Friday, May 14, 2004

Media Gone Wild

In 1492 Columbus sailed the Ocean Blue.

In 1969 man landed on the moon.

Then nothing happened for a very long time till tonight. Tonight comments will become part of Tucker's World.

I have always gotten a kick out of the 11pm local news programs competing for ratings during sweeps month. However I don't think I saw anything as shameless as the promo I saw on KYW 3 (CBS) news. It was right after the final segment of CSI: Miami.

The promo said simply SWAT teams surround and move in on Center City and the Franklin Mills Mall. Now I knew that if it was really bad that they would have broke in to CSI: Mami and figured it was a war on terror drill. However they didn't mention the word drill at all, and it was just before the news started so people switching over could have been concerned. Why do you have the scare the heck out of us just to make us watch?

Now you might think to yourself no one is too dumb that they couldn't figure out what was really going on. However that's not true there are tons of dumb people in our viewing area. It took me an entire work shift a year ago to explain that the Amber alert had nothing to do with Al-Qaida to a jittery co-worker. I guess she thought it was a color or something. Horrible.

Anyway this same week after the horrific images Nick Berg were send all over the internet the Philly Daily News ran a headline that simply said BASTARDS. Was this too far? Was this unprofessional? A long time reader of the paper I saw surprised they actually went that far,and many people that saw the headline (okay I bought the paper) at work thought it was in bad taste.

Now flashback a week or so and we have the images of the Iraqis making little naked pyramids and dressing up in hooded black capes. In addition to various other creepy things to the laughter of US troops. Keep in mind (so I hear) this happened quite awhile ago and was under investigation. Now certain people begged CBS not so show it, because it would likely anger are people in the middle east who had Americans hostage. I'm not saying that we should ignore the mistreating, but maybe we could keep such things in mind. Articles actually had been written about such things before. Not to mention it was my assumption that kind of stuff went on, so although I thought it was a little creepy with the sexual stuff I wasn't all surprised. Should the media go think before it airs just stuff?

On the other hand I really don't know who the apology Bush gave was for other then to get Americans off the back of other Americans backs. It is not going to make them hate us anyless over there. Also I do realize the irony of it.Stil no one said sorry for Danny Pearl, 9/11, or Nick Berg. I doubt anyone ever will. Why are we demanded to do so when no one demanded anything from anyone that does this stuff or worse to Americans?

I just don't get it really. We are at war where people are killing each other that in my book is a little worse than Real Sex 34: Iraqi Edition. You can argue that the fact that we said sorry separates us from them, but I can think of a gaggle of other things that separate us from the "bastards".

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Tucker's New World

Well for those of you clicking on this blog you might have noticed that Tucker's World has finally gotten a much needed overhaul. I really wanted to do this for a long time, and when I sat down to devote ample time for it tonight, I was happy to see the has made it insanely easy to do so.

Now recent titles will stand away from the body of the blog, and you can click on them by title to go back and read them days later. This will really help out Drew's readers when he is nice enough to send them my way the few times I actually write something his readers would like to see. If too much time would pass in the past his readers would go to read about my view on lets say the war on Iraq only to find an article on gay sheep.

As much crap I have gotten for this blog over the almost two years that I have been doing it, I am fairly sure that my readers do enjoy reading my blog. I often get e-mails from my readers or Instant Messages giving me feedback if it was just ment for a laugh or if I touched on the hot "Water Cooler" topics of the week. Yeah I know my views on politics can differ from many of my friends, but I am my own person.

I am sure I have more readers than I know. For awhile Dan's co-workers were reading it. Once I got a random email from Kate who I had no idea had been reading it for a long time. Chris's ex-girlfriend Dana instant messaged me the other day and knew of topics I had written about on there. Amazingly enough in of my emails Price said he tries to read it to keep up. That is pretty damn cool that he is half way across the globe and still thinks to himself. "Hmm I wonder what Tucker's World is about this week". Hopefully this will give him a way to say hi to everyone once in awhile too, since everyone always asks me about him.

Now after all this time it's my readers turn. Starting this Friday night at 8pm Tucker's World for the first time ever allow it's readers to comment.

Now I hope people will be mature about this and use it to comment about what is written. Everyone is entitled to their views and I will never lower myself to petty name calling at any point. I expect that my readers that comment will keep that in mind. I have zero tolerance for any kind or over the line material. Thanks to the new feature on blogspot I can delete the comments anyway, and if I don't like what I see at any point I can remove the feature anytime I want.

So enjoy it, come back Friday night so I can through out a topic to get perhaps some sort of discussion about.

Don't Worry Be Happy

I refuse to accept any notion that my Flyered-up post the other night put the hex on my beloved hockey club tonight in South Philly. Sure the Flyers were beaten 4-1 by Tampa Bay earlier tonight and now trail in the series 2-1, but I haven't given up the faith just yet. The Flyers looked as though they could turn the tides for mere seconds in third period. Literally seconds before the Bolts buried the Fly-boys making it 3-1, and putting them two goals behind again.

