Saturday, October 30, 2004

" 3 Day BLITZ!"

3 simple days left....who do you think will win and why?

Simple question.

ENJOY THE HYPE, HATE ADs and PEOPLE SCREAMING AT EACH OTHER for the next 72 hours or so.

Bask in it my friend, beause this is the 3-day blitz.

"Bush Bashers Gone Wild!"

Its amazing how few people know that this even happened. A few months back Drew wrote on TERMINUS (too lazy to use the URL) in article called "Typical Republican Behavior" he wrote about how republicans are more likely to become really voilent and I guess just plain mean towards people who didn't vote their way.

I begged to differ.

I am sure so would Catherine Harris who almost met the reaper at the hands of a man who I would doubt has Bush sign on his lawn. Well just check here.

"Look Who is Back!"

Hey, just in time for Halloween Osama Bid Laden is back making tapes and telling us why we are all going to die. Experts say that they can tell its a new video because of his reference to recent events such as Dan K's wedding (hey I never blogged about that...mental note), Boston Red Sox winning, the NHL locktout and the Eagles 5-0 record.

Okay, he didn't talk about all that stuff thought I would lighten the moode. Jeesh, just when you thought this election couldn't get any more nasty, darker or depressing. Now don't take this the wrong way, but do you think Osama has seen Micheal Moore's film? I uses some of Moore's most burning jabs as talking points. Not to say he is getting his info from there, but perhaps he knew where to hit.

Political experts with fancy degrees on their walls have said this will benefit President Bush (Mr. Bush to you ABC news viewers) in the pending election. I have a meaningless degree that is lost in my room somewhere. I am not sure, if there were any undecided voters out there (I know a few actually) then I am sure that this could easily sway them to vote for Kerry just as easily. Osama paints Bush as arrogant, greedy and on the same level of his pals in the middle east.

On the other hand John Kerry's comments about going back to when terrorism was just a nusance might just come back to hurt him. You know the good old days when people just got killed over seas and when we could collectively forget attacks like the '93 WTC attack and get back to are lives and stuff. Oh, once in awhile people like those on the USS Cole would be attacked, but that was just annoying too. Just like hookers and gambling, right?

Anyway, even still I don't see this swinging into Bush's favor. If Kerry's camp really do they might try to spin it. Saying that the released the tape this late to try to change the out come of the election. If Kerry says this you know he is officially shaking in his boots. Kerry as far as I know has just jib- jabbed at Bush saying that the fact that Osama is alive and free and making tapes proves Bush is failure when it comes to protecting our nation.

As a service to my readers all 4 of them I will provide you with the chilling transcript left by the terrorist mastermind. Well it will make my article really long and many people stop reading, but heck I am saving you the trouble of actually googgling the for it, Right?

In this verision it includes a few "news readers" that might shed some more light on what he is saying.

Newsreader: A new message from Bin Laden to the American people about the reasons and resulats of the 9/11 attacks.

Newsreader 2: The head of AL Qaeda says the continuation of us policy will lead to the repetition of what happened.

Male presenter: The head of AL Qaeda organization directed a message to the American people and this video and audio apearence in this tape which Jezeera required for the first time for two years. In the beginning of his message, he spoke about the reasons why they chose the US to execute 9/11..

OBL: You American people, my speech to you is the best way to avoid another conflict about the war and its reasons and results. I am telling you security is an important pillar of human life. And free people don't let go of their security contrary to Bush's claims that we hate freedom. He should tell us why we didn't hit Sweden for instance. Its known that those who hate freedom don't have dignified the 19 who were blessed. But we fought you because we are free people, we don't sleep on our oppression. We want to regain the freedom of our Muslim nation as you spill our security, we spill your security.

Female presenter: Bin Laden spoke for the first time about the main reasons he thought of executing Sept 11 attacks, confirming that the Israeli operation in Lebanon was the first incident where he thought of it.

