It's time for a new feature on Tucker's. It's called "A link is posted directing you to a girl dancing to some sort of a song, in a UTUBE video for all to see, and comment on"
I would promise you that this would be a weekly feature. But of course that would be just a lie. Its okay to check her out, because according to her profile she is 18!
Yeah she looks down right silly at times but shes wearing short shorts and tight top. She is doing it so people that use "The Google" on the "Internets" can watch her shake her little butt and rip her to pieces or praise her little dance via the comments section.
So, without farther to do, here is some random girl none of us will ever meet who likely would classify myself and all my readers as "old dudes" dancing to "I'm a Hoe". Tell me what you think!
My god, its 10:11 on Saturday and I haven't had a beer yet.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
"Afterhours Tucker"

So, I came home and watched Sopranos DVD, followed up by Thank You for Smoking. I was quite enjoying Thank You for Smoking, but I started to get really sleepy. I kept fighting it, but was like ah, screw it. I can just pause it and comeback. So I did. This was at like 7:30.
I didn't wake up till, oh about 10:45 or so. I decided, what the heck, I didnt have too much left in the movie, might as well watch and go back to sleep. However, that was a mistake since I am pretty much wide awake now after being in my virtual coma. Wide awake.
So, yup its uh, 12:26 am. So I decided I was going to blog.
::::clears throat:::::
:::: looking around quiet dark room ::::
Yup I decided to blog.
mmm hmmm..
logging on to the OLD dashboard.
ready to share my thoughts and life with all my readers.
::::looking around room some more ::::
Man, I sure have a lot of jeans on my bedroom floor! I didn't even know I had that many! I think some are like 3 years old. I usually keep them untill the ass part wears out. I am going to go fold them and put them in a pile. Be right back.....
Alright I am back.
I am having hotdogs for dinner tomorrow night. God, I love hotdogs. When I die, I want to be burried in Jeans and everyone should eat hotdogs at my wake.
::::peering out window::::
Nope nothing much going on out there tonight. Yup quite the quiet night. Used to be a stray cat that would wonder around the parking lot around this time. Haven't seen him in awhile. Sure hope he found a good home.
I had to wipe my window off its all foggy!
I wonder if there is going to be frost on my car in the morning. Weatherman said it was going to be mighty cold for this time of year tonight.
:::peering out again:::
nah, nothing yet.
::whistling to myself:::
Sharkey's is open till 3am....
I think I could go up there if they had cool arcade games. I am in the mood for good old aracade game. Not a playstation game. But a good old fashion put your quarters in the machine and move the little stick around and smash up the buttons. If they had rampage at that bar, I would have already hit publish post and been out the door.
((( laughing ))))
::: picturing king kong smashing up big bulidings and eating humans ::::
So, much destruction! What a big ass ape! Like those helicopters are going to stop him!
I just went and unloaded the less thing to do tomorrow before the Flyers game.
So this must be what its like to have a small kid. Waking up randomly in the middle of the night. Getting sleep whenever you can.
Where is Drew lately? He never comments on this blog anymore. Well, if he doesn't in the next week or so, I am just going to start insulting his mother till he does.
I already took a nice warm bath...that didn't help. Nothing like a nice warm bath on a chilly night.
Man it sure is quiet tonight...
Am I the only one who thinks Rachel Ray is hot? Got, shes slammin sometimes. Maybe its cause she can cook. With those 30 minute meals. If she were here tonight I could think of something that would that would take up about 5 minutes of her time. AFTER she cooked me a meal!
Maybe 6 minutes I am wide awake.
::clearing throat::::
I am going to go check on my Scooby Chia pet.
Man its getting big!
You guys remember the featherless chicken?!!? Wierd, huh?
Well this concludes our broadcast day! If you read this whole post 37 Tucker's World Points to you. -
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
"Bad Joke Weds"!
How do you know policemen are strong?
Because they can hold up traffic.
How do you kill a circus?
Go for the juggler.
Why was the broom late?
Because he overswept.
Why didn't the leopard go on vacation?
It couldn't find the right spot.
Did you hear about the girl who skipped rope while she read?
She jumped to conclusions.
What did the potato ask the cow?
Give me some milk, and we can make mashed potatoes
How do you know when the moon is going broke?
When it's down to its last quarter.
What's the difference between a moose and an ant?
A moose has antlers, but an ant doesn't have mooselers.
