Sent to me by some one who has the middle intial of K, without any text was an article about how the end is near for the worlds oil. We are almost out and Bush knows!
Read up on the end here.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
"Uncle Tucker 3: The Birth of Jackson"
I am an uncle for the third time. My brothers wife gave birth their 2nd son and third kid altogther Jackson sometime today.
So they have a 6 yearold, a 1 yearold and a newborn. Add their ages and divide it by 6 and I am guessing thats about as many hours of sleep they are going to get per night for, I don't know the next two years.
With 3 grandkids there is really no reason my parents to expect grandkids from me. I think I am offically off the hook.
So they have a 6 yearold, a 1 yearold and a newborn. Add their ages and divide it by 6 and I am guessing thats about as many hours of sleep they are going to get per night for, I don't know the next two years.
With 3 grandkids there is really no reason my parents to expect grandkids from me. I think I am offically off the hook.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
"Lets Go Flyers!"

Okay we won two and a row. If we win tonight againstNashville. DO you know what that is called? A winning streak!
Okay we have Nashville who is one of the top teams in the NHL right now, but I think we can take them. I know we can beat the Ilsanders if we play a full 60 mins. Than we have the dreaded NJ Devils this Saturday. If we win those two previous games, we win Saturday. I think its now or never.
If we turn it into a 5 game unbeaten streak we are seriously right back in a playoff race. I am disgusted with the way they have played at times but look they are in a 4-2 strech. Not bad. I like John Steven's new system, and the players seem more upbeat lately.
It's still early, and I am not going to give up on this team. We are only (as I type this anyway) 11 points out of 1st place! We got two games in our own divison this week. Time to rally and dig deep season is on the line, but its not over!
I have a strong connection to this team, and I think they will win the next 3 games. I just feel it in my gut. Lets do it for all those wonderfully hot delta denta ice girls. Because we dont want them to be all sad and crying. That would be just to heartbreaking. Look at them all wearing their tight ass pants and their Flyers jerseys!
In fact in order to get Flyered up, lets all pick our fav. DELTA DENTAL ICE GIRL!. Jenna you can play along too. We won't judge.
I have picked Aimee aka AIMDAWG! Aimee so hot she didn't spell her name with a Y.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
"Upside Down Grill, Eh....?"
So on my own for a year now, I have actually learned to cook to a certain degree (pun intended). Yeah I started simple with the pasta and hot dogs. Sure, I still visit my parents like twice a week for a good meal. However I realized that I would benefit health wise and taste wise to start cooking more on my own.
For the longest time it was Foreman Grill or nothing. However, I eventually branched out to throwing stuff in the oven. Of course this resulted in many times of choking down dry food or stuff that was just plain awful.
A few weeks back I was going to the local grocery store to pick up something quick and simple. In the process I found they had Swordfish steaks on sale. I am quite the seafood lover and it sounded like a perfect meal for that day to me. Since, my parents were out of town and out of cell phone range, I figured if I needed to look else where for help before I ruined the fish not knowing how to cook it.
So, I phoned a friend an dialed up Jay who told me I should put it in the broiler. Now I was always afraid to cook with the broiler for any reason. Mainly because I simply never understood the concept of one or how long to cook anything in there for.
Thats when Jay changed my life and told me it was an upside down grill. I stood in the store, and stroked my chin.
"upside down Grill, Eh?" I thought to myself.
This launched me into a vivid day dream. I was standing outside with an apron on with a Grill that was floating upside down. The burgers and dogs kept falling to the ground and the flames started hitting the grass below and ignited it. The entire back yard started to become engulfed in flames. At this point all my friends and family started knocking over lawn chairs and leaping into bushes or near by shubery.
"Who like their's well-done!?!?," I asked as the fire kept getting more and more out of control.
I finally snapped out of it(hopefully no one was watching I am sure I was laughing to myself) and picked up the fish.
So long story short I am throwing everything in the broiler now. Its truly now my new best friend. Its even a much easier clean up than the Foreman Grill.
For the longest time it was Foreman Grill or nothing. However, I eventually branched out to throwing stuff in the oven. Of course this resulted in many times of choking down dry food or stuff that was just plain awful.
A few weeks back I was going to the local grocery store to pick up something quick and simple. In the process I found they had Swordfish steaks on sale. I am quite the seafood lover and it sounded like a perfect meal for that day to me. Since, my parents were out of town and out of cell phone range, I figured if I needed to look else where for help before I ruined the fish not knowing how to cook it.
So, I phoned a friend an dialed up Jay who told me I should put it in the broiler. Now I was always afraid to cook with the broiler for any reason. Mainly because I simply never understood the concept of one or how long to cook anything in there for.
Thats when Jay changed my life and told me it was an upside down grill. I stood in the store, and stroked my chin.
"upside down Grill, Eh?" I thought to myself.
This launched me into a vivid day dream. I was standing outside with an apron on with a Grill that was floating upside down. The burgers and dogs kept falling to the ground and the flames started hitting the grass below and ignited it. The entire back yard started to become engulfed in flames. At this point all my friends and family started knocking over lawn chairs and leaping into bushes or near by shubery.
"Who like their's well-done!?!?," I asked as the fire kept getting more and more out of control.
I finally snapped out of it(hopefully no one was watching I am sure I was laughing to myself) and picked up the fish.
So long story short I am throwing everything in the broiler now. Its truly now my new best friend. Its even a much easier clean up than the Foreman Grill.
"Strange Dr. Who Lover, or How I Stopped Worrying and Read the Blog"
Once a blogger always a Blogger. Drew founder of the Message board, the crewblog and TERMINUS is now back with a sequel.
I knew he couldn't stay away from blogging for long. I know some of my readers read this blog, but not the Crewblog, so I am going to provide a link to Drew's new blog. Altough its too late to take credit for the election turning in his favor, I am sure many other people than just my readers are going to be jazzed to see Drew back up and running. Even the Zombie Corpse of Scatman.
Drew, it will be I am going to guess about 48 hours before Dan K starts flamming your blog and starts launching personal attacks and slandering you and most of your readers.
Good luck with that.
I knew he couldn't stay away from blogging for long. I know some of my readers read this blog, but not the Crewblog, so I am going to provide a link to Drew's new blog. Altough its too late to take credit for the election turning in his favor, I am sure many other people than just my readers are going to be jazzed to see Drew back up and running. Even the Zombie Corpse of Scatman.
Drew, it will be I am going to guess about 48 hours before Dan K starts flamming your blog and starts launching personal attacks and slandering you and most of your readers.
Good luck with that.
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