Thursday, February 22, 2007
"You're Playing Beer Bong!"
So, last night (assuming your reading this Friday) on the way home from work Rick and myself stopped off Sharkeys for some grub and a few drinks. Turns out they are actually going to do beer bong every Thursday night now. Thats awesome. It kicks off at 8pm, and this was the first week. They just decided to do it, so I think no one really knew about it. I didn't till I walked in that night. We didn't stick around for it, but I think I might check it out when The Office and SCrubs go into reruns which should be soon. Anyone else interested in meeting up for a game on random Thursday at the tank?
"Beers and Queers"
So, after the events of "Better Late Than Never" I got my 2nd wind and join Price among others for a night at Sharkeys for a belated birthday bash for him.
While I was there I was invited by Price to a charity event at a bar in Philly. The event was to be held at a bar called "sisters" which was a lesbian bar, and they were raising money having an auction for strippers. Now, it wasn't explained to me what you got to do with the strippers, but it seemed like a whacky time. Price also promised me that straight girls went there.
Price's friend Stephanie was running the event, and the money was to go to a softball team (the lesbians not the strippers) she was also nice enough to hook us up with a ride with her friend. Now apparently her friend also went to highschool with us, which resulted in an awkward situation when introduced myself to her the night at sharkeys a week prior. Anyway, it worked out great since Price and I had no idea where this place was (I still don't) and Price was happy since I picked him up and he could get hammered and concentrate on bidding on strippers. I on the other hand just thought it was a funny way to spend my night, and figured it would make for a good blog.
The night started off oddly enough. The girl who I don't recall (who will call her "the stranger" from this point on) price, myself and some random dude were off to philly! But, first we made a stop at a random hotel on the black horse pike. I have no idea why were there. It was never explained. The stranger and the dude left Price and me sitting in the running car for about ten minutes. The left with some sort of care package.
I figured at this point there was a good chance we were going to get shot in the back of the head or something. But after about 10 mins they came back with the package and we went across the black horse pike to a really seedy hotel. This time they assured us it was the right one. Than some dude came out and got whatever he wanted. He apparently had a room at both places.
Anyway, off to Sisters we went. However, since the girls the brought us there were running the event, we were there early. Before the event, so Price, the dude and myself sat there awkwardly surrounded by a culture we clearly were not a part of.
Okay, now I was told it was a lesbian bar, and what I hoped for was girls in cotton short shorts and tank tops trying to tickle each other drinking Apple Martinis. That never happened. In fact there were tons of gay dudes there too. I guess if you are a lesbian you really would love this place, there were butch chicks, hot chicks, soccer moms, freaky chicks, fat chicks and well most of them could likely kick the crap out of me. But, before the event yup..we were pretty much just hanging out at a gay bar.
After a few drinks we began to not look like deer in the headlights sitting at a table with flowers on it. We talked to some people. One girl there (lesbian) told us that the straight girls supposedly carry their purses around there. So, people could tell who was gay and who was straight. I have no idea if that is true or not. But Price, the dude and I learned the girl sitting next to us was apparently straight. She was maybe a 5 or 6 on the scale of 1-10. But given she was straight that night she was like a 9. The girl worked in philly, and said she went there after work often so she wasn't hit on like at normal bars. After hearing that, I figured that was a bad sign for any of us. Than she started talking about her boyfriend whom she loved. At that point I lost interest and the dude seemed like he wanted to still get her number or something. So, I left for a bit. Than when I returned she was gone, and he told me she left for a bar where you place pac-man. I was like damnit, that bar sounds awesome. Just people playing pac-man.
Finally the event started, and like the fact it wasn't just a lesbian bar, the night 2nd promise was already broken. The girls that were bidded on were mostly butch, busted and I would rather pay them to keep their clothes on than have them remove them. At one point Price learned which of the 12 girls up for bid were straight. It was only 3 of them. Now I am not sure if Price was kidding, or just drunk but he actually bidded on the first straight girl. I guess all the gay women knew she was straight too, because no one but Price bid on her. In fact I am pretty sure Price bid himself higher for about 20 bucks for no reason at all.
What did Prices 40 bucks (I think that was the bid) get him? A pair of panties and about 5 minutes of conversation. Since the event was over, the stranger and the dude who were our ride were ready to go. At this point, I figured to myself it was funny enough, it was almost midnight, I could still get a couple drinks in at Sharkeys. But Price came down to the steps (the even and club were upstairs) and told me there were tons of straight girls there and I should stay and have fun! He swayed me (that and the 4 or 5 beers at that point) to close the place out. Upstairs we went. Stephaine would take us home.
