Well clearly I don't have to tell anyone the news of the day. What is amazing is how well George W. Bush did in the popular vote, and the Republicans gained a lot of power in the Senate. Now that later, makes me a bit uncomfortable I must admit, because I like to have some checks and balances. Also, the one guy (don't know his name, or that state) thinks homosexuals shouldn't be able to teach. Well, I got really mad an outraged. Then I thought to myself, well if thats the way that State wants to be represented then I guess that is the voice they want. Thats the whole point of it really to give the states some say in what goes on.
Anyway, the voters turned out in record numbers, and every think I predicted you can pretty much flip-flop (last one I swear) in regards to the swing states. It just shows how the exit polls can't always be depeneded on. For whatever reason by the time I was leaving work and Kerry's people were ready to pop-the champaign and start moving into the White House.
The democrats are really stinging, because the lost seats, they lost the popular vote, they lost the election. One wonders if one of their bullet points for the stolen election accucastions in Florida may also has vannished. I was listening to a certain loud mouth 610 guy who took a caller who said that losts of independent parties including the NYC times counted the votes and came up for more for Bush then Gore. He claimed that the exit polls couldn't be all wrong. Well, apperently they can be, and in addition Bush knocked one out of the park in FLorida.
The democrats will have four years to figure out what went wrong. Was the MTV Vote or Die move a waste of time? Did they back the wrong horse bringing Kerry out? I am not sure, but looking at the popular vote one wonders if putting the most liberal man in the Senate in the race was the right way to get to moderates. Even John Edwards couldn't win his own state, and Kerry actually was out performed by Al Gore 4 years ago. Is is possible that Bush wasn't as hated as we thought? Again..I am not sure.
Now, before I wrap this up I would like to thank Drew for John Kerry week a few weeks ago. It was very informative and a class act. In fact I don't hate Kerry voters, or think they are dumb. I don't think the doomsday painted for the US will happen. TERMINUS is clearly pretty much in agreement that the draft will happen soon, and Lima Beanz wonders if the draft will last shy of a decade to draft his son.
I don't see prayer in school coming back, just because Bush wouldn't want to divide the country even more. I also don't even think all the republicans would even be in favor of that. I don't think abortion will be over turned. I also dont think there will be a draft. I do hope Bush pushes through the healthcare plan he had to have small businesses band together for cheaper rates.
In fact I will let the next 4 years unfold, and whoever the first 3 commenters that disagree with them dinner if any of those 3 become a reality. The worse thing for Kerry people will hope that they are wrong about being draft etc. I feel for people who voted for Kerry, because I am sure that people who voted John Kerry because of how much emotion was put into this election.
Its November 3rd now we have to understand that we are all Americans. In reality there has to be a different voice out there we don't hear from at that much in order to shoot Bush to such a large win in the popular vote.
So, thats it the ride is over. The race is done. No more hype. No more questions just moving forward. What wild ride. I will remember this race for the rest of my life and certainly tell my nephew about it.
Now Bush has to try to unite America again, and hopefully everyone can get behind him and move on.
***note to readers*** I have included John Kerry's speech from today in the comments section. Also Drew I will buy you a beer the next time we go out. Not to drown your sorrows in. But, out of respect and hope that this didn't really shatter your will to stand up for what you beileve in. Drew you are one of the most passionate people I have ever met about politics and I would hate for you give up on doing what you are doing. You have a huge following on your blog, and the potential I feel to become a big name blogger one day. In the next election stuff like that will play an even larger role. Hold on to your hope for this country Drew. Take pride in making a difference. The democrats have plenty of time to get on the same page.
Hey only 1,460 days to the GENERAL ELECTION! Hey why even bother putting the Tucker's World hype machine at all?
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
*********ELECTION NIGHT**************
Well okay I put it off and for some good reasons, and at some very bad reasons.
I had to make a decision about how I was going to run Tucker's World during the campaign. What I realized this year is to have a much better political conversation with someone no matter where they stand is to put a topic in the air and look at both sides. I don't usually start the conversation with I THINK BLAH,BLAH,BLAH. I usually start with..what do you think. I get a feel for where they stand on the issues and take it from there. I figured I would try to make fun of the election that wasn't all that funny.