OBL: I am so surprised by you. Although we are in the fourth year after the events of sept 11, Bush is still practicing distortion and misleading on you, and obscuring the main reasons and therefore the reasons are still existing to repeat what happened before. I will tell you the reasons behind theses incidents. I will be honest with you on the moment when the decision was taken to understand. We never thought of hitting the towers. But after we were so fed up, and we saw the oppression of the American Israeli coalition on our people in Palestine and Lebanon, it came to my mind and the incidents that really touched me directly goes back to 1982 and the following incidents. When the US permitted the Israelis to invade Lebanon with the assistance of the 6th fleet. In these hard moments, it occurred to me so many meanings I cant explain but it resulted in a general feeling of rejecting oppression and gave me a hard determination to punish the oppressors. While I was looking at the destroyed towers in Lebanon, it came to my mind to punish the oppressor the same way and destroy towers in the US to get a taste of what they tasted, and quit killing our children and women.

Male presenter: Bin Laden considered in his message that the results of Sept 11 were successful in his opinion and as a reason of that, he said that the similarity between the administration of Bush the father and the arab regimes said Bush learned so much from them during his visits.

OBL: We didn't find difficulty dealing with Bush and his administration due to the similarity of his regime and the regims in our countries. Whish half of them are ruled by military and the other half by sons of kings and presidents and our experience with them is long. Both parties are arrogant and stubborn and the greediness and taking money without right and that similarity appeared during the visits of Bush to the region while people from our side were impressed by the US and hoped that these visits would influence our countries. Here he is being influenced by these regimes, Royal and military. And was feeling jealous they were staying for decades in power stealing the nations finances without anybody overseeing them. So he transferred the oppression of freedom and tyranny to his son and they call it th e Patriot Law to fight terrorism. He was bright in putting his sons as governors in states and he didn't forget to transfer his experience from the rulers of our region to Florida to falsify elections to benefit from it in critical times.

Female Presenter: Bin Laden considered the way Bush dealt with the first moments of Sept. 11, giving a good chance to the executors of Sept. 11 to complete it.

OBL: We agreed with Mohamed Atta, god bless him, to execute the whole operation in 20 minutes. Before Bush and his administration would pay attention and we never thought that the high commander of the US armies would leave 50 thousand of his citizens in both towers to face the horrors by themselves when they most needed him because it seemed to distract his attention from listening to the girl telling him about her goat butting was more important than paying attention to airplanes butting the towers which gave us three times the time to execute the operation thank god.

Male presenter: the final part of the message is that the security of the Americans depends on the policy that they execute despite the winner of the elections. OBL: Your security is not in the hands of Kerry or Bush or Al Qaeda. Your security is in your hands. Each state that doenst mess with our security has automatically secured their security.

Female Presenter: In Bin Laden's message he approached other points. He pointed to the contradiction which considers oppression and killing of innocents a legal act. They formed an international law as bush the father did with the children of iraq according to bin laden. Bin Laden pointed to the millions of pounds of explosives dropped on Iraqi children as bush his son had done, as he said to remove an old agent and install a new agent to help instealing the oil of iraq. And bin laden said the events of 9/11 came as an answer to this oppression and said that if the answer to this oppression is considered bad terror, then we need to do it. And he stressed that he wants to deliver this message to the Americans in words and in deeds since the 9/11 events. He reminded Americans of a few warning messages through various news media like Time Magazine and CNN and other Arab and correspondents since 1996. He warned them of the conswquences of their countries policies. He talked abou t the damage Sept 11 caused the US economy and that it cost close to a trillion dollars. He talked about President Bush and that the emergency law requires more money.

Friday, October 29, 2004

"Rats, Locked Out Again"

So, since there is no hockey the close I have come to see any NHL action is via the Playstation Game Liza got my for my b-day. NOw I don't have a system so I have to play it when I am over Lizas house which works out fine if she has school work to do or whatever.

Anyway, I have been telling everyone how great this game is. The season mode is great you can look at the Phantoms statics, keep 3 people as scrathes, and move other to the minors so when you use them they are better players.

