Monday, February 14, 2005


Well thats all she wrote. The NHL season is over. Of course its totally ludricous that they were even talking about having a season and all. Considering that fact it would be like March 1st for the season opener. It was going to be fairly, silly. LIke you lose the home opener just throw in the towel you are eliminated.

This morons didn't bother to start "brainstorming" till like 4 weeks ago. They just slammed each other in CAndian papers for the first several months. Now they are like.

"Gee, thought we could work something out"

Brenden Shannan was on the new last night (actually an ESPN clip I think). He was saying he was really upbeat about there being a season. Now he is sure its done. Considering the fact that a press conference is set for tomorrow I am sure he is right.

The kicker is, SHanny said now that this season is cancelled it's certainly going to take out part or all of next season. He said it will more then likely spill into a third season.

Now it was fairly obvious that he was told what to say. So, either the NHLPA is doing this out of real anger or they are just that dumb. Do they REALLY think there would actually be an NHL in 2007 if the dispute is not solved by then? I honestly think they do. I am really starting to wonder about Goodenow's mental health. He has made clearly some huge tactical errors against his union.

I am sure the press conference will be nice. Betman will give no straight answers and be really rude to reporters when they actually ask him direct questions. The most powerful man in hockey. Its his own damn fault for expanding too much, and turning his back on the loyal fans of the game. Too busy trying to get the "new" viewer or market.

The game of hockey had some issues like a decrease in ratings, tv money, scoring, and major marketable stars. Instead of trying to solve any of them they just keep opening up can after can of worms. Next what about the draft? Etc.

Ugh. If your sick of lockout talk on here. You got your wish. It's over now. Aside for maybe a link tomorrow for the press conference. Look for my NHL season preview sometime after Hell freezes.

This first time this ever happened in the US. From what I know the last time it happened anywhere was with the gladiators.


Jenna said...

What they should do is keep discussing it throughout the Spring and Summer in order to try and make it for a 2005-2006 Season. But it doesn't seem like any one person that has a say has any common sense so I guess it is a moot point. NHL...we will miss you.
Any one want to go to a Phantom's game? They are very inexpensive and always fun.

keith said...

Jenna, sadly they all have pretty much admitted nothing will happen untill right when training camp is about to start.

Which makes you wonder, are they actually going to schedule a season if there is no CBA as of like July? Obviously, they would have to in order to reserve the building for the night.

Also, how do they determine who drafts in order once they finally have one? Since there was no season.

Also, does this "season" count as a year on John Leclairs contract? I don't see how it could, since they told him not to come to work.

This offically made about um, a dozen more huge problems for the league. Ones you can tell the honestly don't have a solution for.

How on earth Shanny could have talked about it spilling into third year with a straight face is beyhond me. So, many union members will be retired by then anyway. 3 years? They wont even be able to pay players a million bucks a year if the lock lasts 3 years let alone the 9 million.

Where does he think they would get the money to pay them if they decided, eh no cap in 3 years after not selling and tickets.

Someone fire Bettman, and ANCORA please get a big net and scope up Goodenow.

I pray that Bobby Hull can get the WHA up and running. However, since they have delayed the league 4 times already im not holding my breath.

Come on Golden Brett, build a new league up with some common sense.