So, it has come to my attention that some of my readers have come here for entertainment purposes. Let me straight the record straight right now! Blogs are ment to be taken seriously.
Blogs aren't ment to be fun and a form of entertainment. People come to blogs for serious discussion and it should be the most important thing they do all day. Certainly comments and reading the blog should not be "for your own amusement"
Remember, this isn't some sort of Mickey mouse operation to find your news sources like MSNBC or Tucker's World is much bigger than that. You need to make sure your comments are better than anything you ever wrote in college and certainly aren't intended for fun or anything that will bring joy. Again, that is not the purpose of blogs. "This is not your platform"
Here is how I want the readers to treat this blog in their life on an importance scale the least important being on the bottom.
Reading and Commenting on Tucker's World
Friends and Family
Remember also not only has it changed the world, but reading it is a god damn privilege. You should be grateful that you have found this blog. Remember though, that his blog is all about me though. Also, that I am much better than everyone of you. Obviously, since I have created the best thing on the entire internet that should already be clear.
Blogs are about a set of strict rules and enforcing them. It is not about fun and joy. Comments ment to bring joy or to make it worth it for you visiting this site other than to kiss my ass "are not welcome". I am better than everyone one of you and and everything I write must be taken seriously. Everything I say is right, and anyone who takes my blog in order to pass time or enjoy themselves is pathetic. Joy and laughs most be silenced. This might sound to those with inferior minds as the ravings of a prick who takes things too seriously, but please keep in mind that I am better than you.
Thank You
Friday, January 05, 2007
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
"Rip Old ManWinter"
Its offical winter doesn't exist anymore. Plain in simple it's over. No more snow, no more cold, no need for jackets anymore. It's done. South Jersey "winter" is as follows now. Warm, and rainy, or warm and look like its going to rain. Thats it. Global warming has gone extreme. The end is near. Buy porperty in Indiana, it will be ocean front property soon. Look out for all the dead floating ploar bears. Click here to read about how the human race is adjusting to the death of winter.
Monday, January 01, 2007
"Twenty O Seven"
Mosco wanted to do something different for New Years Eve when he was in town. So, Duke came up with us going to the constitution center for a big bash they throw every year. So, Duke,Mosco, Jay, Jenna, Neil, Sara and Ed went. We hoped on the Patco which is the train that takes you from South Jersey to Philly.
We all had to get suited, up and Mosco and Duke even wore tuxes. It was pretty sweet.
We got there and there was light food, and open bar which was pretty nice. People warned me that the wait would be long to get drinks, but it never was. The only problem is towards the end of the night they started running out of certain stuff. Aside, from that I never had a problem getting drinks really.
Things started off slightly slow, but as we all started drinking. At one point Mosco and I were waiting for drinks with Duke being our go to guy getting our orders. We were going to start roaming around after that since, the party was two floors and had a roof top to hang out on. While we were waiting an amazing hottie who wore dark gloves offered me a spot at the bar to go ahead of her. Now, a much cooler guy would have taken her up on the offer, and ask her what she wanted. I am not that guy, so I told told her my friend was getting our drinks and pointed to Duke. The process was taking a few mins, and I realized I blew it. I thought to myself, I could still squeeze in there and ask her what she wanted but would it be too awkward since I missed my chance. Mosco even realized this the whole time and kept poking me to make a move. I didn't we just walked away.
I than realized for me to not have to kick myself for a few weeks. I needed to find the girl again. So, I went on a quest for her. Mostly fueled by 5 captain and cokes, but also a ton of New Year's Spirit. I have no idea what I was going to say to her, or if she was there with someone or not. But I figured I would try. Mosco eventually saw her and said she was with a guy. After the rooftop fireworks. I passed her as we came off the roof. At this point I realized, if life was like the movies she totally would have been single and we would have found each other at midnight. But life is, well more like life, so I just watched her walk the other way. I was totally at peace with it for some reason. Like I totally lost interest. I guess I if I have a new years resolution it is not to over think things.
2006, was year of rolling with the punches for me. I had to attend 3 funerals too many, and got out of a long term relationship. I don't speak to my ex at all, and never intend to ever again. I figure I am fine, and she can't possibly be any more angry, depressed, and full of hate at life in general than she was when we last talked. But again that is life not the movies, and life just keeps going on. That what 2006 really taught me.
At one point we were all leaning over the wall looking down at the over crowded dance floor below us.
I turn to Duke, and said to him.
"2007, is going to be a great year!"
Of course I had nothing to base this one just in a good feeling I guess. Below us were thousands of strangers living in the moment. I am sure many of them had just as many down, and plenty of them had a lot more downs than I did last year. But, in the end, what can you do? You have no control of things life. People that mean something to you are going to leave you at some point, as you will them. Also, you can't find the right person for you just because you feel like it. But as I sat there with a bunch of friends most of them I have known for years and years. Watching the people below filled with booze and hope for 2007. I thought to myself I really have no idea what 2007 is going to bring me or anyone. But being amongst friends is a pretty damn good start.
