Tuesday, May 10, 2005

"Flag on the Play at Echelon"

Well it would seem the zoning laws that were pushed through last fall to get the ball rolling to build a free standing Wal-Mart to bring the Echelon Mall back from the dead weren't pushed through after all. A few weeks ago it was learned that some legal jurkon lead to realization that the approval of the zoning was actually void. It was never legal to begin with.

So, PREIT has been dealt a major set back. Now they have to get the entire zoning approved before they can even get to the stage they were at earlier this spring. Eventually, they could just tell the good people to pound sand. Or in the words of a former manager of mine during my retail days.

"Suck off, and Die!"

Here is an article from Monday's Courier post.


Anonymous said...

This is what they get. The South Jersey Malls are like Ground Hog Day. They are all the same. The marketing managements style is white bread boring and their is no creativity. As far as I am concerned the are outdated and have a mentality of a 12 year old. They are not open minded and concerned about someone coming in to change their negative mindsets. I am shocked that Echelon Mall even bothers. They have recycled people from the past rouse company serving in management positions, a style squad that simply sucks and stores that are all boarded up. Now a Free Standing Walmart. This is shear desperation. Sad!
There are people who could have saved this mall, but Preit had it's own little ground hog day of keeping the past in the present and now it is on it's way to the future. First you get creative people to change a dull mall to something outstanding. Get RID OF ROUSE EMPLOYEES AND START FRESH. THIS INCLUDES MARKETING MANAGERS FROM THE CUMBERLAND MALL... THINK THINK THINK

keith said...

Wow sounds you really have inside information.

Okay, as far as I know the Style Squad is just teenage girls who dress up nice for fashion shows and show up for events. They were there to wrap gifts for Mothers Day. Care to elaborate why the suck?

I said it after the first year that Preit owned the mall that they shot themselves in the foot by not making a move. They let the problem snowball.

They ought to figure a way to bring in stores without the Wal-Mart. The resurants and remodeling would be sweet.

Anonymous said...

This mall is empty and having a style squad in this mall is a joke. What stores do they have to model; Boscovs or strawbridges. There is nothing left. I heard GAP was next to leave and the Manager at one of the stores said that the management are snobs. My question is why? I'd be embarrassed to affiliate myself with failure. When people say they work at echelon mall, it's like saying you work at bradley's funeral home.

Anonymous said...

The people in charge are trying to hold on to their falling careers. Preit is looking for management to fill Moorestown, Cherry hill, Cumberland and hopefully Echelon Mall next. They need to rehaul the entire staff and perhaps get rid of those within the PREIT organization. I hope the owners wise up soon to the poor choices they are making for their malls. I would not be surprise if a developer with good ideas and an open mind doesn't come in a start fresh. That may be a real possibility. I am sure they will see to it that qualified people are working within these places. Not copycats

Anonymous said...

A friend just showed me this neat website full of mama joke
I cant believe the quantity an quality of humerous mama joke it contains
Heres one of the jokes i found on it:
Bob brought some friends home to his apartment one night after they had been out painting the town. One friend noticed a big brass gong in Bobs bedroom and asked about it."Thats not a gong" Bob replied "thats a talking clock. Watch this!"
Bob struck the gong and sure enough a voice on the other side of the wall screamed "Hey your jerk its 3 o'clock in the morning!"