Friday, October 29, 2004

"Rats, Locked Out Again"

So, since there is no hockey the close I have come to see any NHL action is via the Playstation Game Liza got my for my b-day. NOw I don't have a system so I have to play it when I am over Lizas house which works out fine if she has school work to do or whatever.

Anyway, I have been telling everyone how great this game is. The season mode is great you can look at the Phantoms statics, keep 3 people as scrathes, and move other to the minors so when you use them they are better players.

There is also a gameroom where you can play hockey trivia, air hockey or bar shuffle board. In addition to those, you can unlock jerseys and old team including the '87 Flyers. I haven't figured out how do this yet, but I am sure its cool.

The gameplay rocks the players can use their skates when pinned against the boards, the goalies are the most realistic I have ever seen as far as moves. The game is played like an ESPN broadcast. Gary Thorne and Bill Clementon call the game. Aside from the fact they seem to think the Flyers still play at the Frist Union Center it is pretty well done.

Anyway, I started a season. With all the feature of injuries, minor leaguers, and what not its quite fun to play the coach and try to get lines to score and win more games. In fact the players on waviers or listed as free agents are impressive. They even have Mark Greig who was mainly a Phantom, every time I flip through his picture he looks all sad.

"I just want to be a Phantom again!"

Anway I was 5-2 and about to face off against the Habs who had almost the same record. It was going to be a great matchup! Sadly when I tried to load that game, the screen just kept saying loading and the music kept looping. Convinced I had a smudge on the disc I removed it and looked at it. Not the case. I tried restarting a few times. No luck.

So, like a nerd I googled it. Found some video game geek message boards, and found to my horror that my season like the real one was likely to be once ice for ever. Apperently, the game has a bug in the Season or franchise mode that if you end up with more than 3 injuries (I did) the game just shuts down and never loads again with in the season. Especailly if the other team you are about to play have people hurt. So, the season was lost, because of lazy programers.

Now I have started the season all over again, and lost the first two games.

Just be warned anyone who buys this game. I think the only way to fix it, is to play the season with no injuries which sucks. Hopefully that is THE ONLY bug that will keep my season from locking up.


keith said...

Yes, I know he is moving. Liza doesnt live to far from Mike so it wasnt ilke he was THAT far. However, I hours just never seem to gel. Plus the poor guy didnt have a hooneymoon for ages.

Hopefully Price, will be my embedded reporter for the decline of the Echelon Mall. If you flip through the files on this blog you know I have been covering the story and updating people.

I actually have to go there later today, so maybe there will be an update this weekend. Well I am a bit late on an update. But despite the Wal-mart coming in 2005 things are looking very bright. The cheesesteak place left a few months ago.

I would direct you to their website, but its been down for almost a week with a message from PERIT (the company who owns the mall) to check back later. It has been down for over a week. Not a very good sign.

Thanks for checking in Dave, and feel free to comment and read old entrys. Your brother said your voting form may have gotten lost. I seriously hope not. Let me know about that.

Oh, yeah and the programers are idiots for not being able to notice this bug.

Anonymous said...

I think you're right on track and not many people are willing to admit that they share your views. oops maggie grace is an AWESOME place to discuss LOST.