Now the Orange and Black have their toughest game of the entire season Saturday afternoon. Despite the fact it will be 90 degrees or hotter on Saturday it will be time for some serious hockey. Just keep in mind the path to glory is paved through hell. The ice hasn't melted yet, and we still have time to push the pending NHL lockout into the back of our minds. Hopefully there is a hockey season next year, but lets not think about that too much just yet(although I have a pending article on it). Chin up Flyers fans this season's story of the Orange and Black is far from told.

So do not get all sad, as the plastic fish on the wall sitting behind my sings. "Don't Worry Be Happy".

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

"Soak It Up"

"Soak It Up"

Sure I picked the Devils in the first round, but honestly that was against my gut reaction. You see when it comes to picking the Flyers I over compensate for my basis that I know is in me. I know almost no one will believe that, but when it looked as though the Flyers were going to meet the Devils in the first round I told Drew at Sharkey’s that I figured it was the best shot they had to beat the Devils in a long time since Scott Stevens wouldn’t be playing who means more to the team than anyone. I also mentioned that if the Devils were bounced out by the Flyers (which obviously they were) the seeding of the teams in the first round would ultimately benefit the Flyers as long as there was the typical upset in the west. There was an upset when the Flames toppled the Redwings, and you could argue the same in the first round when the Sharks sent the Blues packing. Now I am very surprised that the Boston Bruins aren’t going skate to skate against the Flyers, but that just makes the cards fall even more in the Flyers favor. Everything is falling into place.

In addition to the teams that could give the Flyers trouble bowing out in the west the Flyers have pretty much filled up my entire imaginary checklist that is needed for every cup team.

A. Over Coming Adversity : So many things on the level that happened to the Flyers would have derailed teams from the past. They Flyers lost lots of key players for long stretches and over came it. They ousted the Devils when people are used to the other way around
B. Great legendary stories to go along with the quest for the cup. Exs: The hit on Kappy, the Captain redeeming himself and playing like a man possessed, Robert Esche, the blow out game, the OT winner by JR, JR almost having to retire, No Rico, etc.
C. Great goaltending. Without a doubt Esche has been amazing to this date.
D. Hungry players. They have enough hungry players to devoid the Country Style Buffet of food
E. Experience: The have plenty of warriors

Most years I have to figure out what is going to stop the Flyers from winning a cup and hope they do something to over come them. Now I honestly can’t think of anything that can stand in their way this close for THIS team of players to not have a parade. I really don’t I said at the start of the series (despite after 2 years of saying look out for them) that the Bolts are just too green and haven’t battled enough as a team to win a cup. Everyone fears Tampa but I don’t at all and think the Flyers could easily put this away in 5 games, 6 at the most. They almost won game 1 but had some odd bounces, and game 2…well we all know how that went.

I am not officially calling the Flyers to win the Stanley Cup but my confidence level that the Philly drought will end soon is around 90 percent. I honestly don’t see the Flames or the Sharks being a big threat. Of course the Flyers have to get out of this round to even ponder that so lets not get ahead of themselves. All I am saying is soak it in, because this is very likely the prelude to a moment for all us Philly Sports fans. in It will particularly great our mid 20’s or younger who have waited a literally a life-time. Live in the moment because if they win the Cup you are going to want to relive this time in your life forever. You will telly our kids about it. Or at least your friends kids. Maybe Smarty Jones ripped open a black hole or something running so fast that he managed to lift the curse of the Philly choke. Oh and it would be so awesome to get another cup before a Super bowl.

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Soprano Catch UP

Two weeks ago

Marco Polo aired.

I liked this one quite a bit. The main storyline was a party planned for Carmella's father and if Tony should be there or not. Since Tony is a master of the grill (like Brant) and good host most people wanted him to be there. Not to mention the fact most of the family still likes Tony despite the spreading.

Meanwhile Tony B. starts getting ticked this his wiseguy career isn't giving him a big house like Tony decides to take a free lance job whacking one of Johnny Sack's tops guys.

The joy however came from the cookout scenes, something I always enjoyed about the show. This show kept most of the story line in the backyard of the Soprano family, luckily the bear didn't show up for an all you can eat buffet Italian style.

Tony and Carmella however got back together well not really but physically anyway.

All and all a decent show packed with more laughs than bloodsheed.

Last week

Unidentifed Black Men

We learned Vito likes men when Meadow's boyfriend Finnaccidently sees Vito pleasuring some random guy early one morning when reporting to work. Finn got a bs job at a construction site that Tony hooked him up with. Finn is a little overwhelemed by the volience and apathy of quality of work that the wiseguys are used. The basically sit around all day and catch some rays and talk sports.

Vito tries to make FInn go to a baseball game with him in order to keep his secret love life just that. Finn freaks out thinking he is either going to kill him or try to make a move on him sexually or both and decides to dick him. After a night long fight Meadow and Finn get engaged. Just like I said they would at the start of the season!

Meanwhile Tony B lies to Tony about the hit he made Marco Polo. Johnny Sacks gets pissed at Tony again. The two disagree about some more stuff.

It looks like finally the storyline of the New York mob divided might hit its boiling point this week and its going to be a big one. My prediciton tonight is that Adriana dies. Something is mentioned about Ralph or Pussy.

Going to be a good one tonight