There is also a gameroom where you can play hockey trivia, air hockey or bar shuffle board. In addition to those, you can unlock jerseys and old team including the '87 Flyers. I haven't figured out how do this yet, but I am sure its cool.

The gameplay rocks the players can use their skates when pinned against the boards, the goalies are the most realistic I have ever seen as far as moves. The game is played like an ESPN broadcast. Gary Thorne and Bill Clementon call the game. Aside from the fact they seem to think the Flyers still play at the Frist Union Center it is pretty well done.

Anyway, I started a season. With all the feature of injuries, minor leaguers, and what not its quite fun to play the coach and try to get lines to score and win more games. In fact the players on waviers or listed as free agents are impressive. They even have Mark Greig who was mainly a Phantom, every time I flip through his picture he looks all sad.

"I just want to be a Phantom again!"

Anway I was 5-2 and about to face off against the Habs who had almost the same record. It was going to be a great matchup! Sadly when I tried to load that game, the screen just kept saying loading and the music kept looping. Convinced I had a smudge on the disc I removed it and looked at it. Not the case. I tried restarting a few times. No luck.

So, like a nerd I googled it. Found some video game geek message boards, and found to my horror that my season like the real one was likely to be once ice for ever. Apperently, the game has a bug in the Season or franchise mode that if you end up with more than 3 injuries (I did) the game just shuts down and never loads again with in the season. Especailly if the other team you are about to play have people hurt. So, the season was lost, because of lazy programers.

Now I have started the season all over again, and lost the first two games.

Just be warned anyone who buys this game. I think the only way to fix it, is to play the season with no injuries which sucks. Hopefully that is THE ONLY bug that will keep my season from locking up.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

"3 More Reasons Kerry Will Win"

Okay most these polls are all over the map. So, lets look at this logically. Okay, lets at least talk about these 3 things standing in the way of Bush's relection.

1. Did you know that 7 percent of all Americans have a cell phone, but not a land phone? Well its true, at least that what I read recently. Now I am guessing these are mainly 30 and under people. Who are likely to vote for Kerry. The kicker is that very few if not none at all were included in any of the polls. That alone could shift the results.

2. You would think people would rally around a wartime president more, right? Well clearly not in this election. Look what happened to his father back in '92. A hell of a lot more people supported that Iraq war than this one. Still Bush the father lost. So, how you could his son win if his father lost even though he pretty much won that war?

3. I really don't see Bush taking the Keystone state at all. He has a lot of people pulling for him in the state. Also, I think he could lose Florida too. Although, unless it is a wide margin it could get sticky again. Well the last election there was so neck and neck. However, I would imagine he lost more votes than won votes in four year. Plus you have the people who voted for him and are miffed at him. Lets all them the Jenna voters. Nothing personal Jenna, I just want to create a cool buzz word for the election. So, the Jenna voters will swing this state in Kerry's favor.

Do you guys actually see any holes in my theories?

Barely over 5 days left to go..well to the election anyway. Actually know who our next president in...well that could come sometime around the next time we see an NHL game.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


5 Days Left

The missing weapons story seems to have more and more twists to it. Like a Stephen King book the story keeps getting more complex. Now it appears that the Russians are involved here. Check here for details. Now I took some heat for my last post. Can I ask the question now..does THIS change anything?

I recall two things leading up to the war in Iraq. Ed telling me that France and Russia didn't realyl "care" too much about the war in Iraq. He claimed that the two countries would benefit from keeping Saddam in power. I am not going to get into that whole thing(unless I can better research it and actually have time) and sadly Ed is still out in desert training. I talked to him the other day and he has no e-mail access at all! What stinker no Ed for blog writing up to the election! For those of you that care he will be home to cast his vote on Nov,2.

