Friday, May 21, 2004

Tucker on the Classics: The Exorcist

I decided in addition to reviewing new flicks out in the movies now I am going to dissect classics too. I am going to try to do it more often. I was originally going to assign a day that my readers could count on a write up of a classic movie, but who are we trying to kid?

Anyway it is a wonder I went this long without seeing this movie for the first time (last week). My parents talk about seeing this movie for the first time together (given the year it was released and my parents marriage it was on TV) my mother had the living day lights scared out of her, and my father thought it was the funniest movie he ever saw. So that is the way the film is still viewed you either love it or hate. Years ago during a night of mindless hanging out at my house Ryan and I think Lima Beanz were sent to get a movie for the night the returned with the Exorcist after about 40 mins. Everyone got pissed and said they wouldn't watch it. So they returned later that night with Posion Ivy 2: The New Seduction.

Um..oh yeah the review.

Well the movie starts out oddly in Iraq before we blew it up. A bunch of stuff happens and this guy finds an idol and more stuff happens. I really didn't get the point of showing us all this. Then the movie settles into what you expect a semi-famous actress becomes worried when her daughter starts swearing like a sailor. Next thing she knows she looks increasingly more evil and even though the doctors (almost comically) keep coming up with far fetched excuses why her daughter and levitate beds, over power adults, and speak in other languages she knows better.

During the mother/daughter plot line another storyline is running along at a slower speed about a youngish priest who has lost his faith. Eventually he gets roped into the case of the actress's daughter and is invited to sit in on an exorcism. They sceen play inspired by a newspaper article decades prior rests it's strength and heart on questioning ones faith. Wondering what it would take for some one to think there could be such a thing a supreme being or evil spirits. Apparently, more than some split peas soup vomit in the face for some.

However, what it's famous for is the sequence upon sequence of creepy images including the bedroom turning ice cold, and Linda Blair talking in a demonic voice uttering words I had no idea were said on film that long ago. Eventually the title character (turns out he is the dude from Iraq in the start of the film) shows up to show the young priest how to oust demons from little girls. The slow moving film intensifies the last 40 mins only to end almost suddenly which is surprising but also refreshing had it been made today one would imagine they would try to trick the audience a few times about if it was really over or not.

The film is way better than my friends make it out to be. Although flawed mostly as far as the sceenplay goes for example the girl seems like she goes from normal to demonish in 30 seconds I wouldn't say the movie crap.

Lets face it as fun as the horror genre is very few such films in that section of the video store are actually "Good". One thing that alienates viewers from this film I think is the fact that there is no one real hero to root for. The mother is helpless, the younger priest isn't more haunted and melancholy than likeable. I saw the version you never seen (which would make the original cut that for me I guess) and figured before I read about it that the steps scene was way over the top and out of place. I don't know what version most people have seen that are my age, but that scene should have stay deleted. However the film is highly superior to Halloween and I would even say The Omen (better directed anyway). It was a good (not GREAT)and highly important film. So why do most of my friends detest this film?

Sopranos Wrap Up: Test Dream

When I looked at my clock on my cell phone and realized it was about 9:45 I soon realized that almost the entire hour of the show would be a lengthy dream of Tony Soprano. His trippy dreams have been a staple in the series for almost it's entire run and allows some very interesting visuals. Who can forget the famous fish dream during the episode where they whacked Uncle Pussy? It is still quite possibly one of the best shows they ever did. (Hmm..Maybe that would be a good topic one day).

Now let us get this straight I always thought doing something like the Sopranos did last week with dream world would be a good idea for a series. It allows writers to bring back famous faces from beyond the grave and have some real fun. However given the fact that the fifth season is winding down it wasn't the time, and in a show where the seasons are only 13 episodes long might not be the place to squander time in terms of moving along the series narrative.

Now most dramas are on the networks who usually have 22 a season, so if you want to do something like this in the X-Files (they actually did a few times) or even the West Wing (not that I watched more than 30 seconds of that show in my life) then that's cool. Shows like that a concept such as this might work better since you almost have time to kill to spread out interesting storylines to fill the time of a longer season and likely longer run.

