a mess. Hockey will live on in Duke and my loser's season, and my seasons at Lizas. Somehow the playoffs might not be the same. That doesnt mean that I don't think my friends should throw a party or parade if I win the cup with either the Flyers (my season) or Vancover (the loser season).

Bettman and Goodenow should be shoe-ins for the hall of fame. As the men who killed hockey.

"NHLPA Caves"

NHLPA ACCEPTS CAP $52 millon cap; Bettman says NO!

In a last minute shocker in sudden death overtime for the NHL season, the NHLPA has caved. Faced with the fact that an entire season being wiped out the NHLPA has said they would allow a cap of $52 millon.

This was by far the largest step towards putting this mess behind them, and players back on the ice. HOwever, Bettman arrogantly rejected it, and claims a cap of $40 million or nothing. The fact that the NHLPA did this is big shock, and the fact that Bettman is even dumber than I thought in rejecting this is down right shocking.

Although one wonders, if this deal is any better then the deal sent the NHLPA's way at the end of the last week. This could be huge blunder by Bettman, or perhaps it is just a matter of playing with the money to get it down to this. Perhaps combine a roll back with the cap. I don't know what else the NHLPA can do, Bettman was asking for something. He pretty much got it, now he is telling them to go to hell.

Still there is a slim chance that there could still be a "season". Both sides are clearly freaking out over the thought of the league folding entirely.

Monday, February 14, 2005


Well thats all she wrote. The NHL season is over. Of course its totally ludricous that they were even talking about having a season and all. Considering that fact it would be like March 1st for the season opener. It was going to be fairly, silly. LIke you lose the home opener just throw in the towel you are eliminated.

This morons didn't bother to start "brainstorming" till like 4 weeks ago. They just slammed each other in CAndian papers for the first several months. Now they are like.

"Gee, thought we could work something out"

Brenden Shannan was on the new last night (actually an ESPN clip I think). He was saying he was really upbeat about there being a season. Now he is sure its done. Considering the fact that a press conference is set for tomorrow I am sure he is right.

The kicker is, SHanny said now that this season is cancelled it's certainly going to take out part or all of next season. He said it will more then likely spill into a third season.

Now it was fairly obvious that he was told what to say. So, either the NHLPA is doing this out of real anger or they are just that dumb. Do they REALLY think there would actually be an NHL in 2007 if the dispute is not solved by then? I honestly think they do. I am really starting to wonder about Goodenow's mental health. He has made clearly some huge tactical errors against his union.

I am sure the press conference will be nice. Betman will give no straight answers and be really rude to reporters when they actually ask him direct questions. The most powerful man in hockey. Its his own damn fault for expanding too much, and turning his back on the loyal fans of the game. Too busy trying to get the "new" viewer or market.

The game of hockey had some issues like a decrease in ratings, tv money, scoring, and major marketable stars. Instead of trying to solve any of them they just keep opening up can after can of worms. Next what about the draft? Etc.

Ugh. If your sick of lockout talk on here. You got your wish. It's over now. Aside for maybe a link tomorrow for the press conference. Look for my NHL season preview sometime after Hell freezes.

This first time this ever happened in the US. From what I know the last time it happened anywhere was with the gladiators.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

"Super Sunday"

Well as you well know I am a big fan of the Superman Movie Series and for the past 10 years Warner Brothers has been trying to start a new movie series. The project has had quite a few directors attached to it including Kevin Smith, MC G, and Tim Burton. In fact Nick Cage was to play Superman (AWFUL IDEA) under the direction of Burton in the mid 90's. The film got as far as pre-production and various sites in Pittsburgh were being filmed to be the new Metropolis. The project however fell through. Thank God, since Burton wanted the move Superman Reborn to have Superman be moody, and see his powers as a curse. That just isnt Superman. Check out this SUPER link to see some of the many ups and downs of the project.

However, it looks like everything is ago with a June 2006 release. There are already pictures of the Kent farm set being built. The movie being filmed in Australia which I think is terrible idea, considering it looks nothing like America.

