Tuesday, May 10, 2005

"Flag on the Play at Echelon"

Well it would seem the zoning laws that were pushed through last fall to get the ball rolling to build a free standing Wal-Mart to bring the Echelon Mall back from the dead weren't pushed through after all. A few weeks ago it was learned that some legal jurkon lead to realization that the approval of the zoning was actually void. It was never legal to begin with.

So, PREIT has been dealt a major set back. Now they have to get the entire zoning approved before they can even get to the stage they were at earlier this spring. Eventually, they could just tell the good people to pound sand. Or in the words of a former manager of mine during my retail days.

"Suck off, and Die!"

Here is an article from Monday's Courier post.

"Flag on the Play at Echelon"

Well it would seem the zoning laws that were pushed through last fall to get the ball rolling to build a free standing Wal-Mart to bring the Echelon Mall back from the dead weren't pushed through after all. A few weeks ago it was learned that some legal jurkon lead to realization that the approval of the zoning was actually void. It was never legal to begin with.

So, PREIT has been dealt a major set back. Now they have to get the entire zoning approved before they can even get to the stage they were at earlier this spring. Eventually, they could just tell the good people to pound sand. Or in the words of a former manager of mine during my retail days.

"Suck off, and Die!"

Here is an article from Monday's Courier post.

"Bad Joke of THE week"



What did the Alien say to the Gardner?

Take me to your weeder.


I am getting ready to go to bed. Nothing beats that one moment when you first climb into bed for the night. A whole night of sleep in front of you. Just getting ready to be out like a light. Wrap yourself up in your covers and shut your brain off. After 25 years, its still on of my favorite things to do.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

"Summer Movie Wasteland"

It would seem that Hollywood is going to be on auto pilot this summer. MOst the movies coming out are remakes, sequels, or lame attempts to cash in on old TV shows.

First off we have the Honeymooners coming out with Hollywood felt needed to be "urbanized" so they cast Cedric the Enterainer in the Jackie Gleason part. This might pissed people off casting black people as white people. I guess people have a point I don't see Eugene Levy playing Shaft anytime soon. I am more pissed that Cedric the Entertainer who I think is funny, is being so lame in the films he picks. I watched his show both weeks it was on before it got cancelled, why not write your own funny characters? Instead of trying to cash in on comedy legend's character from 5 decades ago? How very lame.

Second, we have a Bewitched movie with Nicole Kidman and Will Ferrall, which a really idotic premise. Don't forget the Batman movie where we learn the start of the legend. Anyone that actually read the comic in their life is tired of hearing this story. The entire concept was summed up in a few scenes in Tim Burton's 1989 film. Not to mention its a mostly british cast with a british director. Next years SUperman film is being filmed in Australia, are we out sourcing our super heros too?

The House of Wax looks like a lame slasher flick which stole the name from a Vincent Price classic. With Paris Hilton no less. I am told that theaters cheered when she got ofted. Throw in Speilberg air lifting the War of the Worlds to make it his own. TIm Burton remaking Willy WOnka, and a Star Wars pre-quel. No one had a original idea this summer?

Supposedly 8 horror movies are being released, and I saw a few trailers for other fantasy films that visually look like they just want to be the Next Harry Potter.

Oh yeah and Peter Jackson remade King Kong. Altough I am not sure if thats still coming out this summer.

I am looking forward to the Star Wars film. THe only other two is the Bill Murray flick broken flowers in August, and the Euguene Levy/Samuel L Jackson teaming "The Man" due out labor day weekend.

Maybe I am just being negative, but it looks pretty bad right now.