If you are going to go ahead and do something as daring as last weeks show one shouldn't tease or cheat the viewer in the process. Is there any reason that why shouldn't get to see Tony B's botched shooting on Phil? It sounded pretty cool, but we will never know. There is no reason to not show that. Also if you are going to bring back Ralphie (love Ralph or hate him it's no denying that Joey Pant's ability to steal scene after scene has been sorely missed this season)and Big Pussy at least give them more than a blink your eye and miss them cameo. Ralph had one line, and wasn't even totally in the shot. Pussy turns around and looks at Tony. It wasn't till after the show that Liza made me realize Richie returned too. Some how I missed his rise from the grave. Wouldn't it have made more sense to have Pussy dispense advice about whacking people you love than a random coach? What a cheat, although John Heard (even though only hard core fans even remember his character) returning was a kick.

Okay so the point of the dream is that Tony must whack Tony B? Well anyone that has seen the cast list for season 6 knows it will at the very least take Tony a long time to maul over the situation. On top of that if Artie doesn't die soon then the dream really makes no sense at all. I don't really see Artie dying at all nor do I want him to. But knowing David Chase he will likely give him cancer.

The problem with the Soparanos is the same that hampered the X-files in later years. Too many different writers and directors. The tone of the show and style can shift from week to week, and with so much story to dive into one wonders why the show had to take that route last week. Not mention storylines are dropped like horse poop. Leave impressionistic imagery for film students, and random unexplained role switching (Heard in place of Finn's dad) for crappy David Lynch movies.

I am not going to say it. However many people who know what a fan I am of the show said to me in the immortal words of the comic book guy: "WORST EPISODE EVER!"

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Blame Tucker?

Okay right before I reformatted this blog page I made it in clear on herethat I thought the Flyers were going to hoist the cup this spring. I even changed the name of the blog to Tucker's World goes cup crazy.

Now I perhaps jumped for joy too soon since it was only after game 2, and the Flyers are now trailing 3-2 in the best of seven series.

So who out there actually believes that I could put an actual hex on them? Am I to blame if the Flyers are golfing by Sunday morning? I hope not, but I must warn anyone near me that if the flyers get bounced out to be aware of fits of anger and rage to stem from myself. I would like to tell you it is an act or me just doing what is expected, but I honestly get pretty pissed off and my lashing out of frustration is all true.

There is a scene in Ridley Scott's Alien (oddly deleted in the re-issue) where Tom SKerritt asks his computer (known as mother) what are our chances? I imagine Keith Primeau is asking the same thing to himself. Maybe he has hightech computer that can give him the answers he needs to force a game 7. Hopefully it is better than my computer which would simply tell him that it is buffering from now till the end of time.

Seriously do you blame me for getting to Flyered up? Also what do you think of the chances of winning game 6 let alone the series?

Monday, May 17, 2004

Captain Orange Crush

If the Flyers had lost last Saturday mathematically it could easily had been the last home game of the season. With the mood of the series shifting in favor of Tampa after it had shifted to Philly in the previous game the fans needed to get behind their team. The Flyers decided to give out orange t-shirts to all of their fans that said Orange Crunch on it, although on TV I almost appeared that no one was at the game it was still a cool thing to do.

Well the Flyers notched up the series, but still have to win at least one game in Tampa. It would be a hell of a lot easier to just win in Tampa once and win and Philly, but who can figure how this series is going to end?

One reason the Flyers are going to get a new lease on life and play essentially a best of 3 game series now with the bolts is the captain of the team.

Keith Primeau's performance to date has been bordering on legendary. Primeau who years ago got slammed for bad mouthing former coach (rightfully so it was a classless move) and Flyer legend Billy Barbara is long gone. I was at game one of the playoffs against the Devils, and I turned to Liza and said that Primeau was playing like a madman out there. I assumed something ticked him off because he was hitting everything in sight. I had no idea he could keep the same level of play up for game after game.

