Thursday, September 28, 2006
"Die Another Day"
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
"Game On!"

The Best sport in the world begins it's season a week from tomorrow. I am inviting everyone over to my place to watch the Flyers first game against the Pittsburgh Penguins. Game starts at 7pm.
Drop me an email (or comment on here)if you want to show up. Bring Beer if you want or let me know ahead of time if you want beer. We will likely be ordering some sort of unhealty food that is either fried or in a flat box.
Giving everyone a heads up a week of head of time. Also, there is a way most people don't know about to get to my apartment that avoids awful, awful traffic down Laurel Road I will email you directions or call (since I know you all anyway) if need be. Hot 19-yearold girls who REALLY hate their fathers are more than welcome to attend.
"TO Tried to OD"
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
"The Gamekillers"
Monday, September 25, 2006
"That's Comcastic!"
Now it has even gotten cooler. Under network programing go to NBC, and you will find that The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and Late Nite with Conan O' Brien or on there! If you are like me, its almost impossible to stay up to watch either show anymore.
I just read the other day Conan saying most of his fans grew up watching the show. Which is kind of like me, he came on when I was 13. I started watching when the Jon Stewart show got axed. He said tons of his fans were that age,and watch him through highschool and college. Now most of them have 8-5 jobs. So its not possible for them to watch anymore. Kind of sucks for both Conan and his fans.
Now, there was a time when Conan was on CNBC or Comedy Central the next night, but they were short lived times. Now I can watch Conan whenever. Or at the very least watch Leno or Conan if I see they had a cool guest on. I know lots of my friends are fans of the band Gomez, and they were on Leno last Friday.
Even better it's commerical free and there is no charge.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
"Bad A** Bill"
What transpires on this video (I have only seen bits and pieces on the net of this) is Clinton pretty much taking over the entire interview. Pretty much accusing the FOX NEWS of just being a puppet of the Republican Party. He becomes physically at one point tapping the FOX NEWS guy on this leg to make a point.
He clearly goes off the cuff here, and seemingly speaks his mind. He claims he came closer than anyone to catching Osama and admits failing. He also, fires at Bush for giving more attention to Iraq.
Well you can fill the comments on if you agree or disagree if Clinton didn't do enough. But at the very least watch this video clip. Its pretty entertaining. Anyway, I hope the checked his heart rate after this.

After the results of yesterdays games, for the first time the Phillies have taken lone posession of the Wild Card spot. Of course that might all change by the time some of you actually read this. But this is huge, now instead of chasing it. They need to defend it. The phillies have been redhot this week, losing only once to the Cubs.
The pitching has stepped it up and the big guys like Howard and Utley are getting it done. The Phillie PHanatic has every reason to be giving two thumbs up.