Wednesday, June 18, 2003

“H2 OH-NO!”

Am I the only one who thinks I should start building and arc or something? Last night yet again I awoke to hear rain down pouring outside. Its getting insane, I wonder if anyone is getting SAD over this. If that is the case for any of my readers I hope that they expose themselves to bright lights (Florescent lights mind you).

The entire month of May it either rained or looked like it was going to rain all but literally 3 days. Despite all the rain that month it was actually just average for that month. It came just in little spurts slow, steady enough to demper everyone’s outside plans, and add to misery. I know I had many plans cancelled do to weather.

Now that June is hear you can barely tell that the summer season has arrived. Granted it is still early, but days are slowly but surely being washed away. This kind of weather Dan K likes dark and miserable and one drives all humans indoors to sit in front of the computers.

To make matter worse the Garden State is suffering from the weather economically . Many shore businesses are close to writing this year off already after taking a bath in May and Early June. It will take a hell of a lot of revenue and a hot Sept/Oct to make up for what they already lost. Meanwhile Jersey produce is suffering. I am told I might not even get to consume Jersey corn for the Fourth of July because of stunted corn crops (due to lack of sun). This makes me want to hurt someone.

Maybe the miserable weather will leave when I get out of Sears Outlet. Well off I go to 332 Burnt Mill Road where it is constantly raining inside and outside seemingly 365 days a year.

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