Okay we won two and a row. If we win tonight againstNashville. DO you know what that is called? A winning streak!
Okay we have Nashville who is one of the top teams in the NHL right now, but I think we can take them. I know we can beat the Ilsanders if we play a full 60 mins. Than we have the dreaded NJ Devils this Saturday. If we win those two previous games, we win Saturday. I think its now or never.
If we turn it into a 5 game unbeaten streak we are seriously right back in a playoff race. I am disgusted with the way they have played at times but look they are in a 4-2 strech. Not bad. I like John Steven's new system, and the players seem more upbeat lately.
It's still early, and I am not going to give up on this team. We are only (as I type this anyway) 11 points out of 1st place! We got two games in our own divison this week. Time to rally and dig deep season is on the line, but its not over!
I have a strong connection to this team, and I think they will win the next 3 games. I just feel it in my gut. Lets do it for all those wonderfully hot delta denta ice girls. Because we dont want them to be all sad and crying. That would be just to heartbreaking. Look at them all wearing their tight ass pants and their Flyers jerseys!
In fact in order to get Flyered up, lets all pick our fav. DELTA DENTAL ICE GIRL!. Jenna you can play along too. We won't judge.
I have picked Aimee aka AIMDAWG! Aimee so hot she didn't spell her name with a Y.
Winning streak (sports)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In sports, a winning streak refers to a consecutive number of games won. A winning streak can last only two games or be sustained over a much larger timeframe. A winning streak can be held by a team, as in baseball, or by an individual, as in tennis.
I am going with Camie. Although jen was a close second because she has to be like 50 years old. It is just hilarious watching her run around and dance with these 20 year old girls. It is awkward and enticing at the same time, she does have a nice little body for a grandmother.
I dont care what that says, two games is not a winning streak! Its back to back wins.
I think they look like they are the same age Jay. Camie even says she "waited a long time" to get her horse farm.
I bet they are with in a year or two of each other.
Also, Camie's fav movie is apollo 13. I think that movie is about as dull as sitting at the DMV for 2hours.
I think a better title for this blog would be: The Future ex-Mrs. Hughes.
Aimee is amazing...
Andrea would be a great wife for Keith.
From her bio:
My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. You can spend time with family, eat and watch football. Then look forward to leftovers all week!
See, she sees the importance of Thanksgiving.
You are probably right but Camie has that hot MILF loof to her where Jen has that hot I like to crochet look to her. If given a choice I would give it so hard to Camie every time.
Notice, Drew didn't chime in. I told you he was gay!
I think Rathje was thinking about those girls last night when he ruined the game for everyone.
Here are my questions about Rathje.
1. Why does he always fan on his pass and shots?
2. Why was he trying to pass right in front of his goalie with two Nashville guys waiting to score in the first place. Seriously has he ever though about skating? Or I don't know using the boards? What on earth was he thinking on trying to pass to begin with?
3. Why the hell is he out there when the game is tied 2-2 with 5 mins left?
4. Can we just kind of leave him off the bus after the islanders game? I know we can't cut players in the NHL, but can we "lose" them?
5. Also, one about Kyle Caldar. Did the Blackhawks trade us the actual hockey player who played for them all those years, or just some guy with the same name that was walking around the streets of Chicago? Because, the player for them actually scored goals. This guy on our team looks like he belongs on a peewee team. He totally doesn't seem to know the basics of the game. I think he was like the team janitor.
I'm going with Katie, she's the better looking of girls that have "Joker" smiles. And I think that you could chip ice with her chin.
I'm going with Katie, she's the better looking of girls that have "Joker" smiles. And I think that you could chip ice with her chin.
Told you drew was gay
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