Maybe I was a little to easy on Bush, but most of my readers read TERMINUS, so why beat a dead horse? I did question John Kerry quite a lot on here, and that happened after I realized that many of the people I talked to couldn't give me one thing they liked about John Kerry or even tell me how he was going to fix most of our problems. Not to say they were all uneducated. I just wanted people talking about it.
Well let me just say that I backed out of an making it clear this weekend, because I realized. I am not going to sway anyone's vote. To be honest I am sure some of my readers would have just called me nasty names and attacked me. Yeah, Lima Beanz you are right. It was no secret towards the end anyway. Although, I have had readers tell me they didn't have a clue who I was voting for. Also, most people at work from the way I discuss politics with naturally assumed I was voting for Kerry. Although, I tried to convince someone I was voting for Nader today.
The thing of it is, I didn't make up my mind till about over a month ago. Towards the end it was between Bush and no one at all. At the end of the day, I just wasn't sold on John Kerry. He had better music, and lots of promises, but I didn't buy that he would MAKE A STRONGER THE US. I honestly, think he is totally underestimating how easy it will be to fix the nations problems. If he wins tonight I highly doubt that the terrorists are going to stop what they are doing, and everyone will want to help us with the mess in Iraq.
The war In Afganistian (sp?) was sadly over looked, and I think it was a much larger success than people give credit for. Hell, they actually had elections there. Do I agree with the war in Iraq? For some reasons I do, but not entirely. In the comments section below I will give you list of quotes from others who thought there were WMDs too. In fact given all the confusion who really knows if there were some at one point.
I am not going to make this a long story, because clearly I stand where I stand. The majority of my readers are Kerry voters. So, I must be the only blogger in the world who has the majority of his readers disagreeing with him. Think about that. Most blogs are read by people who nod their heads and say...yeah..That's right.
The sad thing is even though I knew in my heart who I was voting for I wasn't looking forward to saying so on here. Considering I know of only one of my readers (god knows who half the mystery posters even are) for a fact voted for Bush. But really what difference would it have made but to have hate projected towards me? I might even lose some of my new readers which I really hope not, because I consider most of them my friends. I get it a lot when it comes to my worldly views. Most people think those views don't even fit my personality and are shocked to hear where I usually lean.
As I am writing this Dan K asked me how anyone could actually think John Kerry to run this country. The fact is not everyone that votes for Bush is an idiot or rich. So, please I can think of tons of people that are middle class that are voting for Bush. I even know a handful of democrats that are voting for Bush. Today a friend at work told me he was democrat and read a lot about the race, and told me he is voting for Bush because he just doesn't think Kerry is up to the war on terror.
Now, I respect every ones views on my blog. I will never call anyone names that disagree with me. Sadly, I am rarely given to the same respect when I speak my mind. Usually, slandered and called nasty names for people who supposedly love freedom of speech. I had a friend at work that I have been talking about the election almost non-stop for several months. He actually was disappointed in me for voting for Bush. Telling how disappointed it was that I was going to vote for Bush, given how in formed I am.
I just think that Kerry is mostly all style. He will win this election based on all the MTV watchers who know very little and think that we will be drafted if Bush wins. They let Kerry's wife get away with the lie that we would "Catch" Bin Laden a week before Nov2. It was a bold faced lie based on nothing. Sadly, NO ONE called her on that.
I gave Kerry a good chance, but I never was fully sold. I can go on and on. If Kerry thinks we need more people in Iraq...How will HE DO IT WITH OUT DRAFTING YOU? He keeps saying he has a plan. Sometimes citing you have to wait till January to hear what it is.
I really fear Kerry thinks its an easy fix..It isn't.
Now I have heard so many nasty things about the Bush. That's fine. No problem with that. However, there are many people that are close to me and important in my life that did vote for Bush. They aren't even close to all the nasty things that are said about being a Bush supporter. In fact some of them are some of the best people I have ever met. I respect peoples views. I am not a bigot, I am not against minorities, and I don't think anyone voting for Kerry is dumb, un-American, or bad people.
