Friday, October 22, 2004

"Flyers 7, Rangers 0"

Wow. The Rangers were routed tonight by the Flyers. 7-0! I knew the Rangers sucked but I didn think they were this bad. After the game the reporters was asking Lindros what happened. He was really confused and told them he was never even resigned by the Rangers, and he had no idea how he got there.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

"Going to Get Dirty!"


The election is going to get dirty!

Well looks like the gloves are off and everyone is fair game. I am waiting for Bush's dog to get dragged into the mess. The more than likely to be the future first lady decided to jib-jab the first lady for being a homemaker.

"Well, you know, I don't know Laura Bush. But she seems to be calm, and she has a sparkle in her eye, which is good," Heinz Kerry said. "But I don't know that she's ever had a real job — I mean, since she's been grown up. So her experience and her validation comes from important things, but different things."

Well it turns out that she was a teacher for roughly a decade. What gives here? First off whats with dragging her into this mess? Why do this people just spew out stuff they don't know about or know isn't true? Like Dick Cheney saying he never met John Edwards despite the fact that they rubbed elbows together a few times at some events.

She said she was sorry, about it. However, what a dumb move I am told by my liberal friends that Kerry needs to sway undecided women voters and looks like the Kerry campaign is fumbling that chance. After Kerry's cliche reponse to the wife question in the last debate following Bush's heartfelt speach was a really blown chance. Now, lets say she was just a homemaker, first off she clearly didn't need to work, 2nd what an insult to American women who stay home with their children.

Add in Kerry slamming Cheney for getting flu shot in addition to blaming Bush for the flu shot problems. Of course the VP is old and has heart problems, but whatever.

Meanwhile Republicans are being accused of stealing the election. Apperently, people in Nevada were tampering with voter registration forms. Other organizations including the temp agency Kelly Services have been hired to only give out forms to people that had said they were voting for Bush.

Both candiates have used people who had loved ones who died in 9/11 for their ads.

Cheney says nuclear bombs might fall in our cities.

Edwards said that people in wheelchairs will be able to walk again just by voting for him. Well I know people have given promisies before, and if he kept this some what grounded like...we will work towards pushing stem cell research or something like that it wouldn't have been bold. However, to tell us that EVERYONE will walk again. Just makes me stomach turn. Yeah vote for me and you can do the funky chicken! Everyone will be healed.

Well I am starting to think that this election will actually last for several weeks after Nov,2. I guess its just as well since there is no hockey to watch anymore. Good lord, you think tensions are high now? HOwever, it matters very little since we will all die from the flu in mere months. Those who actually live will be drafted for the war in Iran or blown up by the nuclear bombs falling on our cities.

12 days left till the election of the new prez, or all the court battles and hanging chads.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

"Two Weeks"

Two weeks left in the campaign. All the Hype, Spin, Lies, Debates, and stupid ass photo ops will be done in two weeks. The climax, the final bow, the end game, the end of the race.

Driving to work, like weeds the campaign signs are popping up like weeds. Its amazing. I have actually seen a lot more Bush signs in the South Jersey area than I thought I would. Not to say I haven't seen enough Kerry signs to sink a ship. HOwever, if anything its dead even in the amount of signs I have seen. The state could lean right for the first time since 1988.

Now I have a blog, which in this election is a powerful tool. The people have louded voices than ever before. HOwever, it helps if you have readership in the double digits. I have no traffic metter, but I imagine the only time my readership is up is when Drew gives my a shout out on TERMINUS, although rarely do his friends actually comment on my page. Either they think Drew is doing fine debating me or they only wish death upon me and hold back since Drew and I are friends.

Well I think I have to step up my politics posts up for awhile on here. Sorry John. This is history in the making here.

Anyway, where did the time go? The time to vote is almost here.

So it times to decide.

Bush's people say if I or we vote for Kerry we will be slammed by terrorists yet again. Although we were slammed once under their watch.

Kerry's people say if I vote for Bush we will all be drafted to be murdered in Iran, Iraq, or some other middle east country for Oil. Yet the only people drafting anything towards a draft are two democrats. How is Kerry going to make it different if he gets in there if its as bad as he says?

Wrong War, at the Wrong Time! Where do I sign up? I am sure people will just be enlisting like mad for that one. So, he says we don't have enough people in Iraq, so where will he get the people from? The only other excuse that I can figure for a draft is if something really bad happens like we are attacked or someone is hit hard in the mideast that is on our side. But, Kerry has no control over that really.

Kerry said he wants to go back to the time when terrorism was just a nuisance (rant on that pending). I would love that too, sadly though I can't just hope in my Delorean and head back to 2001.

So okay say you take Kerry's words as truth. I mean they keep saying it on MTV and even P Diddy thinks so, so it must be the truth. Seriously, say you take that as truth, and Bush as the truth.

Say they are both being honest.

Then we get to decide where we want to die this Nov. 2 Do we want to be blown to bits at home or go over seas to be blown to bits. Don't forget every vote counts and we can decide where and how we want to meet the reaper.

Just lovely.

Monday, October 18, 2004

"Movie Nerd News"

Okay, since most of my readers are movie people. I am going to try to have a movie post on here on a semi-weeklish basis about movies that are coming soon.

Micheal Moore has been in the Delware Valley shooting footage for his next film Sicko (though the title may change before it is released), which is about the state of healthcare in the US. It wouldn't be unlikely if he shows up in some south jersey towns because of all the healthcare buildings around. Supposedly, he is targeting parmasitical sales reps in the currently being filmed segments.

I hope you like remakes because Hollywood has a ton of them on the way. Cedric the Entertainer will be star in the remake of the Dangerfeild classic Back to School. Adam Sandler and Chris Rock are going to be in a remake of the Longest Yard, about a football movie between prisioners and prision guards. Bert Reynolds will be in this remake playing a rather large part, he was in the original too, oddly enough. I can't think of many times that his has happened aside from cameos. The Vincent Price horror classic House of Wax is being remade with Parris Hilton. Hmm..what else there is a remake of the James Stewart movie (havent seen this one yet) the Flight of the Phoenix.

Kevin Smith said while pushing Jersey Girl, that the days of silent of Jay and Silent Bob were gone. That he would do more adult themed movies. I guess he is a flip-flopper, because there is a sequel to Clerks, called The Passion of the Clerks currently in pre-production. Smith is still trying to make a Fletch movie. The same Fletch that starred Chevy Chase in the 80's. He was supposed to do this in mid-90s, but it kept being pushed off. God knows if Chevy will even be in it or if he will be replaced by Jason Biggs or something.

Speaking of movies taking a long time to be made. There is a live action/cartoon mix movie that has been in production so long that John Candy and Madeline Kahn as voices. Of course, they both passed away quite awhile ago. Candy over a decade ago. This movie apperently has been moved around from different companys and has been shelved a number of times. Look for a 2005 release for this movie, and it might just end up as a TV movie after all that trouble.