Thursday, October 11, 2007
"OK Computer"
Monday, October 08, 2007
"Counting Penguins"
Okay, no way it was 40 YEARS of hockey, because they started in fall of 1967, not 1966. SO this fall will be 40 years of Flyers hockey. Also, there were NEVER 40 seasons either. They did not play for the the 2005-2006 season. So, thats really LAME to consider that a "season" you didnt give us any hockey! By that logic the Sopranos would have had like 9 seasons, counting all the years new shows weren't aired as seasons. Maybe they would sell the season sets and some would just be blank discs?
Anyway, what is even more amusing is that the Penguins who again were in the same group of expansion teams in 1967, are doing a big deal for their home openers for it being 40 years of Penguins Hockey. Because it is!
Yeah, I now some people debated me on the who how many seasons were there thing. IF you don't believe me think how we realized the millennium is actually 2001, because start counting at 0. Same thing. When the Flyers started hockey in fall of October that had not been around for a year already, so fall of 1968 was one year later of them starting. Still don't believe me. Write every year from 1967 on a piece of paper (I actually had to do this to prove this very point once) and number each year. That comes out to 40 seasons, but you have to take one away because of the lock out. THe Flyers campaign from last season was clearly YEARS not seasons. Seasons is a stretch at best, but years was always a boldface lie. Its impossible for these two teams to have different 40 year benchmarchs in their history.
Oh yeah and 1985-1986 will always be the season that Pelle died.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
"Season Over"

Cold bats. Thats basically what did us in. The hot bats of Philly were just non-existant in the 3 game playoff series. I knew the Rookies had better pitching, but I figured we would just win by getting into a slugfest.
Of course there will be a lot of hatred toward the team the next 48 hours, and people will just be doing the Eagles chant till the next tim the Phillies enter the playoffs. But, I am still proud of the Phillies and what they did this year.
I think maybe somehow these guys were just overwhelemed by it all. Not to make excuses but honestly although I hoped I never thought we would win the World SEries. We just weren't good enough yet.
I did however say from the start of the season that we would make the playoffs. That we did, and its just one step closer to winning it all. Most these guys will be back next season and be able to take this experience away with them.
There will be many questions of the next 72 hours, some long faces, anger towards the hitters and Chase could become very hated in Philly. People wont even the 1-3 birds to get their minds, but that might be a good thing.
You can add one another 4 months at least to our championship drought in Philly.
It was a great ride with an all too famliar ending. But the fans will just have another scar and life will go on. The Phillies never quit and thumbed their nose at the slamming they got from the haters all season long. One wonders what could have happened had the Padres made it. One wonders what could have happened if we didn't yank our starter in game 2. Now it is the off season for the Phils and we have to go through an entire off season, pre-season and the never ending regular season just to get back to this spot.
But, such as life in the land of scars, and wondering about past events. Each fan will grow a little wiser, maybe more cynical. Dry your eyes with your rally towels Delware Valley and as Tony Soprano once said. "Focus on the good times"