You can't change my mind I can't change yours. We can talk about stuff all we want, but the bottom line at the end of the day. I voted for Bush. I could endorse him, but who would listen? I am not in that business its up to you to make up your own mind and vote. That's what makes America great. Hopefully, you people will continue to read my blog and respect my views.
Thanks for reading and following the wild election ride. Sorry for the delay in this post. Keep reading and thanks again for supporting Tucker's World.
Well okay I put it off and for some good reasons, and at some very bad reasons.
I had to make a decision about how I was going to run Tucker's World during the campaign. What I realized this year is to have a much better political conversation with someone no matter where they stand is to put a topic in the air and look at both sides. I don't usually start the conversation with I THINK BLAH,BLAH,BLAH. I usually start with..what do you think. I get a feel for where they stand on the issues and take it from there. I figured I would try to make fun of the election that wasn't all that funny.
Maybe I was a little to easy on Bush, but most of my readers read TERMINUS, so why beat a dead horse? I did question John Kerry quite a lot on here, and that happened after I realized that many of the people I talked to couldn't give me one thing they liked about John Kerry or even tell me how he was going to fix most of our problems. Not to say they were all uneducated. I just wanted people talking about it.
Well let me just say that I backed out of an making it clear this weekend, because I realized. I am not going to sway anyone's vote. To be honest I am sure some of my readers would have just called me nasty names and attacked me. Yeah, Lima Beanz you are right. It was no secret towards the end anyway. Although, I have had readers tell me they didn't have a clue who I was voting for. Also, most people at work from the way I discuss politics with naturally assumed I was voting for Kerry. Although, I tried to convince someone I was voting for Nader today.
The thing of it is, I didn't make up my mind till about over a month ago. Towards the end it was between Bush and no one at all. At the end of the day, I just wasn't sold on John Kerry. He had better music, and lots of promises, but I didn't buy that he would MAKE A STRONGER THE US. I honestly, think he is totally underestimating how easy it will be to fix the nations problems. If he wins tonight I highly doubt that the terrorists are going to stop what they are doing, and everyone will want to help us with the mess in Iraq.
The war In Afganistian (sp?) was sadly over looked, and I think it was a much larger success than people give credit for. Hell, they actually had elections there. Do I agree with the war in Iraq? For some reasons I do, but not entirely. In the comments section below I will give you list of quotes from others who thought there were WMDs too. In fact given all the confusion who really knows if there were some at one point.
I am not going to make this a long story, because clearly I stand where I stand. The majority of my readers are Kerry voters. So, I must be the only blogger in the world who has the majority of his readers disagreeing with him. Think about that. Most blogs are read by people who nod their heads and say...yeah..That's right.
The sad thing is even though I knew in my heart who I was voting for I wasn't looking forward to saying so on here. Considering I know of only one of my readers (god knows who half the mystery posters even are) for a fact voted for Bush. But really what difference would it have made but to have hate projected towards me? I might even lose some of my new readers which I really hope not, because I consider most of them my friends. I get it a lot when it comes to my worldly views. Most people think those views don't even fit my personality and are shocked to hear where I usually lean.
As I am writing this Dan K asked me how anyone could actually think John Kerry to run this country. The fact is not everyone that votes for Bush is an idiot or rich. So, please I can think of tons of people that are middle class that are voting for Bush. I even know a handful of democrats that are voting for Bush. Today a friend at work told me he was democrat and read a lot about the race, and told me he is voting for Bush because he just doesn't think Kerry is up to the war on terror.
Now, I respect every ones views on my blog. I will never call anyone names that disagree with me. Sadly, I am rarely given to the same respect when I speak my mind. Usually, slandered and called nasty names for people who supposedly love freedom of speech. I had a friend at work that I have been talking about the election almost non-stop for several months. He actually was disappointed in me for voting for Bush. Telling how disappointed it was that I was going to vote for Bush, given how in formed I am.
I just think that Kerry is mostly all style. He will win this election based on all the MTV watchers who know very little and think that we will be drafted if Bush wins. They let Kerry's wife get away with the lie that we would "Catch" Bin Laden a week before Nov2. It was a bold faced lie based on nothing. Sadly, NO ONE called her on that.
