Wednesday, April 04, 2007

"You Owned a Phillies Hat!"

So, last season Duke told me hated baseball when the Phillies started to suck. Even though they turned it around he told me he still hated them.

Not one week ago, Duke told me he is starting to like baseball again and is fired up for the Phillies. As I type this the Phillies are simply down by one run in the 11th inning. Granted they blew it and had a 2-0 lead most of the game. I understand, but this is what Duke IMED me

"i guarantee the phils will be one of the 5 worst teams in baseball this yearkeiraorbust: i get true satisfaction out of seeing every philadelphia team lose. It makes me happy"

Not only does Duke's love of things turn on a dime to hate mode, he bails on the philly teams the first sign of trouble. Unreal even if the Phils go 0-2 its not the end of the world, and I think even the normal band wagon jumpers will scratch their head as he leaps off the wagon. Asking, "What was the deal with that dude?"

You see there are two types of fans. Robot fans, like Duke that watch it for the love of the game. They just crunch numbers and watch the sports and take an interest in it. He waches it distant for any emotion.

Well hell, what I don't I just post our IM conversation.

picking up after the first quote... Tucker: seriously.. you have to stick by your teams.. first bump in the road.... duke is out i hope your future kid never brings home a bad grade

Duke: not my team...just because i live in an area doesn't mean that the teams are mine i have no interest in philadelphia teams the only one i ever followed was the flyers

keith: you have a phillies hat

Duke: and i refuse to support losing teams and it's an eagles hat and only because i needed it down the shore.

and it was the only one they were selling (note to readers I was with him, thats true, be he had to get it cause he didnt bring his phillies hat)

keith: you OWNED a philies hat once in your life you wore it all the time.


Duke: come on

Keith: the phillies were your team

you take sports way too seriously

DUke:: i'll support winner there is absolutely no point in supporting a loser...i'm not a fanatic

keith: the game isnt over! (it wasnt, but they did lose)
and you OWNED A phillies

Duke: i probably did...and i got it as a gift... losing franchise in sports history

the game isnt even over yet (yeah still wasnt)

keith: you are afraid, cause you have been hurt too many times

Duke: Thats funny

Keith: like a battered bitch

Duke: if you think i ever cared about sports, you're nutskeiraorbust: the only team i support 100% is manchester united

Duke: and they lost today

keith: oh, you better burn your shirt:

Duke: ...and it didn't bother me in the least

keith: oh god, they are the worst team in soccer

Because they're going to win at least 2 trophies this year
something philadelphians will never know

keith: somewhere Neil Little just shed a tear

Duke: i love watching people matter what it is in... i get more enjoyment out of it than watching people succeedkeiraorbust: probably a little sick, but that's the way it is

keith: did you root for the Russian in Rocky IV?

(no reponse to that one)
keith: you find joy in watching a bunch of people kick a ball around on grass and very little happening for 3 hours?

Duke: skilled athletes passing a ball around is exciting to mekeiraorbust: i could watch it all day every day and i could watch philly teams lose all day every day....

Keith you are the only one that can do that without your blood alchol level at a dangerous level

DUke you'd think someone had stolen their child the way they (philly team fans)react when their teams lose.

Keith: the flyers are one of the strongest bonds i have with my father who passed it on(note to readers: I doubt he thought they still would not have won a cup in my life time) to mei i have cared about the flyers since I was like 4 can you think of anything you care about at age 4 and still cared about?

Sunday, April 01, 2007

"The Fighting Phils"

Today the Phillies will start the season of high hopes. They don't usually play very well the opening game though. Hopefully a big win will be had, and the team will live up to the expectations set by the sports world.