How do you catch a tame rabbit?
The tame way -- unique up on him.
Stop, me Stop me now I have more!
Because they can hold up traffic.
How do you kill a circus?
Go for the juggler.
Why was the broom late?
Because he overswept.
Why didn't the leopard go on vacation?
It couldn't find the right spot.
Did you hear about the girl who skipped rope while she read?
She jumped to conclusions.
What did the potato ask the cow?
Give me some milk, and we can make mashed potatoes
How do you know when the moon is going broke?
When it's down to its last quarter.
What's the difference between a moose and an ant?
A moose has antlers, but an ant doesn't have mooselers.
How do you catch a tame rabbit?
The tame way -- unique up on him.
Stop, me Stop me now I have more!
Monday, October 23, 2006
"Farewell Good Neighbor"
All my life growing up across the street was my neighbor Mr. Flynn think Mr Anderson from Beavis and Butthead and Wilson from Home Improvment combined with the the mouth of a sailor (when kids aren't around) and the old school Irish-American attitude. Pretty much everyday going back to my earliest childhood memories he was across the street working in the yard, or with his garage in his "shop" working on something. Or maybe fixing something.
Although most my neighbors usually don't talk to each other my father and him talked almost everyday. Maybe on the way to get the paper or to exchange ideas on how to get one more summer out of a lawnmower, or to exchange tools or help each other on projects.
Back in the day thanks mainly to the privacy that I got from my parents my house was the hang out. At least until we figured out something to do with the night. So many of my friends had some point met Mr. Flynn. Usually when I unwisely locked myself out of the house.
He did everything you could ask a neighbor to do when our family was away. Bring in the papers, the mail. Just generally look after things. He had lived there when my aunt and uncle owned the house (who obviously sold it to my parents) and ironically he and his wife shared the same name as my parents.
A Korean war vet, and generally a good guy, would be quick to tell me a joke or ask about what was going on with my life. Basically a standard in growing up. He would be there in his yard or shop just as gartuned as the trees in my front yard. He would ask me about school or about my work.
Sadly, I was told this afternoon when I was invited over for dinner by my parents that he went to the hospital last Thursday and was diagnosed with lung cancer which had spread to his kidney and liver. They had given him 2-3 months to live.
Oddly, enough before that he was seemingly fine still walking about to two miles a day, and walking across the street to socialize with my father.
When I got home for dinner tonight my parents told me he passed away this afternoon. Just like that he was gone. Granted he was in his mid-70's, but it still seemed out of the blue since he basically showed no symptoms till last week. Apparently there was no stopping the cancer.
It's funny when you are young and a kid you kind of think things will always stay the same. Even when you get older and move out at least I hope constants in my life will still be there. You will just get older. Sadly life doesn't work that way at all. It would be nice if your life was a syndicated sitcom so when you got home sick for the way things were or people that are no longer around.
I am sure my neighborhood will never be the same without him. He was more than to us he was a friend of the family. Given he was there so long. It might seem strange that I have written this since most of readers barely met the guy if at all. But I don't know it made me think about some day like it or not I will lose many others that are important to me. Maybe its losing two people I knew pretty well suddenly in the span of 6 months. Writing this its not so much extreme sadness. He lived a good life. Just a sense of loss. If you are still actually reading and don't understand what I mean, unfortunately one day you will.
Although most my neighbors usually don't talk to each other my father and him talked almost everyday. Maybe on the way to get the paper or to exchange ideas on how to get one more summer out of a lawnmower, or to exchange tools or help each other on projects.
Back in the day thanks mainly to the privacy that I got from my parents my house was the hang out. At least until we figured out something to do with the night. So many of my friends had some point met Mr. Flynn. Usually when I unwisely locked myself out of the house.
He did everything you could ask a neighbor to do when our family was away. Bring in the papers, the mail. Just generally look after things. He had lived there when my aunt and uncle owned the house (who obviously sold it to my parents) and ironically he and his wife shared the same name as my parents.
A Korean war vet, and generally a good guy, would be quick to tell me a joke or ask about what was going on with my life. Basically a standard in growing up. He would be there in his yard or shop just as gartuned as the trees in my front yard. He would ask me about school or about my work.
Sadly, I was told this afternoon when I was invited over for dinner by my parents that he went to the hospital last Thursday and was diagnosed with lung cancer which had spread to his kidney and liver. They had given him 2-3 months to live.