I gave Kerry a good chance, but I never was fully sold. I can go on and on. If Kerry thinks we need more people in Iraq...How will HE DO IT WITH OUT DRAFTING YOU? He keeps saying he has a plan. Sometimes citing you have to wait till January to hear what it is.
I really fear Kerry thinks its an easy fix..It isn't.
Now I have heard so many nasty things about the Bush. That's fine. No problem with that. However, there are many people that are close to me and important in my life that did vote for Bush. They aren't even close to all the nasty things that are said about being a Bush supporter. In fact some of them are some of the best people I have ever met. I respect peoples views. I am not a bigot, I am not against minorities, and I don't think anyone voting for Kerry is dumb, un-American, or bad people.
You can't change my mind I can't change yours. We can talk about stuff all we want, but the bottom line at the end of the day. I voted for Bush. I could endorse him, but who would listen? I am not in that business its up to you to make up your own mind and vote. That's what makes America great. Hopefully, you people will continue to read my blog and respect my views.
Thanks for reading and following the wild election ride. Sorry for the delay in this post. Keep reading and thanks again for supporting Tucker's World.
Monday, November 01, 2004
Well, I just had to relax for a bit. Well this is it my friends, today it the day we have been all counting down to. Some of you might be reading this before you go to bed and will vote first think in the morning. I have a friend who never voted before that i making a point to get up at the butt-crack of dawn and vote. It's going to be a wild finnish to a wild long memorable, history in the making ride. I am voting after work most likely, unless I happen to get up early for some reason. Considering the states won't be called till at least 8 I won't miss too much but hype and spin. My prediction at this point is that it will be John Kerry by a much larger margin than anyone would have expected. Be careful out there tomorrow people...enjoy voting and please check in on my blog with stories at the polls. I want to know whats going on out there. I will try to update my blog through out the night. So, click back if you have time. I want to see if can be one of the first bloggers to declare the winner. Again, I am saying Kerry is going to win, by a big enough margin that we should know it when we go to sleep tonight. Of course, I am not anpert.
JOHN KERRY JOHN KERRY JOHN KERRY JOHN KERGeorge BUSH! RY JOHN KERRY JOHN KERRY vote or die!!!! BUSH..BUSH BUSH..4 more YEARS! WE WILL HOPE IS ON THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!STRONGER AMERICA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Flip-flopper!!!!!!!!!!!! Draft dodger.....IRAQ...OSAMA TAPES...FLIP FLOPPER....KERRY voting for stuff before he voted against it....KERRY saying well it depends on the outcome about if he would have done something....Micheal Moore's movie ......pulling troops out of Iraq.......people with kerry edwards signs at the intersection of haddon ave and cuthbert blvd wanting me to honk my horn...images..images......muddslingging I have election over load...too much media propaganda..too many ads..to many signs...too many talking heads im...freaking out loyal readers...im freaking out TUCKERS WORLD's HYPO-METER has broken.....................where are my cicada friends? did they go under ground for 17 years when I was paying attention to this election./...where are the cicadas? WHEEEEEEEEEEEEERE are they?
"What I Learned"
:::cue up childrens music:::
Okay, kids here is some stuff that I learened during the race for the white house.
1. If you are the front runner for the democratic candidate for president. Don't scream like a crazy guy.
2. If you opponent is in the middle of farm country holding an ear of corn looking like a jack-ass. You imedately have to stand in the middle of farm country and hold an ear of corn and loko like a jack-ass.
3. Because, John Kerry served in Vietnam, and we should listen to everyone who served in Veitnam, unless they don't like John Kerry.
4. Rock Stars LOVE Kerry.
5. MTV thinks we should vote for Kerry or we will all die.
6. Bush thinks lots of stuff are funny. He kept laughing in the 3rd election.
7. Curt Schilling LOVES Bush
8. Osama HATES Bush
9. Osama LOVES Micheal Moore's movie.
10. Sean "P Diddy"Combs really wants us to vote.
11. Both sides are getting down in dirty to try to sway the election.
12. Younger voters will believe anything you tell them.
13. Kerry Really thinks Hope is on the way.
14. If we found WMDs by now people would be like John ..Who?
15. Bush thinks we will be hit again if Kerry wins and we will all be eaten by wolves. Kerry thinks if we vote for Bush we will all be drafted and attack Iran. ***note to readers Liza's dog looks like a wolf and tries to chew my hand off everytime I go over her house. ***
Okay, kids here is some stuff that I learened during the race for the white house.