The last game (in fact the entire post)Primeau really did what a captain has to do. He kept the team cool, and lead by example. He set up John Leclair as if he was teeing up a golf ball for him. Later in the game he put it away when he used Simon Gagne as decoy to fake out the Tampa netminder and fire the puck past him. I don't think there was a person in the building that thought he would fire that puck let alone score. Although lately it isn't a bad idea to shot the puck instead of pass to Gagne.

Anyway Primeau literally has matched his season total in goals in just 15 games in the post season. It almost seems that nothing is going to stand in Primeau's way in order to hoist the cup. Don't think that the teammates don't realize what he has done he has become such a leader of this team you might as well call him Optimus Prime.

Hockey captains mean more to teams than captains in any other sports for what ever reason. For the longest time I figured Keith as a mediocre captain if not a little childish after that immature blaming of a coach for a team that lacked any real guts. It seems though that he has matured, and he even admitted that it was the wrong way to handle the matter. Of course previously the captain (briefly) was Rico, who know one could really understand with his thick French accent, and the big E who bailed on his team when the going got rough. So it's nice to see leadership come from the man with the "C", because you simply can't win a cup without it. Just look at all the last cup winners.

It's Primeau's team. It is time to leave his mark.

Random thoughts for game 5:

The team is likely spinning the media on JR. I hate to say it but its more than likely that he has another concussion. Not the flu, not a shoulder injury, but I guess its still technically an upper body injury. I have my doubts he will play tonight. Also if I had to I would play John Slaney from the Phantoms who has some experience in the NHL playoffs over Dennis Seindberg who is still recovering from a broken leg.

Sunday, May 16, 2004


I didn't expect many comments on Tucker's World at all. Considering TERMINUS goes many articles without comments, and the Crew Blog is rivialing the Echelon Mall for traffic. HOwever I thought I would at least get a bite or two this weekend, but I soon realized that I was limiting comments to only people who are blogspot members, and even then its annoying to sign in anywhere in order to comment

I have fixed the issue so now anyone can comment. Sorry about that one folks.

Sopranos Wrap UP

The Sopranos is now in the final weeks of the 5th season which will be the next to last season. The 6th season is only to be made up of a mere 8 shows. So things should certainly start heating up. RIght?

Some fans are still grumbling that this past week's show that reloveded around Christopher's jealousy of Tony B. and growing resentment towards Tony S. wasn't quite fast paced enough and are starting to worry many plotlines will be left dangling till the next season or dropped all together. Nany people think nothing really has happened this past week.

It's fairly clear that the dead waiter from the start of the season isn't going to get anyone in trouble just like when Paulie Walnuts killed that old lady friend of his mothers last season. Just never really mentioned again.

The storyline last week had Tony B and Christopher go off to an old farm ran by a long time mafia man who had various dead bodies burried on his land. Since the mafia guy was selling the place they had to dig up the remains. Chris dig's up an old body of a man he whacked in season 1, that he already had to move. Although there was some confusion by peoople I talked to about the show wheather or not Ralph's head was burried there. I didn't think that it was, and figured they would have made a bigger deal of it. So I would say his head is still safely underground someplace.

Meanwhile Carmella drained Tony's beloved pool as a counter attack to him using up every decent lawyer in the tri-state area. The third storyline was about Janice going nuts at a lady at a soccer game. After taking classes to take get her anger under control Tony tests her at dinner to see if she can keep her cool. Of course she didn't, and viewer are left to wonder if Tony himself is just generally losing it.

The big back lash for last week's show was their tradition of misleading trailers really going over board. The body being thrown into the water was someone that was dead long before the pilot so it ment nothing. Chris crying had nothing to do with Adriana rating on him, the NYC gang war story line didn't advance at all, and Vito being gay wasn't addressed. n face Vito was glaring at naked women at the bada bing.

Go figure. On top of everything else the bear's random cameo the previous week was never addressed or explained.

I'm not complaining but I certainly see why viewers are. The next 3 and final 3 of the season will define what people remember season 5 for. Let us just wait to see what David Chase has left in his bag of tricks.