Well I had a post written out about how the Friendly's in my hometown has closed, and the memories I had of that place. But after I finnished it, I erased it by accident. Maybe, I will write about it later if I feel like it.
Anyway instead of bidding farwell to Friendly's today. I am going to provide my readers with Turkey facts! Yup, its me just basically cut and pasting text from another webpage. But, hey Tucker's World is free what do you want? Not to mention you should know a lot about this flightless creature before you carve the bastard up and eat him don't you think?
Turkey Facts
At one time, the turkey and the bald eagle were each considered as the national symbol of America. Benjamin Franklin was one of those who argued passionately on behalf of the turkey. Franklin felt the turkey, although "vain and silly", was a better choice than the bald eagle, whom he felt was "a coward".
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, more than 45 million turkeys are cooked and eaten in the U.S. at Thanksgiving—that's one sixth of all turkeys sold in the U.S. each year. American per capita consumption of turkeys has soared from 8.3 pounds in 1975 to 18.5 pounds last year.
Last year, 2.7 billion pounds of turkey was processed in the United States.
In 1995, retail sales of turkey reached approximately $4.4 billion. They are expected to reach $4.7 billion in 2000.
Age is a determining factor in taste. Old, large males are preferable to young toms (males) as tom meat is stringy. The opposite is true for females: old hens are tougher birds.
A turkey under sixteen weeks of age is called a fryer, while a young roaster is five to seven months old.
Turkeys are the only breed of poultry native to the Western Hemisphere.
Turkeys have great hearing, but no external ears. They can also see in color, and have excellent visual acuity and a wide field of vision (about 270 degrees), which makes sneaking up on them difficult. However, turkeys have a poor sense of smell (what's cooking?), but an excellent sense of taste.
Domesticated turkeys cannot fly. Wild turkeys, however, can fly for short distances at speeds up to 55 miles per hour. They can also reach speeds of 25 miles per hour on the ground.
Turkeys sometimes spend the night in trees.
Turkeys can have heart attacks: turkeys in fields near the Air Force test areas over which the sound barrier was broken were known to drop dead from the shock of passing jets
The ballroom dance known as the Turkey Trot was named for the short, jerky steps a turkey makes.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
"Rocky's Back!"

This is a still of Rocky Balboa which partly filmed in Philly mid winter last year.
The movie will punch it's way into theaters Dec22. Who will be there with me?
Try to pick the plot line for the 6th installment of the move series. One of them is seriously right.
1. Rocky Fights William Penn
2. Rocky learns that his video game counter part can beat the hottest fighter in the game, so he wants to see if he can do it in real life too.
3. Rocky is broke and tries to raise money so his wife can have an operation. If he doesn't raise the money she will die.
4. Rocky ends up having to fight his own son!
5. Rocky Fights Bobby Clarke
6. Rocky goes to space and fights ALIEN
7. Rocky plays in a senior league
8. Rocky actually dies in the first 5 mins of the film, and the rest of the movie he is only in flash backs. His son has to live in his fathers shadow.
9. Keith should have gone to bed a half an hour ago.
Monday, November 13, 2006
"The Life & Death of Optimus Prime"
Here is a good article on Peter Cullen who voiced Optimus Prime both in the cartoon and the up coming (likely to be awful) live action film The Transformers. Enjoy.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
"Swing 2 the Left"

The democrats have control of both the house and the senate now. After years of shouting from the peanut gallery its their turn to show the country what they can do. They will likely strong arm President Bush (Mr. Bush to you ABCnews viewers) and change the policy in Iraq.
I don't know if there is a special meeting some place for the liberals of America or not, but for the years while they were out of power crazy rumors would fly. For example about a month into the Iraq war every Dick and Harry on the street would tell me that we are going to war with Syria. Any day now! We are attacking them! It never happened. John Kerry had a "Plan" he never bothered to explain during his White House bid, nor after the fact to help his country.
I recall when Bush got reelected that many of my friends were so scared from all the talking points from the left, that they though that the day after election day everyone was being drafted. I know someone who actually was ready to go to Canada that week, and was almost having a panic attack the next day in fear the draft people were coming for him.
I am not knocking the democrats really I am not. But, lets face it one of the big issues they face is not only Iraq and terrorism in general. I want the troops home as much as the next guy, but is cutting and running the best option? Also, I fear they really do simplify the terrorism problem too much. Ignoring didn't work in the 90's, so I doubt it will work this time. They were always saying if they ran the show thing would be different. Well does that old saying go? Be careful what you wish for.
Just to ward off the lynching that will come upon me (I mean you FOXNEWS guy) I would like to say that I didn't vote this past election. Because, I am utterly feed up with politicians and both parties in general. I also didn't see a point, since my vote would not have matter in NJ anyway. Maybe that makes me a bad person, but again that's my right not to vote. Also, I do feel we need a change in this country, but considering the fact I didn't hear much from the left other than they think the right sucks I am pretty cynical.
Anyway here is a map to show the way America voted this past week.
"My Scrubs Fix"

Last fall I thought I would start watching Scrubs off netflix, because I had seen a few in my life and always thought it was pretty funny. However, I missed a ton and eventually felt like I couldn't watch the show anymore, since I was so far out of it.
Thanks to Netflix, I could watch the previous seasons. Even though season 5 started last spring, I didn't bother to watch it since I was only up to season 2 at the time and most of the time the Flyers played against the Scrubs airings. Anyway, I fell in love with show pretty quickly. It is pretty whacky and random in a good way. At the same time they have had some really emotional episodes and the cast has stayed the same during the entire run and always delivers solid performances. Some people think Season 4 and 5 were lousy, but I think they were just fine with me. The show has had some huge name guest stars along the way too.
Now Scrubs is coming back at the end of the month for the 6th (and rumored to be last) season. It will be on Thursday Nights after the Office (which I just started watching recently, through DVDS). Now I was in quite a hard place here. See, I would want to watch a season fresh with everyone else for the first time. However, season 5 was not on DVD! What was a Scrubs fan to do? Just always be a year behind? Thankfully I found this link which has every Scrubs show EVER! Whats great about is, you dont have to download or anything. Just click and enjoy!
In addition it has FAmily Guy and almost all the Adult Swim shows. Including my personal fav. THE BRAK SHOW!
So, I will most certainly be done by the time they start airing new shows. If it is the last season, It might be a good thing NBC has treated the show like crap the last two seasons. Last season they were filming, but refused to air them till mid-season. I would rather them have a shot to wrap it up, than have NBC just not put them on the fall lineup. Anyway, if it is the last season, I am glad I will be there to watch the airings first hand.
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