Thursday, October 25, 2007
"Its the End of the World As We Know It"
Gore in 08! Read here, another reason that Al Gore should run and be our next president.
Monday, October 22, 2007
"One Grand Post Man"

In August 2002 before "blog" was a household name. Tucker's World was born. Through out all the posts that were lost when the original Tucker's World went crazy on me (if you click on the August 2002 links they are all re-posted under one post), ones I deleted and a few that were eaten for reasons unknown by Blooger and this is post # 1,000!
Yeah that's right !
I had to actually double check a few times in my mind that its been over 5 YEARS that this blog has been going on. That makes me 23, and just about to embark on my last year of college. I have to say, I am quite a different person that I was back than.
Yeah that's right !
I had to actually double check a few times in my mind that its been over 5 YEARS that this blog has been going on. That makes me 23, and just about to embark on my last year of college. I have to say, I am quite a different person that I was back than.
So, much has happened into the last 5 years, and that's saying a lot since I think I lack some life experience since I rarely travel outside of this area.
There have been ups and downs, laughs, bad grammar, and I have pissed off at least 4 of my friends on here to the point that they weren't talking to me for a while. That is less than one per year which is seriously not that bad. Kind of strange though the odd vibe that a blog can give off. I think if I said some of those things in person people would just laugh it off. But the blog soap box gives you some kind of different power or tone I guess.
I have blogged about elections, hurricanes, relationships, death, Flyers, and featherless chickens.
I brought people who haven't talked to each other in years together some how, and have had some weirdos comment on here. I have had others lurk for years before I realized they actually read my blog.
There was all the blogs about Superman Returns leading up to it, and than I never actually talked about the movie after I saw it or reviewed. Nobody cared.
There was the time that I actually started letting comments in on the blog, which opened up a wave of insults, threats, and occasional spam.
Many blogs have risen and fell since Tucker's World started with great big bang. TERMINUS died and than came back as ZOMBIE TERMINUS (okay its TERMINUS 2, but research shows that one of my readers REALLY loves Zombies) .
We watched every Philly team suck together and blog about it. Okay, I don't blog about the Sixers or the Eagles, but it didn't stupid them from sucking for the past 1,000 posts.
Hmm..lets see if I can sum up all the readers lives in the past 5 years. I might have made some of this stuff up.
Drew: Became a lawyer and wanted to murder me a few times because of stuff I wrote here. He also moved to COllingswood but still tells me he is not gay (causing me much interpersonal turmoil when I made accepted him being gay). He breaded up than bearded down, than bearded up again. I think he watched an entire 365 days worth of Dr. Who in the past five years. He is also adopting "The Girl Who Loved Powerglide" for the big screen and selling the script to the suits in Hollywood.
He dated some hot chick from South Philly and all he got was her damn cat. Mr. Boots came into our lives amidst a shattered relationship. Once I left the door open at Dukes apartment and he escaped. Things happened so quickly and Mr. Boots was missing for about 30 minutes, Duke was about 15 minutes away from punching me. That is a total of two cats that weren't my own that I accidentally slipped passed me into the great outdoors, but I am happy to report neither died. Now he is moving to Florida, because he is a jerk.
She had a kid, quit the Sears outlet, found buried treasure, moved in with Jay, and had her own blog for awhile. Actually she had two blogs. One about whacky stuff and one about her kid.
Jay (aka Jason aka Lima Beanz)
He switched jobs a few times, and now molds the minds of the young. He has a kid. He also punched a zombie in the face once for money. Another time just for the sake of punching a Zombie in the face. He also once threatened to murder me or cripple me I forget.
5 years ago he was making weird jokes and wondering about the lives of the crew to make up for the fact that he hates his job. Now he makes weird jokes and wonders about the lives of the crew to make up for the fact that he hates his job.
I ruined his life.
Is a vet, and never has read my blog. When I mentioned it recently he said. "You seriously still have that thing"
Found out the meaning of life and wrote it down on a piece of paper, but it blew out the window of his UPS truck before he could remember it. It flew down 295 never to be seen again. However, there is a River rat that has started a cult following along the Delaware River. Of course Riverats can't read or talk so that doesn't even make any sense at all!
Hit someone with his car, but he was a Devils fan so we all just laughed about it.
CAme over to Duke's a lot and talked about tv shows I don't watch. He also paid Jay to punch a zombie in the face.
I still have no idea who this dude is!
Chris Arter
A South Jersey Music Legend. One day he will be in the south Jersey hall of fame next to the Garden STate Parkway trolls, and that creepy Asian dude that hands out stuffed animals at local bars.
Dan K.
Moved up to a higher tax bracket now he sits in a big house on a hill. Him and Jessica have 9 computers.
Got married, but his wife was eaten by a lake monster. Price did his best to save her, but what are you going to do?
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