I scanned the floor. ..chicks dancing with chicks, and dudes dancing with dudes.
"Eh, I guess they left..." Price.
So, there we were. Price introduced me some random lesbian girl he met up there. See Price had come up with this great theory that we befriend the gay friends and win them over, and they would hook us up with their straight friends because they would like us a lot. I told Price that it sure seemed like a lot of work. He never really sold me on the idea. But, hey I was stuck there so I might as well mingled. The bar was just like any other really bad club music and we had a horrible time hearing anything.
At one point Price vanished (no idea where he went) and I was still upstairs talking about the lesbian. It turns out that its all the same really. She talked about dating getting harder as you hit your late 20s and about her really long relationship she once had what didn't work. I exchanged similar stories. It was nice and all but I figured I should try to find my friend. I found him down stairs talking to some random people. Than he went upstairs again.
I figured I would order one last beer and just chill the bar and wait for the others to be ready to leave. Now, I could be crazy at this point in the story. But the bottom part of the bar was pretty empty. I just sat there writing on a pad of paper which I guess is designed to give out your numbers at such places. I was just scribbling mostly. I am pretty sure the dude at the end of the bar was checking me out. Now, I am not a homophobe or anything, but I wanted to keep my record of not having to tell a dude I wasn't gay in tact. It was close to last call. Usually I see at straight bars guys trying to hustle a girl at the last minute to get number, laid or pretty much anything. I might have been the almost 2am bottom of the barrel for this guy. I didn't stick around I darted back upstairs.
The dancing was winding down, and most people had coupled off at this point. But in the end, its all the same. Some people were looking for their soul mate, some for a quick lay, some people are looking to cheat on a loved one and some poor souls were standing in the shadows outside the dance floor. Likely wondering when their same sex partner of their dreams would sweep them off their feet. Than there was myself clearly the only heterosexual left in the bar for a good two hours aside from price, pounding my last $4.75 miller lite. I thought to myself two things.
1. This was amusing, but never again
2. This is going on Tucker's World.
While I was there I was invited by Price to a charity event at a bar in Philly. The event was to be held at a bar called "sisters" which was a lesbian bar, and they were raising money having an auction for strippers. Now, it wasn't explained to me what you got to do with the strippers, but it seemed like a whacky time. Price also promised me that straight girls went there.
Price's friend Stephanie was running the event, and the money was to go to a softball team (the lesbians not the strippers) she was also nice enough to hook us up with a ride with her friend. Now apparently her friend also went to highschool with us, which resulted in an awkward situation when introduced myself to her the night at sharkeys a week prior. Anyway, it worked out great since Price and I had no idea where this place was (I still don't) and Price was happy since I picked him up and he could get hammered and concentrate on bidding on strippers. I on the other hand just thought it was a funny way to spend my night, and figured it would make for a good blog.
The night started off oddly enough. The girl who I don't recall (who will call her "the stranger" from this point on) price, myself and some random dude were off to philly! But, first we made a stop at a random hotel on the black horse pike. I have no idea why were there. It was never explained. The stranger and the dude left Price and me sitting in the running car for about ten minutes. The left with some sort of care package.
I figured at this point there was a good chance we were going to get shot in the back of the head or something. But after about 10 mins they came back with the package and we went across the black horse pike to a really seedy hotel. This time they assured us it was the right one. Than some dude came out and got whatever he wanted. He apparently had a room at both places.
Anyway, off to Sisters we went. However, since the girls the brought us there were running the event, we were there early. Before the event, so Price, the dude and myself sat there awkwardly surrounded by a culture we clearly were not a part of.
Okay, now I was told it was a lesbian bar, and what I hoped for was girls in cotton short shorts and tank tops trying to tickle each other drinking Apple Martinis. That never happened. In fact there were tons of gay dudes there too. I guess if you are a lesbian you really would love this place, there were butch chicks, hot chicks, soccer moms, freaky chicks, fat chicks and well most of them could likely kick the crap out of me. But, before the event yup..we were pretty much just hanging out at a gay bar.
After a few drinks we began to not look like deer in the headlights sitting at a table with flowers on it. We talked to some people. One girl there (lesbian) told us that the straight girls supposedly carry their purses around there. So, people could tell who was gay and who was straight. I have no idea if that is true or not. But Price, the dude and I learned the girl sitting next to us was apparently straight. She was maybe a 5 or 6 on the scale of 1-10. But given she was straight that night she was like a 9. The girl worked in philly, and said she went there after work often so she wasn't hit on like at normal bars. After hearing that, I figured that was a bad sign for any of us. Than she started talking about her boyfriend whom she loved. At that point I lost interest and the dude seemed like he wanted to still get her number or something. So, I left for a bit. Than when I returned she was gone, and he told me she left for a bar where you place pac-man. I was like damnit, that bar sounds awesome. Just people playing pac-man.