Oddly, enough before that he was seemingly fine still walking about to two miles a day, and walking across the street to socialize with my father.
When I got home for dinner tonight my parents told me he passed away this afternoon. Just like that he was gone. Granted he was in his mid-70's, but it still seemed out of the blue since he basically showed no symptoms till last week. Apparently there was no stopping the cancer.
It's funny when you are young and a kid you kind of think things will always stay the same. Even when you get older and move out at least I hope constants in my life will still be there. You will just get older. Sadly life doesn't work that way at all. It would be nice if your life was a syndicated sitcom so when you got home sick for the way things were or people that are no longer around.
I am sure my neighborhood will never be the same without him. He was more than to us he was a friend of the family. Given he was there so long. It might seem strange that I have written this since most of readers barely met the guy if at all. But I don't know it made me think about some day like it or not I will lose many others that are important to me. Maybe its losing two people I knew pretty well suddenly in the span of 6 months. Writing this its not so much extreme sadness. He lived a good life. Just a sense of loss. If you are still actually reading and don't understand what I mean, unfortunately one day you will.
"Sterling Alumni, Scott Miller"
I am not sure how many people have heard about this, or who of my readers knew him. But Scott Miller who graduated Sterling before me and after many of my friends passed away he in his sleep earlier this week.
I know quite a bit of my friends played football with him at one point. Scott was a big dude. So, at the very least I am sure most of the readers would know him by face. He was up at Sharkeys randomly over the course of the last year or so. I didn't really know him all that well personally, but again since most of my readers are from the area I figured I would post this. He was 27.
I really don't know any other details about this, but I would imagine it would be in the Courier Post.
I know quite a bit of my friends played football with him at one point. Scott was a big dude. So, at the very least I am sure most of the readers would know him by face. He was up at Sharkeys randomly over the course of the last year or so. I didn't really know him all that well personally, but again since most of my readers are from the area I figured I would post this. He was 27.
I really don't know any other details about this, but I would imagine it would be in the Courier Post.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
"The Ax Falls in Philadelphia"
Hitchock fired! Clarke Resigns!
Ken Hitchock has been fired and Bob Clarke has stepped down as GM for the Philadelphia Flyers.
The rumbling started after the blowout in Buffalo. It was strange though when the players were put on waivers it came from Ed Snider, and he promised more changed was on the way. Quite a bit was riding on the way the team reacted to being torn up in Buffalo. They went out and lost the next two games to Tampa and the Panthers. It was a total mess. Someone had to pay the price.
Bob Clarke said during the press conference that he had wanted to step down since for quite sometime. In fact he told the Comcast CEO that after the Flyers actually had their only win all year.
Clarke sat there with all the other important people and told the media he lost his edge sometime back around the draft. He felt he didn't make many good moves over the summer. Lets face it he made about 8 player moves, and only Calder, Sanderson and Robitalle are still with the team. Sanderson has been the only player of that trio actually doing anything. Calder has been terrible, and Randy Robitalle, is well Randy Robitalle. If Clarke "lost his edge" who was that that made bold move to sign group 2 free agent Ryan Kessler away from the Cancucks?
Ed Snider confirmed what we all already knew. That he would have never, ever fired Clarke. He said Clarke game to him and said he wanted out a few weeks ago. Snider loves Clarke like a son. A bond they formed when he was a player and brought two Stanley Cups to Philadelphia. Not to mention put a face on a young sport in the city. Snider lived his dream through Clarke. Clarke was put right into the GM position when he stopped playing hockey, and was fired by than acting boss (Ed's son) Jay Snider because he was too close to the players still. Many years later he came back.
Despite falling short so many times, and signing two slow d-men till 2046 in the new NHL. Snider still never could bring himself to let his Clarkie go. In fact he was painted a bit like a noble warrior today. He just loved his team so much that stepped down since he was hurting and not helping. Clarke basically begged for a cushy job with the OR-GAN-IZ-ATION. Which he will get in due time. But in the end a watery eyed Clarke said his piece and bowed out. All the while his father figure Snider speaking so proudly about him.
As for Hitch. Snider also confirmed the rumor that the players didn't listen to a damn word Hitch was saying. He had zero control over the team. Which doesn't really make sense to me since, I can't imagine even players just in it for the money want to be blown out 9-1. The players seemed liked they were just doing their own thing. Hitch changed lines everyshift, so half the time the players had no idea who was stepping over the boards with them let alone how to make chemistry together.
