Wednesday, June 18, 2003

"An American Soilder in South Jersey"

Price is 3 days away from making it back to the states for those of you that care. He will also be on leave starting July 2nd so he should be here by the 4th of July. He plans to have a party at some time in the middle of the month.

His leave is 45 days this year which is more than his comically large leave time last summer. I would like to take the time on my meaningless little read blog to thank him for serving our Country. It takes brass balls to do what he did. Who would have thought that when he entered the armed forces in 2000 that he would see action.

I am glad he is coming home safe and sound. Agree or disagree with the war that just passed we should all tip our glasses to Price when he comes back.

Oh yeah and I am under strict orders to keep him under lock down if he wants to see his old ex-girlfriend. So if anyone is willing to take shifts sitting outside his room let me know I think you can use it as a tax write off. Maybe he brought us back some WMD from the Iraq gift shop. I can only hope.
First off, I’d like to apologize for the decrease in posts the past month or so, but as everyone knows I am dedicating chunks of my time to finding better employment. I know Drew and sympathize because his posts have grown less frequent. I keep checking back to see if he blames Bush for the miserable weather we have been having, but much to my disappointment, he has yet to blog about it. I was going to blame Clinton in my earlier post but I didn’t want to be murdered have my lifeless body drug to park so it would look like a suicide.

“Media Obsessions”

Well if pay attention to the media industry you might have noticed that the past few summers they tend to get oddly obsessed with certain stories. You know stuff that happens fairly often but all of the sudden is big news.

For example 2001 was the year of the summer of the shark attacks. For some reason that’s all we heard about that summer was who got chewed up or hurt by shark and where. Now no one cares when people are gored by shark, and I am sure it still happens. Last summer of course was the summer of kidnapping stories. Of course the richer and whiter and cuter kids got more media exposure but for some reason the media gave us alerts every damn time a kid was snatched from their home.

The summer has barely started and it looks like dangerous diseases has and early lead for the season’s media darling. Sure we had West Nile before, but that’s nothing compared to MONKEY POX. Riding on the success of all the SARS coverage comes MONKEY BOX, and BEWARE THE PRARIE DOGS. What is funny is photographs have been trying to make this little furry fellows look menacing. There are pictures of them with their little teeth showing and looking all-mean. However, they just can’t pull it off. I just want to pet them.

Coming Soon:
The Island of Misfit Films and the a peak into the future of a certain Tucker’s World Regular.
“H2 OH-NO!”

Am I the only one who thinks I should start building and arc or something? Last night yet again I awoke to hear rain down pouring outside. Its getting insane, I wonder if anyone is getting SAD over this. If that is the case for any of my readers I hope that they expose themselves to bright lights (Florescent lights mind you).

The entire month of May it either rained or looked like it was going to rain all but literally 3 days. Despite all the rain that month it was actually just average for that month. It came just in little spurts slow, steady enough to demper everyone’s outside plans, and add to misery. I know I had many plans cancelled do to weather.

Now that June is hear you can barely tell that the summer season has arrived. Granted it is still early, but days are slowly but surely being washed away. This kind of weather Dan K likes dark and miserable and one drives all humans indoors to sit in front of the computers.

To make matter worse the Garden State is suffering from the weather economically . Many shore businesses are close to writing this year off already after taking a bath in May and Early June. It will take a hell of a lot of revenue and a hot Sept/Oct to make up for what they already lost. Meanwhile Jersey produce is suffering. I am told I might not even get to consume Jersey corn for the Fourth of July because of stunted corn crops (due to lack of sun). This makes me want to hurt someone.

Maybe the miserable weather will leave when I get out of Sears Outlet. Well off I go to 332 Burnt Mill Road where it is constantly raining inside and outside seemingly 365 days a year.

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

“Lima Beanz Riot!”

Well its been a week since the Blog Media Blitz started following Jenna’s cry for help. John Mosco who also has a blog had the most interactive and controversial input. People are still firing back and forth at one another. Lima Beanz has threatened the life of the author of Tucker’s World, but has focused most of his anger on Mosco. He did give me a beating on the mini golf course recently. He reportedly wants to “punch him in the face”. Lima Beanz might have a change to start swinging at the end of this month, because there is a good chance Mosco is going to be in South Jersey. Now I don’t think the future father will actually resort to violence to punish his friend. However you never know about that whacky Lima Beanz!

Let’s say they do fight. Who would have the odds? I am going to break it down the strengths and weaknesses.

Strengths: He is a fast runner, and in pretty good shape. This would come in handy in the event that he decides to flee a raging Lima Beanz. He also has more girth than Lima Beanz and could be harder to bring down.

He doesn’t have a beef with Lima Beanz he will likely be on the defense more than anything when the fisticuffs start. After a series of punches perhaps he will be backed into a corner and it will be too late when he realizes he is in trouble. However, since he knows Lima Beanz plans to go right for the face, he is going to know where to put his hands. This might hurt because Lima Beanz is likely to be wearing his college ring which could easily rip the skin of Mosco’s hands in his attempts to shield the endless string of punches.

Lima Beanz:
He goes to the gym a lot and usually takes stuff to make his muscles big. He claims he has the body of a god, so Id imagine he thinks he has the fists to match. What Lima Beanz has going for him is hee has lots of rage and anger. Its about time for it to surface in a horrendous explosion of blood-thirsty violence. Maybe he just has a good insurance policy and will be worth more as a corpse to his future child than a struggling scientist trying to make ends meet.

Unless Lima Beanz changes his original plan he could be in trouble. Mosco knows he is going to viciously attacked the minute he walks into Fox Ridge Apartments. So picture the fact that LB is going to have to walk across the room. This will allow time for Mosco (who likely has already thought about some defensive moves) to either take LB out by his legs (he has stronger leg power and Jay is top heavy with his massive upperbody) or at least old him off from getting the punches.

LB is sitting on the dirty couch at Duke’s and has to go the far way around the coffee table since Drew refuses to put his legs down. LB starts yelling in a fight of rage and Mosco gets ready to defend. The two use their strengths and get into a shoving match. Mosco makes sure to keep LB from freeing his hands. Than they slam into the TV( toppling all of Duke’s Action figures) and LB gets stuck to it because its coated with filth that has accumulated over the past 6 months. This allows Mosco to get few punches off but he feels bad and doesn’t punch as hard as he should. This allows LB to free himself ripping his shirt off while freeing himself from the sticky stuff. All the girls scream in delight at this sight. Okay Jenna does. Than Mosco is slammed against the table knocking cigarette ash and MAXIM magazines all over the place.

This however puts Mosco in position to kick LB in the balls. Making Baby Beanzie an only child. Than the two end up wrestling on the ground which than degenerates into a homo-erotic grudge match. Than the fight is finally broken up by, oh lets say…….Rob Arter.

Please Email me who you think will win.