Anyway, the 2nd thing I recall was someone I am close friends with here (we all know his name, but I am paranoid about typing it) was in Iraq in early 2003 when the war started. He had told me one time when I asked him about the WMDs that it was common knowledge among people he talked to that "Stuff" was moved to Syria. Not to say that is where the WMDs went, but that isn't impossible. However, this story seems to gel with the stories I heard from my friend and a few others that were over there about weapons being moved to Syria. Remember everyone kept saying we were going to invade Syria over a year ago? When I have time I will see if Drew, or I blogged about it.

Is this Bush's October suprise that we have been hearing so much about?

5 Days to the general election, but does it really matter the Red Sox has won the world Series the world is likely to end sometime tomorrow.

This weekend Tucker's World will announce it's official edorsement.

"Michael Moore Is Dead!"

About a year ago (don't ask me why please) I had this vivid dream that Star Trek stary Leonard Nimoy died after a long battle with cancer. I was news footage of him and even some of his co-stars talking about his death and his brave battle with cancer.

So, I was shocked, because apparently Dr. Spock had cancer for almost a year and finally lost his fight. I was so confused when I woke up that I could not figure out if he was dead or not. I picked up the papers really quick before work and couldn't find anything. So, I was thinking maybe I heard the story right before bed.

I was embarrassed to ask anyone at work. So, I snuck a text message to Lima Beanz asking if he had died or if it was dream. Thankfully, Beanz send me back a text that he was fine. I wonder if he questioned how strange a question that way.

Anyway the other night..the dream was. I wake up to hear my parents of cable news on as usual. Only to hear Michael Moore was found dead at his home! I was shocked! I picked up the paper (although I can never EVER read in my dreams which pisses me off) and his picture was in the type right corner. Hmm...

It seemed real. He had a heart attack, and I was shocked even with his weight problem. Bill Mahr was on tv crying...and I thought it was a real shame that he died before the election got here.

You might all think that I am so right that I would want him dead which is not true. In fact in my dream I wrote for my blog. Proving that I have a heart and that I am a total loser to dream about Tucker's World.

I basically wrote his death notice. I traced his rise from cult status, to big name after Bowling.. and how his last film made him officially made him a legend like it or not. I was saying he would be remembered in film history as one of the biggest name filmmakers of the modern era, and we were robbed not by not seeing his follow up. Okay, I don't agree with him all the time, but still as a film buff I like to see where people go in their careers and certainly don't want him to die.

I guess I should have figured it was s dream when the report was released that he like food so much he had a feed bag surgically attached to him so he could be constantly having food bumped into this back.

So, basically if Dr. Spock dies of cancer and Mr Moore dies of a heart attack..I am going to be really freaked out.

Anyone interested in my posting more of my dreams on here? Can anyone figure out why I would dream about the death of two famous people I deep down don't really care about ?

"That's Our New York Times!"

Well yesterday the news story that exploded all over (pun intended) the news and airwaves was the story was out there for awhile, but the NYC times really blew it up. Here is the Jist:

"The Iraqi interim government has warned the United States and international nuclear inspectors that nearly 380 tons of powerful conventional explosives - used to demolish buildings, make missile warheads and detonate nuclear weapons - are missing from one of Iraq's most sensitive former military installations.

The huge facility, called Al Qaqaa, was supposed to be under American military control but is now a no man's land, still picked over by looters as recently as Sunday. United Nations weapons inspectors had monitored the explosives for many years, but White House and Pentagon officials acknowledge that the explosives vanished sometime after the American-led invasion last year."
Anyway, come to find out on NBC news last night that their embeded reporters were with US troops when they got to the building. They said the weapons were gone already. Now you would think that the NYC times would. I don't follow up on the story. Shed light on the new facts brought to the table. Sadly, they didn't and suprisingly almost every other paper I picked up totally ignored the paper. Air America's Al Franklin acted as if the story didn't exist. He was still just slamming them for not protecting the weapons.

Before, you start saying, hey man stop watching Fox News, and listening to Rush. Let me make a pre-emptive strike on those shots that could be thrown at me. First off I listen to Air America between 12-3 if I can. Unless I am listening to 610 that is. Secondly, I wanted to write this last night when the story broke, and predict how the media would burry it. But, I thought I was over-reacting. So, I slept on it.