1. If you are the front runner for the democratic candidate for president. Don't scream like a crazy guy.
2. If you opponent is in the middle of farm country holding an ear of corn looking like a jack-ass. You imedately have to stand in the middle of farm country and hold an ear of corn and loko like a jack-ass.
3. Because, John Kerry served in Vietnam, and we should listen to everyone who served in Veitnam, unless they don't like John Kerry.
4. Rock Stars LOVE Kerry.
5. MTV thinks we should vote for Kerry or we will all die.
6. Bush thinks lots of stuff are funny. He kept laughing in the 3rd election.
7. Curt Schilling LOVES Bush
8. Osama HATES Bush
9. Osama LOVES Micheal Moore's movie.
10. Sean "P Diddy"Combs really wants us to vote.
11. Both sides are getting down in dirty to try to sway the election.
12. Younger voters will believe anything you tell them.
13. Kerry Really thinks Hope is on the way.
14. If we found WMDs by now people would be like John ..Who?
15. Bush thinks we will be hit again if Kerry wins and we will all be eaten by wolves. Kerry thinks if we vote for Bush we will all be drafted and attack Iran. ***note to readers Liza's dog looks like a wolf and tries to chew my hand off everytime I go over her house. ***
Sunday, October 31, 2004
"Monster Mash"
I was working in the lab late one night When my eyes beheld an eerie sight For my monster from his slab began to rise And suddenly to my surprise He did the mash He did the monster mash The monster mash It was a graveyard smash He did the mash It caught on in a flash He did the mash He did the monster mash
>From my laboratory in the castle east To the master bedroom where the vampires feast The ghouls all came from their humble abodes To get a jolt from my electrodes
They did the mash They did the monster mash The monster mash It was a graveyard smash They did the mash It caught on in a flash They did the mash They did the monster mash
The zombies were having fun The party had just begun The guests included Wolf Man Dracula and his son The scene was rockin', all were digging the sounds Igor on chains, backed by his baying hounds The coffin-bangers were about to arrive With their vocal group, "The Crypt-Kicker Five" They played the mash They played the monster mash The monster mash It was a graveyard smash
They played the mash It caught on in a flash They played the mash They played the monster mash Out from his coffin, Drac's voice did ring Seems he was troubled by just one thing He opened the lid and shook his fist And said, "Whatever happened to my Transylvania twist?"
It's now the mash It's now the monster mash The monster mash And it's a graveyard smash It's now the mash It's caught on in a flash It's now the mash It's now the monster mash Now everything's cool, Drac's a part of the band And my monster mash is the hit of the land For you, the living, this mash was meant too When you get to my door, tell them Boris sent you Then you can mash Then you can monster mash The monster mash And do my graveyard smash Then you can mash You'll catch on in a flash Then you can mash Then you can monster mash
>From my laboratory in the castle east To the master bedroom where the vampires feast The ghouls all came from their humble abodes To get a jolt from my electrodes
They did the mash They did the monster mash The monster mash It was a graveyard smash They did the mash It caught on in a flash They did the mash They did the monster mash
The zombies were having fun The party had just begun The guests included Wolf Man Dracula and his son The scene was rockin', all were digging the sounds Igor on chains, backed by his baying hounds The coffin-bangers were about to arrive With their vocal group, "The Crypt-Kicker Five" They played the mash They played the monster mash The monster mash It was a graveyard smash
They played the mash It caught on in a flash They played the mash They played the monster mash Out from his coffin, Drac's voice did ring Seems he was troubled by just one thing He opened the lid and shook his fist And said, "Whatever happened to my Transylvania twist?"