We all had to get suited, up and Mosco and Duke even wore tuxes. It was pretty sweet.
We got there and there was light food, and open bar which was pretty nice. People warned me that the wait would be long to get drinks, but it never was. The only problem is towards the end of the night they started running out of certain stuff. Aside, from that I never had a problem getting drinks really.
Things started off slightly slow, but as we all started drinking. At one point Mosco and I were waiting for drinks with Duke being our go to guy getting our orders. We were going to start roaming around after that since, the party was two floors and had a roof top to hang out on. While we were waiting an amazing hottie who wore dark gloves offered me a spot at the bar to go ahead of her. Now, a much cooler guy would have taken her up on the offer, and ask her what she wanted. I am not that guy, so I told told her my friend was getting our drinks and pointed to Duke. The process was taking a few mins, and I realized I blew it. I thought to myself, I could still squeeze in there and ask her what she wanted but would it be too awkward since I missed my chance. Mosco even realized this the whole time and kept poking me to make a move. I didn't we just walked away.
I than realized for me to not have to kick myself for a few weeks. I needed to find the girl again. So, I went on a quest for her. Mostly fueled by 5 captain and cokes, but also a ton of New Year's Spirit. I have no idea what I was going to say to her, or if she was there with someone or not. But I figured I would try. Mosco eventually saw her and said she was with a guy. After the rooftop fireworks. I passed her as we came off the roof. At this point I realized, if life was like the movies she totally would have been single and we would have found each other at midnight. But life is, well more like life, so I just watched her walk the other way. I was totally at peace with it for some reason. Like I totally lost interest. I guess I if I have a new years resolution it is not to over think things.
2006, was year of rolling with the punches for me. I had to attend 3 funerals too many, and got out of a long term relationship. I don't speak to my ex at all, and never intend to ever again. I figure I am fine, and she can't possibly be any more angry, depressed, and full of hate at life in general than she was when we last talked. But again that is life not the movies, and life just keeps going on. That what 2006 really taught me.
At one point we were all leaning over the wall looking down at the over crowded dance floor below us.
I turn to Duke, and said to him.
"2007, is going to be a great year!"
Of course I had nothing to base this one just in a good feeling I guess. Below us were thousands of strangers living in the moment. I am sure many of them had just as many down, and plenty of them had a lot more downs than I did last year. But, in the end, what can you do? You have no control of things life. People that mean something to you are going to leave you at some point, as you will them. Also, you can't find the right person for you just because you feel like it. But as I sat there with a bunch of friends most of them I have known for years and years. Watching the people below filled with booze and hope for 2007. I thought to myself I really have no idea what 2007 is going to bring me or anyone. But being amongst friends is a pretty damn good start.
"Fools on a Train"

So, my friend Ed had never rode on the Patco train in his life. News years eve was his first experience. Riding home from the party were Duke, Mosco, Ed, Jay, Jenna and myself. Duke went randomly by himself to one end of the car, while they rest of us went to the other end amongst the hot, likely underage girls. We all made fun of him, but he had the last laugh.
It at been what seemed like a 30 minute wait to being with before boarding. Mosco and I killed time having a spitting contest with random girls who we would later sit with. So needless to say after a night of fairly heavy drinking the train couldn't come soon enough.
It wasn't very long before an altercation started on Duke's side of the train car. I have no idea what it was about, but we were still in Philly so I thought we might be on hand for the first murder of 2007! Although, I think I heard on the news the first one came about 12:15, so it would have been lame, and only been like the 2nd.
Anyway, the cops ended up arresting some chick and the dude that was with her got off too. I thought that was entertainment enough for Ed, but the show was just starting.
A few stops later a black guy got on with his date apperently a white women. With in a few seconds he was yelling (sometimes into a cell phone) that all the white people were staring at him. That we all were leering at him because he was there with a white woman. It was totally random because he was sitting on our end of the train and no one really looked at him untill he started shouting. The white woman he was with looked like she was in her late 40s and he looked like he was in his late 20's that kind of struck me as odd, but certainly no one was giving this guy a hard time. But he wouldn't have.
He began to yell over and over again.
"Get of My Face!"
"Everyone is looking at me, like I am a space alien!"
He must have said like 5 times. But clearly no one was talking to him let alone getting into his face. But he kept saying how racist we all were and saying all the white people were against him.
Later, he was standing up and saying he would beat up all the white guys on the train. That we were all laughing at him (at this point most of us were because it was so aburd) and that he was going to punch us all in the face.
He than started to blame "The Bi-polar" for his actions and kept telling everyone he had it. Screaming it. Jay, at one point said he was afraid we were all going to catch "The Bi-polar."
