Thursday, October 20, 2005

"End of the World According to Flash"

Here is one theory of how it will all end. In flash cartoon form of course.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

"Tucker's Bag of Rants"

1.You would think that people who enter politics are some how wiser than the average Joe. Certainly when it comes to money. You know come up with this superior way of thinking to bring money aside from raising taxes and what not.

Well pennsylvannia is implementing slot machines galore across the keystone states. Slot machines?! Slot Machines?! Really? Thats the best they can come up with? I could have came up with that idea. Now IM not saying that gambling is evil or anything. But that is a pretty simple idea.

2. Anytime something goes wrong President Bush will make a speech and in combination of giving cute patriotic names to stuff (freedom, patriot Etc) he says they will spend money. Spend, spend,spend. No real indication of where this money is going to come from. Considering we have a huge debt right now it makes it even more puzzling. If you can just write checks when there is no money in the bank. By all means I can do that job for the President. Either this money will never be spent, or the national debt is a bunch of Bologna.

3. Is it just me or does honestly no one care about the race for governor in NJ? No one ever talks about it ever.

4. Why does Rowan keep badgering me for Alumni events, and more money? Please just leave me alone. I have no interest in doing either. Stop printing up this garbage and mailing it to me. Just go back to your goal of taking over the entire town of Glassboro.

5. Why on Earth did National Geographic name Philadelphia the next great city?

6. How is Al Lewis who played Grandpa Munster still alive? He outlived the actor who played his son by 10 years at this point. Maybe they can wheel him out for the Wayans brother's film adaptation of the TV series due out next year.

7. Will the fact that I am eating at McDonald's a lot more lately result in massive weight gain or me winning a prize with my monopoly pieces?


If the comic book guy was a weatherman he would be in all his glory right now.
Hurricane Wilma is a cat 5 and being labeled the WORST ATLANTIC STORM EVER!

Read here.


Check this out you can find out where you range on how liberal or conservative you are. I clocked in at 21. Which is closest to Colin Powell. Do I have any Jesse Jacksons reading my blog?

Check it out.