Sunday, November 26, 2006

"Upside Down Grill, Eh....?"

So on my own for a year now, I have actually learned to cook to a certain degree (pun intended). Yeah I started simple with the pasta and hot dogs. Sure, I still visit my parents like twice a week for a good meal. However I realized that I would benefit health wise and taste wise to start cooking more on my own.

For the longest time it was Foreman Grill or nothing. However, I eventually branched out to throwing stuff in the oven. Of course this resulted in many times of choking down dry food or stuff that was just plain awful.

A few weeks back I was going to the local grocery store to pick up something quick and simple. In the process I found they had Swordfish steaks on sale. I am quite the seafood lover and it sounded like a perfect meal for that day to me. Since, my parents were out of town and out of cell phone range, I figured if I needed to look else where for help before I ruined the fish not knowing how to cook it.

So, I phoned a friend an dialed up Jay who told me I should put it in the broiler. Now I was always afraid to cook with the broiler for any reason. Mainly because I simply never understood the concept of one or how long to cook anything in there for.

Thats when Jay changed my life and told me it was an upside down grill. I stood in the store, and stroked my chin.

"upside down Grill, Eh?" I thought to myself.

This launched me into a vivid day dream. I was standing outside with an apron on with a Grill that was floating upside down. The burgers and dogs kept falling to the ground and the flames started hitting the grass below and ignited it. The entire back yard started to become engulfed in flames. At this point all my friends and family started knocking over lawn chairs and leaping into bushes or near by shubery.

"Who like their's well-done!?!?," I asked as the fire kept getting more and more out of control.

I finally snapped out of it(hopefully no one was watching I am sure I was laughing to myself) and picked up the fish.

So long story short I am throwing everything in the broiler now. Its truly now my new best friend. Its even a much easier clean up than the Foreman Grill.


Anonymous said...

Somebody call 911!

Unknown said...

Have you considered medication?

keith said...

man those flames were high..