Anyway the racial rant got cut short when one of the girls who Mosco and I were having a spitting contest with start vomitting all over the floor. She threw up like three times and stunk up the entire car. It was totally nasty and I had to cover my nose the entire time, to stop my from vomiting myself all over Mosco's rented tux.
The girl's sister was nice enough to call her and her friends a cab at the stop they randomly got off at. I have to think everyone on that car well be telling that story for quite awhile. Whether it be to their parol officer, the good people down at acora, or me the next time I say, I say lets ride the PATCO!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
A few years ago, there was a big debate that network TV was dead. Cable and HBO along with DVDs and other forms of entertainment had taken over. However in the last few years networks have wisely responded and the reality tv show crazy that isolated many viewers finally died.
Really you could point to ABC who was dead last for awhile, and brought shows like Lost and Desperate Housewives out 3 years ago. They became almost instant hits, and the other networks took note. Fox also had success with shows like 24. Many other networks figured maybe good story telling, good casts and oringinal ideas is what they would need to bring back network tv.
Recently many tv critics actually declared our times right now, a new golden age of telivison. Which is pretty damn exciting. Really there is something for everyone without even having to go to cable channels anymore.
This year, however for me would be the year that tv really changed. For years were told about the convergance of TV and the internet and viewers being more in control of what they watch and when. I was started to doubt that day would come, but by a few weeks into the 2006-07 season it was clear the time had arrived, and telvision would never be the same.
CBS offers almost all of the shows on demand for free, and if you can't find it there simply go to the CBS website the next day and watch your show for free. That way for me, it allowed me to start watching the "The Office" (NBC offers it on Demand for $2 per show though) and I would watch Survior Friday when I got home from work on Demand. Also, it allowed me to watch HIMYM again if I wanted to because CBS leaves it up for a week. FOX also jumped on board with the online demand fad. NBC actually has deleted scenes each week for "The Office"
Even cancelled, shows lived on after they were pulled from the lineup. I never watched the show, but the big budget triller "Smith" is on CBS including quite a few shows that never made it to air. They were also nice enough to put text on there for where the story was going, for espisodes that were never shot.
Now, people talk about the show, but you really have to be careful, because many people don't watch them when they air. You might have to wait a few days in order to ask someone if they though "The Office" was funny last night. Most people don't watch the show live anymore it seems, and eventually the line is going to be more blurred and blurred and people will get around to shows like they get around to movies. Although, I am old school and like to watch them the original air night. It is nice to know if I have something that actually requires me to leave the apartment, that I don't have worry about VCRs or be sad that I dont have a DVR. Because, the show is waiting for me the next day.
It doesn't matter to me since I really don't think anyone watches the shows I watch, so I have to go on IMDB and talk to strangers about the shows that I watch. While all the cool kids are talking about dinosaurs on Lost, or that mean doctor guy on House.
Really you could point to ABC who was dead last for awhile, and brought shows like Lost and Desperate Housewives out 3 years ago. They became almost instant hits, and the other networks took note. Fox also had success with shows like 24. Many other networks figured maybe good story telling, good casts and oringinal ideas is what they would need to bring back network tv.
Recently many tv critics actually declared our times right now, a new golden age of telivison. Which is pretty damn exciting. Really there is something for everyone without even having to go to cable channels anymore.
This year, however for me would be the year that tv really changed. For years were told about the convergance of TV and the internet and viewers being more in control of what they watch and when. I was started to doubt that day would come, but by a few weeks into the 2006-07 season it was clear the time had arrived, and telvision would never be the same.
CBS offers almost all of the shows on demand for free, and if you can't find it there simply go to the CBS website the next day and watch your show for free. That way for me, it allowed me to start watching the "The Office" (NBC offers it on Demand for $2 per show though) and I would watch Survior Friday when I got home from work on Demand. Also, it allowed me to watch HIMYM again if I wanted to because CBS leaves it up for a week. FOX also jumped on board with the online demand fad. NBC actually has deleted scenes each week for "The Office"
Even cancelled, shows lived on after they were pulled from the lineup. I never watched the show, but the big budget triller "Smith" is on CBS including quite a few shows that never made it to air. They were also nice enough to put text on there for where the story was going, for espisodes that were never shot.
Now, people talk about the show, but you really have to be careful, because many people don't watch them when they air. You might have to wait a few days in order to ask someone if they though "The Office" was funny last night. Most people don't watch the show live anymore it seems, and eventually the line is going to be more blurred and blurred and people will get around to shows like they get around to movies. Although, I am old school and like to watch them the original air night. It is nice to know if I have something that actually requires me to leave the apartment, that I don't have worry about VCRs or be sad that I dont have a DVR. Because, the show is waiting for me the next day.
It doesn't matter to me since I really don't think anyone watches the shows I watch, so I have to go on IMDB and talk to strangers about the shows that I watch. While all the cool kids are talking about dinosaurs on Lost, or that mean doctor guy on House.
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