Sunday, May 16, 2004


I didn't expect many comments on Tucker's World at all. Considering TERMINUS goes many articles without comments, and the Crew Blog is rivialing the Echelon Mall for traffic. HOwever I thought I would at least get a bite or two this weekend, but I soon realized that I was limiting comments to only people who are blogspot members, and even then its annoying to sign in anywhere in order to comment

I have fixed the issue so now anyone can comment. Sorry about that one folks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hurrah, huzzah, and some other word that closely translates to "great". Finally I can tell Tucker's World when he's dead wrong, and every niggling typo and gramatical error. Plus, the new site looks much better and I believe that its more user friendly with the "headlines" of the articles(?) [what do you call your posts: stories, articles, rants?] Anyhoo, congrats!
Tom T