What I am going to try to do is launch a new feature here called Super Sunday. This will update my readers on the progress of the film. I will also write about what I would actually like to see in the film, and trace the history of the previous four films. OF course I wont do this ever Sunday, but if I do write about it. Look for it to show on Sunday. The movie now called Superman Returns isn't out till June 2006. So God knows we have plenty of time.

Here is the cast so far:

Superman/CLark Kent: Brandon Routh, an unknown actor who plays in daytime TV shows. He really looks the part( though his eyes are the wrong color), and God knows he has some pretty big boots to fill. I am really glad they went with an unknown here. It came close to being Keenu Reeves.

Lois Lane: Kate Bosworth. Shes fairly hot, but all I know her from is Ads and a that terrible Blue Crush movie.

Ma Kent: Eva Marie Saint she starred opposite Marlon Brando (who played Jorel in Superman: the Movie) in On the Waterfront and with Cary Grant in North by Northwest. Apperently she is still alive and acts. considering that Superman is already an adult I guess Ma Kent would be fairly old. Since they were already 5oish when little Superman crashed on earth.

Lex Luthor: Kevin Spacey, now really he has big shoes to fill in my mind too. I cant see anyone other than Gene Hackman in this role. I guess he will play it like his character in Swimming with SHarks. Hopefully, they don't got the cheesy route of CLarke and Lex knowing each other in Smallville.

Jimmy Olsen: He is being played by this kid named Sam Huntington. He was in Not Another Teen MOvie which I only saw parts of. I guess he is best known playing opposite Tim Allen in the family comedy Jungle 2 Jungle quite a few years back.

ALso in the cast is Kal Pen best known for playing the stoner White Castle MOvie. IF you recall in the previous films Lex always had a comic relief dimwhitted sidekick. The first two flicks it was Ottis played wonderfully by Ned Beaty. In Superman IV: THe Quest for Peace, Jon Cryer played Lex's nephew Lenny. Now I usually like Cryer, but this was right off the filming of the forgotten 80's comedy Hiding Out where he played a straight laced stock brooker hiding out as a punk rocker highschool student. He kept the awful punk hair for his role as Lenny, which was painfully unfunny. Wasn't really Cryer's fault since most of his important plot lines were cut, and the writing sucked. Given Pen's film career I imagine he is playing Lex's goofball.

Also playing this film is Jason Mardsen from X-Men. I am not sure but I think he is playing Perry White's son. HUge Laurie (another name I had to look up he was the father in the Stewart Little films) is playing Perry White the head of the Daily Planet. I think he is way too young for this role, but I guess they dont want him to be really old if they do sequels.

Other names out there are all over the map. I have heard Jud Law will play General Zod, and Daniel Day Lewis (yeah right!) will play Jor-el. Also Kevin Bacon might randomly show up.

The Plot:

Its unclear. Obviously Superman returns from somewhere. Some are saying its a loose sequel to Superman II, just with a different cast. Basically SUperman has been gone for awhile and General Zod and the other two featured in Superman II are running the show. I don't think Warner Brothers would like to sell this as a sequel though.

At any rate at the very least we know Superman is already known to people in this movie, and there might be some flashbacks to make it more clear. However, "something" likely very simliar to the events of Superman II already happened. Any everyone is saying "Where is Superman?" It seems that at this point they are going the route that Pa Kent died when CLark was young and is already gone at this point. There might be some flashbacks though. In the original movie series he died in the first film, and we learn in Superman III that Clark's mother passed away when he returns to Smallville for a class reunion.
Bryan Singer is directing the film, he did the first two X-men films. This makes most people happy except the X-men fans are pissed he left for another comic book movie. No word yet if they will use John Williams classic theme. Or at least a verison of it, he only actually did the first film the sequels were all copy cats with "love themes" for that film in addition to watered down verisions of the famliar Superman theme. I will keep you posted on Sundays, if I feel like it.