So, yeah it would seem the weapons were gone already when the troops got there. I expecte Drew on TERMINUS. To say listen we were excited about this..but its turning out to not be a slam dunk for Kerry. However, he goes on an slams Bush anyway. Doesn't mention anything about NBC in the entire report.
Okay, so the timeline might be made up. But why not ask. Why if this is such an important story was CBS planning to sit on it till the day before the election? Could it be that there would be no time to spin or even get the truth out there? Ask Micheal Moore likes to say.."What was going on here?".

I don't know. However would it have killed the NYC times or other medias to mention. Hey NBC said something makes the story that we drilled into your brains for a long time..well a completely different story. I figured papers and media outlets would draw lines in the sand for this election, however I didn't think that objective journalism would dislove like sugar in un-sweatened tea.

Drew ponders what happened. I don't claim to have all the answers, but if Iraqis could loot and take it there with "not enough" soliders around to stop them. I am sure they would have no problems with no one around moving it getting ready for that war an all.

Also, please when will the general public just admit that the NYC times is just the Fox News of the left?

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

"White House Wanted: Dead or Alive"

Ah 7 days..well 6 if you are reading this in a few hours left. The general election. Yep. It's amost here. Does it seem to anyone else that we just forgot about Halloween this year?

Well not to alarm anyone or anything, but there is a really good chance the dead will be rising from the grave on Nov 2. There is a lot of talk now about people stealing the election. Republicans are being accused trying to dupe voters out of voting and suppressing democratic votes. It has been proven in the past that democrats don't ask me how, have gotten dead people to vote for their man. In fact many people think it the dead of Chicago helped get JFK get state that he needed. Although, he may have won it anyway. But ask anyone from the windy city and they will tell you how dead people cast votes constantly.

"Republicans have frequently-amost chronically-engaged in what I think can be fairly be called voter-intimididation tactics in order to hold down the Democratic vote. On the other hand, the Democrats have been chornic cheats in being able to vote the cemeteries." ---Micheal Young
Political Historian. (from yesterdays Inquirer

I would say 80% of my readers are voting for John Kerry next week. Do you think they won't try that again? Does this not bother you? I mean the only reason that they would do such a thing is to try to win the election...maybe one could say steal since the dead can't vote. The means are different, but the end is the same.

IF that isn't bad enough. In Philly its an annual tradition to drive around and pick up homeless people. They pay them $20 to vote. Pretty shameless to use this people as pawns. Plus, isn't that techinically illegal? Thought we were supposed to cherish the homelss not exploit them.

One of my sources for this story is someone who had told my father he actually did it. His job to get some democrat elected was to walk around with a shoe box of $20s and not return till he gave them all out. Of course I am not going to publish his name on here, but most my readers hang out with me so I can just tell them than.

So, be on the look out for things that go bump in the night. Or the walking dead chanting.....HOPE IS ON THE WAY!! HOPE IS ON THE WAY!!

6 Days till....we find out if we should all buy more stock in Hailburton or Heinz Catsup.

Monday, October 25, 2004

"Image 2004"

Well they say image is everything, right? Well I guess you should keep that in mine Nov,2 right? I guess so. Here is my take on the image.

President Bush (Mr. Bush for you ABC news fans):

Well I must admit that he very often resembles some sort of a chimp. Not really one that would tear you a part just like the scared little guy that sits in the corner of the cage by himself at the zoo.

I think I get more nervous when he makes a speech than I ever did at college when I had to do presentations. Sometimes he gets that deer in the headlights look as his brain is sifts through files in order to get the right answer. The problem with him is I do beileve that he has dislyekia pretty bad which is why is a much better campaigner than a public speaker. This often makes him look dumber than he is. Regardless it doesn't instill much confidence when he licks his lips and rolls his eyes around before answering a question.

Sometimes his skin comes across as really sandy, and I guess he spends too much time in the sun or something.

