So, I came home and watched Sopranos DVD, followed up by Thank You for Smoking. I was quite enjoying Thank You for Smoking, but I started to get really sleepy. I kept fighting it, but was like ah, screw it. I can just pause it and comeback. So I did. This was at like 7:30.
I didn't wake up till, oh about 10:45 or so. I decided, what the heck, I didnt have too much left in the movie, might as well watch and go back to sleep. However, that was a mistake since I am pretty much wide awake now after being in my virtual coma. Wide awake.
So, yup its uh, 12:26 am. So I decided I was going to blog.
::::clears throat:::::
:::: looking around quiet dark room ::::
Yup I decided to blog.
mmm hmmm..
logging on to the OLD dashboard.
ready to share my thoughts and life with all my readers.
::::looking around room some more ::::
Man, I sure have a lot of jeans on my bedroom floor! I didn't even know I had that many! I think some are like 3 years old. I usually keep them untill the ass part wears out. I am going to go fold them and put them in a pile. Be right back.....
Alright I am back.
I am having hotdogs for dinner tomorrow night. God, I love hotdogs. When I die, I want to be burried in Jeans and everyone should eat hotdogs at my wake.
::::peering out window::::
Nope nothing much going on out there tonight. Yup quite the quiet night. Used to be a stray cat that would wonder around the parking lot around this time. Haven't seen him in awhile. Sure hope he found a good home.
I had to wipe my window off its all foggy!
I wonder if there is going to be frost on my car in the morning. Weatherman said it was going to be mighty cold for this time of year tonight.
:::peering out again:::
nah, nothing yet.
::whistling to myself:::
Sharkey's is open till 3am....
I think I could go up there if they had cool arcade games. I am in the mood for good old aracade game. Not a playstation game. But a good old fashion put your quarters in the machine and move the little stick around and smash up the buttons. If they had rampage at that bar, I would have already hit publish post and been out the door.
((( laughing ))))
::: picturing king kong smashing up big bulidings and eating humans ::::
So, much destruction! What a big ass ape! Like those helicopters are going to stop him!
I just went and unloaded the dishwasher..one less thing to do tomorrow before the Flyers game.
So this must be what its like to have a small kid. Waking up randomly in the middle of the night. Getting sleep whenever you can.
Where is Drew lately? He never comments on this blog anymore. Well, if he doesn't in the next week or so, I am just going to start insulting his mother till he does.
I already took a nice warm bath...that didn't help. Nothing like a nice warm bath on a chilly night.
Man it sure is quiet tonight...
Am I the only one who thinks Rachel Ray is hot? Got, shes slammin sometimes. Maybe its cause she can cook. With those 30 minute meals. If she were here tonight I could think of something that would that would take up about 5 minutes of her time. AFTER she cooked me a meal!
Maybe 6 minutes I am wide awake.
::clearing throat::::
I am going to go check on my Scooby Chia pet.
Man its getting big!
You guys remember the featherless chicken?!!? Wierd, huh?
Well this concludes our broadcast day! If you read this whole post 37 Tucker's World Points to you. -
You just wasted 2 minutes of my time....thank you.
You have a computer and you could not fall asleep? Why didn't you just use the greatest sleeping device of all time...INTERNETS PORN. Whack a bag and you will be out in 20 minutes. Works every time.
"Hey keep it down up there... I AM trying to sleep."
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