Thursday, September 05, 2002

" Back to School"

It is time for one last go around with the whole student life. Of course since im a commuter I have the diet soda version of the student life. Regardless I just started out my last semester at Rowan University. After spent 10 minutes zooming around campus looking for a parking spot I settled on a spot in a different zip code than the building my class was in.

Now the day went with a few hitches I was late for the first class after getting the run around for paper work needed for my internship. Getting in late is one thing, but when the room is so packed that two girls have to get away from the door so you can get in the room is another. The room had about 10 people without desks and some with not even a chair. It's like putting a bunch of Sheep in a Sardine can.

Of course the bookstore charged me out the Gazoo ( I didn't read the Terms and Services remember? Can I curse on here?) and of course they didn't have the book I need to do assignments in.

Between classes I came out of a building and when I reached the end of the steps I saw a cute girl and we made eye contact and she smiled. I hesitated and said nothing. We walked from Robinson Hall to the Student lunch center which for those of you that don't know the campus is at least the distance between my house and Dustin's maybe more. We weren't really walking together just at the same pace.

When we both got to the student center we both went for the door at the same time and exchanged smiles again. I had nothing. Just inside the door stood Leigh Paynter and my cute girl disappeared up the steps. She then introduced me as her HIGHSCHOOL friend to this random dude. Which is like saying here is some loser I don't talk to anymore, we are just talking out of obligation. Same Old Rowan..Same
Old I mean Tucker. Good night cute Rowan girl...where ever you are.

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