Friday, May 14, 2004

Media Gone Wild

In 1492 Columbus sailed the Ocean Blue.

In 1969 man landed on the moon.

Then nothing happened for a very long time till tonight. Tonight comments will become part of Tucker's World.

I have always gotten a kick out of the 11pm local news programs competing for ratings during sweeps month. However I don't think I saw anything as shameless as the promo I saw on KYW 3 (CBS) news. It was right after the final segment of CSI: Miami.

The promo said simply SWAT teams surround and move in on Center City and the Franklin Mills Mall. Now I knew that if it was really bad that they would have broke in to CSI: Mami and figured it was a war on terror drill. However they didn't mention the word drill at all, and it was just before the news started so people switching over could have been concerned. Why do you have the scare the heck out of us just to make us watch?

Now you might think to yourself no one is too dumb that they couldn't figure out what was really going on. However that's not true there are tons of dumb people in our viewing area. It took me an entire work shift a year ago to explain that the Amber alert had nothing to do with Al-Qaida to a jittery co-worker. I guess she thought it was a color or something. Horrible.

Anyway this same week after the horrific images Nick Berg were send all over the internet the Philly Daily News ran a headline that simply said BASTARDS. Was this too far? Was this unprofessional? A long time reader of the paper I saw surprised they actually went that far,and many people that saw the headline (okay I bought the paper) at work thought it was in bad taste.

Now flashback a week or so and we have the images of the Iraqis making little naked pyramids and dressing up in hooded black capes. In addition to various other creepy things to the laughter of US troops. Keep in mind (so I hear) this happened quite awhile ago and was under investigation. Now certain people begged CBS not so show it, because it would likely anger are people in the middle east who had Americans hostage. I'm not saying that we should ignore the mistreating, but maybe we could keep such things in mind. Articles actually had been written about such things before. Not to mention it was my assumption that kind of stuff went on, so although I thought it was a little creepy with the sexual stuff I wasn't all surprised. Should the media go think before it airs just stuff?

On the other hand I really don't know who the apology Bush gave was for other then to get Americans off the back of other Americans backs. It is not going to make them hate us anyless over there. Also I do realize the irony of it.Stil no one said sorry for Danny Pearl, 9/11, or Nick Berg. I doubt anyone ever will. Why are we demanded to do so when no one demanded anything from anyone that does this stuff or worse to Americans?

I just don't get it really. We are at war where people are killing each other that in my book is a little worse than Real Sex 34: Iraqi Edition. You can argue that the fact that we said sorry separates us from them, but I can think of a gaggle of other things that separate us from the "bastards".


Unknown said...

No, that's true. The terrorists who killed Danny Pearl and Nick Berg aren't going to apologize. And they should, because what they did to those innocent men was horrible.

But you aren't really suggesting that the United States should be held to the same moral standard as terrorists, are you? I happen to think that Americans are a little better than terrorists. We're supposed to be the good guys, and we're supposed to be liberating Iraq. Bush apologized to the King of Jordan, which was sweet, but he should have apologized to the Iraqis, and he should have done it in January when he found about all of this stuff.

As for the media releasing the photographs, it's a dicey issue, I admit. But I think they did the right thing. When those photos were released, we all got a glimpse of the America that the rest of the world sees. We never see that America, and I think it's good for us to understand why other countries hate us (and it isn't for our freedom). Of course, those pictures don't represent what America truly is. But they do represent a side of America that most Americans don't appreciate. The only way to prevent atrocities like that is for the people of America to pay attention and hold our leaders accountable for the things done in our name. We can't do that if it's all covered up.

Sorry for the long post. Thanks for adding comments, and congratulations on the new layout. It looks great.

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