Thursday, November 09, 2006
"Back to the Shooting Board"
The team is desperate to get out of the mental funk. Everyone in the hockey world refers to them as "fragile". Meaning basically one thing goes wrong, and you might as well turn the lights off and chalk up another L.
Honestly, it everytime I think this team has hit rock bottom, they go farther into the depths of hell. I mean even Gagne and Forsberg are not above being blamed. Gags has 10 pts in 14 games and "Peter The Great" Has 9 in 13. But the #1 reason I think this team sucks, is the younger players who were expected to score are not. Mike Richards zero goals and 3 assists in 14 games. Umberger has just 3 goals in 13 games and helpers. Carter 4pts (only 1 goal) in 14 games. Awful. Add in the dreadful Kyle Caldar who has just two assists, and leads the league in dumb plays.
The board ploy didn't work. The awful Isles blanked Philly in Philly no less. Awful. The season is over and look for them to deal Gagne, Umberger, or Escehe by the end of the week.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
"The President Is Not Crying"

For the first time since 1994 the Democrats have control of the house. They still need 3 to control the Senate.
What his means as far as I can gather (I am no expert by any means) that the democrats will pretty much control the money for the country. If they want to cut funding for Iraq or over through Bush taxe cuts they can. Although they said they won't cut funding for Iraq.
There could be very likely an investigation lead by the now in power democrats about the war in Iraq and the intelligence and decisions that lead up to the war. Also, perhaps contracts given to companies helping out in Iraq could come under fire.
President Bush (Mr. Bush for you ABC NEWs viewers) suffered perhaps the biggest 2nd term meltdown in the history of American politics. I am really not surprised about the way things are turning out tonight. Considering even people that voted for Bush or supported Bush in 2004 have turned their back on him. Many people were just jumping the ship. The democrats will likely even lean on the moderates to have them "toe the line". Basically though not many laws will be passed, just two sides fighting with each other. Gridlock.
It's hard to really gage sometimes on the pulse of the country since New Jersey is about as liberal as you can get. Most people tell me they think Bush is worst than Hitler, and Saddam combined. However, talking to some people that moved here from other parts of the country they almost sheepishly reply they like Bush. Likey out of fear their cars will be flipped by angry democrats "Chanting worse than Hitler" still stinging from the Kerry disaster.
But the election results spoke volumnes really. States that haven't gone to democrats for ages, went to democrats. Republicans that have won (or have been porjected to win at this point) did it by the skin of their teeth.
People are generally pissed about the war in Iraq and you have to think even some people that might have done a good job, lost their election because of ties to Bush. People that were even popular in their states.
Sure Bush can still veto some stuff. But let's face it he is defeated man, and has seemed burned out over the last year.
Winds of change of blown from sea to shining sea. There are a lot of nicknames for President Bush out there, and I think you can officailly add Lame Duck to ths list. Thoughts?
Also, my hat is off to Count Chocucla for winning the Tucker's World Election.
"Projected Winner.."

The winner of the Tucker's World election is,,, Count Chocula! Wait ?!? What?!?! That doesn't make any sense at all!!!!
Well anyway thanks for everyone voted, even all those dead people that voted, and all the homeless people that the democrats paid to vote for the count.
Let's see if we can listen in on the Count's speech!
"Well Fang, You all very much"
::: Applause:::
"I look forward to sinking my teeth into getting America back on course!"
::: Applause:::
"This election was a real blood bath, BLAH!"
::: Applause::
"It was real neck and neck for awhile there"
"Watching the results and waiting was driving me batty"
"There was a lot at stake for this election!"
Monday, November 06, 2006
"Vote Megatron"

"Vote Zombie Corpse Of Scatman "

As all of you know I love the beloved late Scatman Crothers (The Shining, Transformers: The Movie, The Shootist) and in fact I was just going to post a really cool picture of Scatman for this one. He always looked cool. But when I did a google image search one of the first images that came up was "Zombie Corpse of Scatman". I have no idea what this is all about. But he looks like he really wants your vote, and I guess all the pro-human eating flesh voters will be casting their votes for this guy.