The powerplay has been awful for 5 years now, and new coach John Stevens will have to address that starting. Well 3 hours ago. Stevens brought the Phantoms the calder cup home and played for the team for many years. Many of the younger players like Carter and Richards played for Stevens to that might be a good thing. The best thing for this team would to pretend that they are 0-0 and the season is just starting.
Stevens was always being groomed to be the next coach, but no on would have thought it would have came this quick. But, it had to be done. I think he COULD turn things around, but the only way this team will win is if they score more. Their defense it just beyond help. The younger guys need to score. Thats the bottom line. A team like this needs to score 4 goals a night in order to win, because they suck in the net and on the blueline.
I am not sorry to see Hitch go, it was time to change things up. Many people thought he would reve up the team to a cup, and Clarke would bring back the Cup from his desk job. Now that will never happen.
The Flyers won't play again till Thursday. They have plenty of time to turn things around. But it starts now. Thoughts?
Ken Hitchock has been fired and Bob Clarke has stepped down as GM for the Philadelphia Flyers.
The rumbling started after the blowout in Buffalo. It was strange though when the players were put on waivers it came from Ed Snider, and he promised more changed was on the way. Quite a bit was riding on the way the team reacted to being torn up in Buffalo. They went out and lost the next two games to Tampa and the Panthers. It was a total mess. Someone had to pay the price.
Bob Clarke said during the press conference that he had wanted to step down since for quite sometime. In fact he told the Comcast CEO that after the Flyers actually had their only win all year.
Clarke sat there with all the other important people and told the media he lost his edge sometime back around the draft. He felt he didn't make many good moves over the summer. Lets face it he made about 8 player moves, and only Calder, Sanderson and Robitalle are still with the team. Sanderson has been the only player of that trio actually doing anything. Calder has been terrible, and Randy Robitalle, is well Randy Robitalle. If Clarke "lost his edge" who was that that made bold move to sign group 2 free agent Ryan Kessler away from the Cancucks?
Ed Snider confirmed what we all already knew. That he would have never, ever fired Clarke. He said Clarke game to him and said he wanted out a few weeks ago. Snider loves Clarke like a son. A bond they formed when he was a player and brought two Stanley Cups to Philadelphia. Not to mention put a face on a young sport in the city. Snider lived his dream through Clarke. Clarke was put right into the GM position when he stopped playing hockey, and was fired by than acting boss (Ed's son) Jay Snider because he was too close to the players still. Many years later he came back.
Despite falling short so many times, and signing two slow d-men till 2046 in the new NHL. Snider still never could bring himself to let his Clarkie go. In fact he was painted a bit like a noble warrior today. He just loved his team so much that stepped down since he was hurting and not helping. Clarke basically begged for a cushy job with the OR-GAN-IZ-ATION. Which he will get in due time. But in the end a watery eyed Clarke said his piece and bowed out. All the while his father figure Snider speaking so proudly about him.
As for Hitch. Snider also confirmed the rumor that the players didn't listen to a damn word Hitch was saying. He had zero control over the team. Which doesn't really make sense to me since, I can't imagine even players just in it for the money want to be blown out 9-1. The players seemed liked they were just doing their own thing. Hitch changed lines everyshift, so half the time the players had no idea who was stepping over the boards with them let alone how to make chemistry together.
The powerplay has been awful for 5 years now, and new coach John Stevens will have to address that starting. Well 3 hours ago. Stevens brought the Phantoms the calder cup home and played for the team for many years. Many of the younger players like Carter and Richards played for Stevens to that might be a good thing. The best thing for this team would to pretend that they are 0-0 and the season is just starting.
Stevens was always being groomed to be the next coach, but no on would have thought it would have came this quick. But, it had to be done. I think he COULD turn things around, but the only way this team will win is if they score more. Their defense it just beyond help. The younger guys need to score. Thats the bottom line. A team like this needs to score 4 goals a night in order to win, because they suck in the net and on the blueline.
I am not sorry to see Hitch go, it was time to change things up. Many people thought he would reve up the team to a cup, and Clarke would bring back the Cup from his desk job. Now that will never happen.
The Flyers won't play again till Thursday. They have plenty of time to turn things around. But it starts now. Thoughts?
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