It's now the mash It's now the monster mash The monster mash And it's a graveyard smash It's now the mash It's caught on in a flash It's now the mash It's now the monster mash Now everything's cool, Drac's a part of the band And my monster mash is the hit of the land For you, the living, this mash was meant too When you get to my door, tell them Boris sent you Then you can mash Then you can monster mash The monster mash And do my graveyard smash Then you can mash You'll catch on in a flash Then you can mash Then you can monster mash
"Weird U.S." (Tonight at 10:30 pm! on the History Channel)
Well you might have thought this was going to be about the election based on the title. Perhaps how "weird" it is that these two guys are the "best" men for the job out of the entire population of the U.S. Well it isn't.
Well most my readers know I am big fan of the local publication WEIRD N.J. in fact I have brought issues out for my friends to read on many occassions. I know some of my readers even read it on their own. Anyway, if you don't know what the magazine is about its out twice a year Oct, and May it talks about strange roads, legands, folklore, abandoned wharehouses, places where the NJ devil supposedly lives, UFO sightings of the the years, midgets, and freaks that live in the woods and mess with people.
Honestly, I don't believe half of what I read. However, its fun to see how the legends get the changed, and different people debunk of confirm the stories. They magazine is really interseting and a even people that don't think ALIENS have shown up yet can get something out of it. They show road side oddites like robots made of junk, big statues, bizarre sayings written on trees, and they even wrote a great (and freaky) article about a cold case of a missing girl years ago. The case is now reopened despite still not knowing if who or why she was killed, but the details around it are crazy.
Anyway, to get to the point the two guys who started out (they also have a book) are doing a spin-off book WEIRD U.S. ,a nd they were asked to film a special for the History Channel that will air tonight at 10 30 pm est.
If the show goes over well, it will become a series. Good for them! Although, I am worried that it will lose its NJ appeal, they assure their fans that WEIRD NJ will still be around.
In the newest issue (now at newstands) people might be saddened to hear that The Swampman or "Swampy" the man who roamed around in the creek in woods near the Deptford Mall, was arrested after attacking someone. The police said he was believed to be living in the woods bettween 10-2o years.
He was sent to ancora and the incident was even in the newspapers I am told. So, don't bother looking in the woods by the mall anymore for "Swampy" because, he is gone. I feel cheated that I never got to see him. They said he wore several layers of clothes, and attached pieces of trash to his body and ate out of dumpsters by the mall.
So, don't forget to tune into Weird US tonight at 10 30 on the History Channel!
Poor Swampy....
Well most my readers know I am big fan of the local publication WEIRD N.J. in fact I have brought issues out for my friends to read on many occassions. I know some of my readers even read it on their own. Anyway, if you don't know what the magazine is about its out twice a year Oct, and May it talks about strange roads, legands, folklore, abandoned wharehouses, places where the NJ devil supposedly lives, UFO sightings of the the years, midgets, and freaks that live in the woods and mess with people.
Honestly, I don't believe half of what I read. However, its fun to see how the legends get the changed, and different people debunk of confirm the stories. They magazine is really interseting and a even people that don't think ALIENS have shown up yet can get something out of it. They show road side oddites like robots made of junk, big statues, bizarre sayings written on trees, and they even wrote a great (and freaky) article about a cold case of a missing girl years ago. The case is now reopened despite still not knowing if who or why she was killed, but the details around it are crazy.
Anyway, to get to the point the two guys who started out (they also have a book) are doing a spin-off book WEIRD U.S. ,a nd they were asked to film a special for the History Channel that will air tonight at 10 30 pm est.
If the show goes over well, it will become a series. Good for them! Although, I am worried that it will lose its NJ appeal, they assure their fans that WEIRD NJ will still be around.
In the newest issue (now at newstands) people might be saddened to hear that The Swampman or "Swampy" the man who roamed around in the creek in woods near the Deptford Mall, was arrested after attacking someone. The police said he was believed to be living in the woods bettween 10-2o years.
He was sent to ancora and the incident was even in the newspapers I am told. So, don't bother looking in the woods by the mall anymore for "Swampy" because, he is gone. I feel cheated that I never got to see him. They said he wore several layers of clothes, and attached pieces of trash to his body and ate out of dumpsters by the mall.
So, don't forget to tune into Weird US tonight at 10 30 on the History Channel!
Poor Swampy....
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