Dick Cheney: A public relations nightmare. He always just looks so mean and angry. Making him come across as nice guy is like trying to make a box of rusty nails look cuter than a box of kittens.

John Kerry: One minute he looks like the lost California rasin, then the next minute he looks like he is 40. Thats the joy of botox. This guy always reminds me of the guy who is the last line of defense at a car dealership.

"Let's talk about that that extended warrenty!" ::whips out pen:::
Other times he looks like Frankenstien, or that guy who checks out his daughter's hot 15 yearold friend in those Lifetime movies.

When he was in that space suit he looked like a mutant tell-tubby. The times he goes hunting trying to appeal moderates or on the fence voters I think he looks like that bad father who takes his son to the ballgame to make up for being a bad dad.

John Edwards: When he is not standing around looking like John Ritter or standing on a stage giving tumbs up he is fixing his hair and flashing that smile. He is like the guy in High school who could go to the party late and still get laid without lifting a finger.

7 days left.

Will all the cripples get up and do the funky chicken when Edwards delivers on his promise to cure them all?

or will Bush stick it to his critics?

It's almost here then we can stop blogging about it and fight over flu shots instead.

"8 Days Out"

I was talking to two friends tonight about the pending election. There is Dan who thinks voting is a waste of time. Then there is Harry who I widely consider to be a lot smarter than me, who admitted that will vote, but has no idea who he will vote for. So, there you have it, anyone that knows him that is a reader of my blog knows he is not a dumb person by any means.

I certainly have a pretty cynical view on politics. In fact one of my readers told me that they didn't have a clue where I stood since it seemed like I hated them both.

Now I have two questions for everyone.

1. Do you thinking people like Dan not voting is Un-American? Or do you think if he really doesn't trust either guy that he is wise to stay home next week. When I asked who he would rather see win he told me Bush. However, I am not sure I have a problem with him staying home. A guy I work with said he HATES Kerry.. HATES him..but is voting for him.

2. My 2nd question you really think it makes a person dumb to not blindly trust either side? Is is strange my friend Harry hasn't made up his mind?

Well...I would like to endorse a candidate tonight.......I bet you have all been waiting for this..well I am voting for Nader.



"25 MPH!"

So, recently I was driving home from work and I was really tired. I have to work one late night to 9 which is good because I get to sleep in. However, it sucks cause I work at 8 am the next day.

Anyway I am driving home through Haddonfield on Warwick road and got pulled over. I was going 40 mph in a 25 mph zone. Now if you live in this area you no almost no one actually goes 25 mph here. I don't really feel I was going quite 15mph over the speed limit either, but once you hit 15 over it puts you in a higher fine bracket and the risk of more points.

So now in a week I am going to plead not gulity because I want to appeal that I wasn't going over 15 mph. This could knock the points down from 4 to 2. Now some people may have done this in the past and pleaded to some bizarre voliation that had nothing to do with why you can pulled over and pay a higher fine avoiding points.

So now I make sure that I am going 25mph all the time. Okay, actually go 25 mph sometime on a heavily traveled road. You might find a long line of angry motorists behind you. Driving up your butt and cursing you out. So, my opitions are to be a vicitim of a speed trap again, or be a viticim of road rage.

In the event that you are listening to traffic updates on the radio and hear there is a back up in the Cherry Hill/Barrington/Haddonfield and they don't know why. Just laugh to yourself and say...ah that Tucker.

It is very hard to do 25 mph on these roads since I feel like I am not getting anywhere. The same traffic light is in my field of vision for seemingly 40 minutes, and thats with no cars on the road.

On the bright side now I can try to use my commute to do other stuff. Yeah, I can like make a sandwitch and stuff. Gaze out at Bush and Kerry signs. Heck I bet I could jump out of my car and switch signs for neighbors who are pulling for different candidates, and jump back into my car with out breaking a sweat. 25 mph is that slow.

I am told that these rador things have a margin of error in it, so I hopefully they will give me a break.

____8 Days Left_____