Finally the event started, and like the fact it wasn't just a lesbian bar, the night 2nd promise was already broken. The girls that were bidded on were mostly butch, busted and I would rather pay them to keep their clothes on than have them remove them. At one point Price learned which of the 12 girls up for bid were straight. It was only 3 of them. Now I am not sure if Price was kidding, or just drunk but he actually bidded on the first straight girl. I guess all the gay women knew she was straight too, because no one but Price bid on her. In fact I am pretty sure Price bid himself higher for about 20 bucks for no reason at all.
What did Prices 40 bucks (I think that was the bid) get him? A pair of panties and about 5 minutes of conversation. Since the event was over, the stranger and the dude who were our ride were ready to go. At this point, I figured to myself it was funny enough, it was almost midnight, I could still get a couple drinks in at Sharkeys. But Price came down to the steps (the even and club were upstairs) and told me there were tons of straight girls there and I should stay and have fun! He swayed me (that and the 4 or 5 beers at that point) to close the place out. Upstairs we went. Stephaine would take us home.
I scanned the floor. ..chicks dancing with chicks, and dudes dancing with dudes.
"Eh, I guess they left..." Price.
So, there we were. Price introduced me some random lesbian girl he met up there. See Price had come up with this great theory that we befriend the gay friends and win them over, and they would hook us up with their straight friends because they would like us a lot. I told Price that it sure seemed like a lot of work. He never really sold me on the idea. But, hey I was stuck there so I might as well mingled. The bar was just like any other really bad club music and we had a horrible time hearing anything.
At one point Price vanished (no idea where he went) and I was still upstairs talking about the lesbian. It turns out that its all the same really. She talked about dating getting harder as you hit your late 20s and about her really long relationship she once had what didn't work. I exchanged similar stories. It was nice and all but I figured I should try to find my friend. I found him down stairs talking to some random people. Than he went upstairs again.
I figured I would order one last beer and just chill the bar and wait for the others to be ready to leave. Now, I could be crazy at this point in the story. But the bottom part of the bar was pretty empty. I just sat there writing on a pad of paper which I guess is designed to give out your numbers at such places. I was just scribbling mostly. I am pretty sure the dude at the end of the bar was checking me out. Now, I am not a homophobe or anything, but I wanted to keep my record of not having to tell a dude I wasn't gay in tact. It was close to last call. Usually I see at straight bars guys trying to hustle a girl at the last minute to get number, laid or pretty much anything. I might have been the almost 2am bottom of the barrel for this guy. I didn't stick around I darted back upstairs.
The dancing was winding down, and most people had coupled off at this point. But in the end, its all the same. Some people were looking for their soul mate, some for a quick lay, some people are looking to cheat on a loved one and some poor souls were standing in the shadows outside the dance floor. Likely wondering when their same sex partner of their dreams would sweep them off their feet. Than there was myself clearly the only heterosexual left in the bar for a good two hours aside from price, pounding my last $4.75 miller lite. I thought to myself two things.
1. This was amusing, but never again
2. This is going on Tucker's World.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
"High Hopes"

Spring has sprung in South Jersey and so has hope for the sports world. The ice has melted t he mercury is rising and as is the hopes for the Phillies this season. While the Flyers and sixers are so bad they can't draw even half a stadium anymore, people went nuts earlier this week to buy Phillies tickets. They don't even start till April!
Jimmy Rollins has declared that the 2007 Philadelphia Phillies are the team to beat. There is a huge buzz going on right now around the team. Why not with all the starters they will have on the mound, and Ryan Howard, Chase Utley back and likely better this season.
I am not saying that the William Penn curse will end this year, but I don't know if it has been this up in the air in a long time. The players are all young still and in their prime, and not yet bored with the game.
The season at the very least will likely be one we are talking about for many years from now.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
"Death By Numbers"

There is a 2nd teaser for the Sopranos released that was kind of lame, but this is the third one for the final episodes. Again this one shows no new footage, but its pretty amusing anyway. I must warn you that if you have not been caught up with the entire series the concept of this teaser is to recap all the deaths by episodes numbers. Also, there is brief nudity related with one of the whackings, so watching it at work might be a bad idea.
I was suprised that they didn't include Mikey from Season 1, he was Uncle Junior's right hand man and had pretty famous whacking. Not to mention the fact that Paulie still is haunted by him.
Anyway, check this out.
The Sopranos,
The Sopranos Season 6,
Tony Soprano
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