Wednesday, July 21, 2004

"Corn Quest!"

One of the luxuries of living in South Jersey is the great produce. We are well known for our tomatoes, blue berries and fresh corn in the summer time.

Now as most of you know my father has a garden and the only one of the three mentioned that we grow are tomatoes. So, obviously they are always really good.

Now as far corn goes we usually go to bucks, and for a real treat we go to Stella's to get our ears of corn. It is July and from the 4th of July till pretty much the start of August is when you should get the best corn. It's in its prime during those weeks.

However, I sadly have yet to taste the sweet corn that I am used to. Every ear I have eaten this year has been. Meh, eh, or Blah.
So-so corn.

Has anyone else noticed how the corn isn't as sweet as it should be? I tried supermarkets too. Has anyone got really good corn anywhere? If so where?

Let me know.

Hmm...maybe I should have just gone to bed.

Monday, July 19, 2004

"Lame Eagles Lame!"

Now I am writing this with the fear of being run out of the Delaware Valley by angry drunks hurling flaming soft pretzels at my head.

But, I really can't hold back anymore. Eagles fans have grown flat out annoying. I don't know when this happened recently or if was always this bad, but the Eagles fans have become extremely annoying. Down right obnixious.

I am not knocking fans that are die hard, but do we have to represent our area nationally as place where IQs are lower than 40? Okay the season is around the corner now. However why do I to put up with the Fly Eagles Fly song at Flyers playoff games when the Eagles Season is a long time ago. There are months where nothing remotely intresting happens with the team yet idiots (annoyingly) sing the Eagles song. They are talking about the stuff that is way down the line, where anything can happen to change those events.

These people are so annoying calling up 610 WIP in March singing the Fly Eagles Fly Song. They talk about the scehdules after it is released for about 4 weeks.

"Hey Howard, Do you think the Eagles can win week 6?"

Well for God's sake don't these people have famlies? Granted as hard core-Flyers fan my off season comes during the summer when there is more to do. However, I dont understand why Eagles fans have to call up 610 WIP and say they can't wait till the Flyers are done so there is more Eagles talk.

What in God's name is there to talk about in the off season? PLease who gives a damn about week 10? McCnabb could break his ankle in the pre-season for all we know. Now the fans just call up to rip the Phils and talk about if McNabb has chunky soup for lunch or not. .

Again, I am not against team spirit, but most Eagles hard core fans come off as total dumbasses. For years, I never understood why people(EX: Lima Beanz for Redskins) from this area could root for another team in any of the sports. Perhaps they just don't what to be assoicated with these jerks who for the most part have to be insanely intoxicated for ever single game.

I was so annoyed a few months ago from the stupidy of the majority of the hardcore fans I really considered rooting against them and picking a new NFL team. OF course I am only a casual Eagles fans to begin with so it wouldn't be a big loss. But, my boiling point was when many people were hoping the Flyers would be eliminated so the Eagles would be the ones breaking the streak. Of course for me a Flyers victory would mean more to me, but I just want the streak to end and would be happy had the Eagles broke the streak last January. What idiots.I wasn't hoping the Eagles failed. Maybe I should start.

Well the Eagles are favored to go far, and the Flyers lost their last in the final four last season. Speaking of the Flyers, did everyone hear that Simon Gagne got drafted by the WHA? Just a few more weeks untill the official end of the NHL (the two sides stop talking months ago) I kind of thought this day would come, but I certainly didn't think it would come when I was only 24.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

"Water, Water, Everywhere"

Just wondering if anyone has a good story to share about the insane flooding we had in South Jersey last week. A little late for this, but I suppose others were caught up in the craziness too.

I was about 50 mins late for work since almost every street leading up to Route 70 was closed because it was under water. Never saw anything like that.

Dan K. got caught in the water and the engine of his car was flooded luckily he had flood insurance. He told me he figured he could make it and enter up idle in a water up to his doors for a half an hour till help came. He just sat there and listened to the radio while his engine was damaged by rushing water.

Anoyne else have any stories?