Wednesday, October 27, 2004

"Michael Moore Is Dead!"

About a year ago (don't ask me why please) I had this vivid dream that Star Trek stary Leonard Nimoy died after a long battle with cancer. I was news footage of him and even some of his co-stars talking about his death and his brave battle with cancer.

So, I was shocked, because apparently Dr. Spock had cancer for almost a year and finally lost his fight. I was so confused when I woke up that I could not figure out if he was dead or not. I picked up the papers really quick before work and couldn't find anything. So, I was thinking maybe I heard the story right before bed.

I was embarrassed to ask anyone at work. So, I snuck a text message to Lima Beanz asking if he had died or if it was dream. Thankfully, Beanz send me back a text that he was fine. I wonder if he questioned how strange a question that way.

Anyway the other night..the dream was. I wake up to hear my parents of cable news on as usual. Only to hear Michael Moore was found dead at his home! I was shocked! I picked up the paper (although I can never EVER read in my dreams which pisses me off) and his picture was in the type right corner. Hmm...

It seemed real. He had a heart attack, and I was shocked even with his weight problem. Bill Mahr was on tv crying...and I thought it was a real shame that he died before the election got here.

You might all think that I am so right that I would want him dead which is not true. In fact in my dream I wrote for my blog. Proving that I have a heart and that I am a total loser to dream about Tucker's World.

I basically wrote his death notice. I traced his rise from cult status, to big name after Bowling.. and how his last film made him officially made him a legend like it or not. I was saying he would be remembered in film history as one of the biggest name filmmakers of the modern era, and we were robbed not by not seeing his follow up. Okay, I don't agree with him all the time, but still as a film buff I like to see where people go in their careers and certainly don't want him to die.

I guess I should have figured it was s dream when the report was released that he like food so much he had a feed bag surgically attached to him so he could be constantly having food bumped into this back.

So, basically if Dr. Spock dies of cancer and Mr Moore dies of a heart attack..I am going to be really freaked out.

Anyone interested in my posting more of my dreams on here? Can anyone figure out why I would dream about the death of two famous people I deep down don't really care about ?


Anonymous said...

Keep posting the dead people dream thing because that is funny. But please do not post your homoerotic dreams, that stuff we could do without.

Also, Dr. Spock is dead, he died a few years ago. Dr. Spock is the baby doctor. Leonard Nimoy is Mr. Spock he is still alive. Perhaps that is where your dream originated from.


Anonymous said...

This is the best post you've ever written. The content of you're dream are not as imortant as what you feel about them at in the dream. The images of dreams are not real. What you feel about them is. The image itself is only a reflection of an emotion or a thought during sleep.

I don't like to interpret dreams for people, but I love hearing about others dreams, and I can often help people understand them by asking questions and listening. So I would like to here more.

keith said...

Thanks for dreams comment. Who is that?

Anyway. I honestly do have dreams like Tony Soprano does sometimes.

One dream I had while I was highschool happened every summer. The first half of the summer I dreamed we were in school, and than I realized it was summer and it was a dream. At this point I can take control of my dream and I would start anarchy in the school. Screw the work! Who cares! We would all just laugh it off.

The 2nd half of the summer it was the same, but I would realize something different. Before it was like..we just had our last day of school. Then it was isnt starting JUST YET! So, again I would lead a revolt.

In my college years I would dream about going away to school. I actually commuted. The strange thing was the dream would be fill with a cast of strangers. Just random people that were my friends. Sometimes I have a dream about that place still. However I return only to find new students in my dorm, or sometimes my dorm room is boarded up. Go figure.

Once in a blue moon I have the highschool dream. Same premise basically. However, the plot is a screw up makes me and everyone in HS have to go back and take senior year again. Or, we have to take classes for college at Sterling in order to get credits. People I haven't seen in years are there like they haven't aged a day.

I am lucky, because I recall a lot of my dreams. Also, its pretty cool when I can take control of them. I am told most people can't do that. I also have no idea why I can.

The worse dreams I have are the dreams within dreams. I keep waking up again, and again, and again. NOt being able to figure out if I am awake or still trying to become awake. I imagine that at this point I am freaking out in my bed, because it really bugs me out. I swear I can hear stuff in reality, but can't snap out of my sleep.

I don't know if my secert poster has a good knowledge about dreams in general. I would love some feedback if you do. I certainly have tons of material for you.

keith said...

Thanks for dreams comment. Who is that?

Anyway. I honestly do have dreams like Tony Soprano does sometimes.

One dream I had while I was highschool happened every summer. The first half of the summer I dreamed we were in school, and than I realized it was summer and it was a dream. At this point I can take control of my dream and I would start anarchy in the school. Screw the work! Who cares! We would all just laugh it off.

The 2nd half of the summer it was the same, but I would realize something different. Before it was like..we just had our last day of school. Then it was isnt starting JUST YET! So, again I would lead a revolt.

In my college years I would dream about going away to school. I actually commuted. The strange thing was the dream would be fill with a cast of strangers. Just random people that were my friends. Sometimes I have a dream about that place still. However I return only to find new students in my dorm, or sometimes my dorm room is boarded up. Go figure.

Once in a blue moon I have the highschool dream. Same premise basically. However, the plot is a screw up makes me and everyone in HS have to go back and take senior year again. Or, we have to take classes for college at Sterling in order to get credits. People I haven't seen in years are there like they haven't aged a day.

I am lucky, because I recall a lot of my dreams. Also, its pretty cool when I can take control of them. I am told most people can't do that. I also have no idea why I can.

The worse dreams I have are the dreams within dreams. I keep waking up again, and again, and again. NOt being able to figure out if I am awake or still trying to become awake. I imagine that at this point I am freaking out in my bed, because it really bugs me out. I swear I can hear stuff in reality, but can't snap out of my sleep.

I don't know if my secert poster has a good knowledge about dreams in general. I would love some feedback if you do. I certainly have tons of material for you.

keith said...

Oh, and I honestly thought Spock was a Dr. on the show. But, now that I think of it...I guess Bones was the Dr.

Shows how little I knew about the show.

keith said...

Oh, and I honestly thought Spock was a Dr. on the show. But, now that I think of it...I guess Bones was the Dr.

Shows how little I knew about the show.