Thursday, September 05, 2002

" Back to School"

It is time for one last go around with the whole student life. Of course since im a commuter I have the diet soda version of the student life. Regardless I just started out my last semester at Rowan University. After spent 10 minutes zooming around campus looking for a parking spot I settled on a spot in a different zip code than the building my class was in.

Now the day went with a few hitches I was late for the first class after getting the run around for paper work needed for my internship. Getting in late is one thing, but when the room is so packed that two girls have to get away from the door so you can get in the room is another. The room had about 10 people without desks and some with not even a chair. It's like putting a bunch of Sheep in a Sardine can.

Of course the bookstore charged me out the Gazoo ( I didn't read the Terms and Services remember? Can I curse on here?) and of course they didn't have the book I need to do assignments in.

Between classes I came out of a building and when I reached the end of the steps I saw a cute girl and we made eye contact and she smiled. I hesitated and said nothing. We walked from Robinson Hall to the Student lunch center which for those of you that don't know the campus is at least the distance between my house and Dustin's maybe more. We weren't really walking together just at the same pace.

When we both got to the student center we both went for the door at the same time and exchanged smiles again. I had nothing. Just inside the door stood Leigh Paynter and my cute girl disappeared up the steps. She then introduced me as her HIGHSCHOOL friend to this random dude. Which is like saying here is some loser I don't talk to anymore, we are just talking out of obligation. Same Old Rowan..Same
Old I mean Tucker. Good night cute Rowan girl...where ever you are.

Tuesday, September 03, 2002

"Dinner with Conan!"

Leg humping puppets, a suicidal announcer, and a pasty lanky Irish Man are coming to your evening television line up. In the best move since Comedy Central pulled Bob and Margot they have decided to rebroadcast Late Night with Conan O'brien from the night before. The show will air Weeknights at 7 PM starting tonight (weds).

Conan often quips that his main viewing audience include college students procrastinating school work and criminals. Hopefully now he will get a new group of viewers, and I can actually catch the show more often. Some of Conan's best bits are his out on the street skits, and the slide show presentations which can be easily the funniest minutes of television you will watch all week.

Also if you choice to do the IQ test, please cut and paste your results so I know your not just making it up. Look for the results here at the end of the week or the start of next.

"The IQ test"

A few weeks ago one of the AOL impulse icons caught my eye. It was an IQ test. Knowing many of my readers think they are smarter than all of my other friends I thought it would be an interesting way to put them to the test via Tucker's world. Mozart scored a 165 and Isaac Newton a 190

I took it and scored a 94. This puts me in the average section. However low enough to still get excited when I figure out Blues Clues Keep in mind speed counts, and I gave up on one to make up the time. Keep in mind also I did it at 2 am and had avril lavine's upbeat single complicated in my head the whole time. She is hot. I really like the tie thing too.

So what I purpose we do. Take it, and email me your score and in about a week ( since many people are starting school and have better things to do) I will post everyones scores on the board. You have to agree to the honors system which I started off by putting what my IQ supposedly is according to this test first. I did this at the risk of having the lowest score out of anyone here. Make sure you read the rules first and be honest.

Here is the link.
Good Luck,12910,261445_295384,00.html

Sunday, September 01, 2002


Two weeks ago CNN obtained exclusive Al-Quida footage and aired it over the course of five days. The footage was packaged as some sort of mini-seris under the title "Terror on Tape!" Each day CNN treated us to lovely images such as an innocent dog being gassed to death, some Al- Quida training footage, and pre-Sept. 11th Bin Laden footage. At the end of each segment they would hype up the next day's footage. Eventually after the initial airings local new outlets were permitted to air them. The American public needs to see footage like this, but the way the footage was packaged bordered on a shamless ratings ploy.

Here's the kicker! CNN originally wanted to film President Bush's reaction to the footage. (Im not sure why the fottage wasn't turned over to the defense department even if there was no new evidence or findings in them). The admistration wisely refused to particpate because it would basically just be using Bush as a prop for good reality TV for CNN. Ahhh.. got you to love the cut throat business of the cable news networks. Also can anyone tell my why MSNBC is America's news network when FOX NEWS and CNN always cream them in the ratings?