Wednesday, March 02, 2005

"Come H E Double Hockey Sticks or High Water"

There is going to be a 2005-06 NHL season. Or thats what the owners are saying at this point. Yes, they plan to have a season. Puck will be dropped.

That is even if a CBA (collective bargining agreement if you forgot) is not reached. Of course this would mean they would use replacement players. Hopefully, not including Keenu Reeves.

So, in stead of JR, Gags, Brash, and Silent bob at they WATCH OVER YOU center next season you could see Peter White, Joe Foligno, some dude that works at the skate zone, the guy that waited on you at P J Whelians, and NHL players who could give a hoot about hard caps.

I mean there might be some AHL players showing up.

My question to my two readers is would you even watch if you didn't have a clue who half the team was? Also I would really like to hear from soon-to-be lawyer Drew about how legal this actually is and what moves the NHL PA would take to rain on the owners parade if they go through with this threat.


Also, if you would like a transcript of todays blog entry send me a check or email me your credit card number for $19.99.

"Echelon Stall-Mart"

This past Thursday Voorhees residents were supposed to meet to vote on the zoning regulations that would green light the Wal-Mart being built and the empty Penny's being torn down.

However, it never happened. Mere days before it was going to be voted on mall owner PREIT yanked their request to have it put to a vote. Some think it was a move in order to cool off the Voorhees residents who were all ready to shoot it down. In the weeks leading up to the date the anit-wal mart people had grown more vocal.

Others wonder if they are trying to fudge their plans to make it more appealing.

Now most people complaining about the Wal-mart (besides Grocery Store Unions) are more upset about the size, and the traffic it will draw. Lions head plaza is empty, most of the Bradless shopping center is dead. The Wal-mart would bring people in. They would have a new entrance with a restaurant where J C Pennys will be.

I don't know even if people didn't want it because they were afraid of Wal-mart knocking other stores out, I would have to point out that that section of Voorhees is already in dire straights.

Dire straights.

We got to move these, refridgerators we got move these color TVVVVVVVVVVVVVVS .

Monday, February 28, 2005

"That's Just Nasty"

One of the Pizza chains (pizza hutt or domionos I forget which) has these pizza sticks out. The thing is the show this dude, his pizza stick in ranch. That is awful. Just awful. Who would do such a thing? The other sauce is, um more red sauce which seems pretty odd to me. The ranch stuff is just nasty. I had hard enough time when Jenna used to dunk her Starview chicken tenders in ranch. How she could to that when the honey mustard was so damn good always baffled me.

MMMMMMMMMMM Starview chicken tenders.........::::Drool dipping out of mouth::::


I asked everyone to tell their best Royce stories. Royce promised that he would tell us the time he almost drowned. To my knowledge he never did! I am sure lots of people would like to hear that story. Certainly, the ones that are at work reading this right now and slacking off.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

"WHA SPRINGS Into Action"

Now that the NHL is in a coma. The WHA is trying (again) to come to life. Unable to get a season started with limited interest on behalf of many potential owners, a tournment will be played this spring. The WHA's commisoner Bobby Hull (NHL hall of famer) was so confident there was going to be a season, that they actually had a draft last spring. Many NHL players were selected including Flyers forward Simon Gagne who was first overall. Phil Espisito has joined the league. Perhaps there will be a WHA season next year. Not sure how many teams will actually play and who they will be.

Check it out.

"Bigger, Badder, Whiter?"

******************11 30 am update******************8
Heard as low as 4-6 to as high as 10-12 (on NBC 10). Very tricky. Somehow I think its going to change over into rain. Ah, and Jamie Foxx just won best actor. Am I the only one, that is totally sick of hearing about Ray Charles?

Ah, a N oreaster. If you live in this area you know them well. However, in the winter they can be even worse with snow and ice. There is a pending storm and its more erratic then a micheal richards routine (the Seinfeld comic not the Flyers prospect).

Some say 3-6 inches like last week. Which wasn't that big a deal, but certainly enough to get the day off for many people. However, Rob Guriano seems to think we are in for quite a bit more then that. He doesn't seem to buying into the notion that many others are that it will change over to rain.

Now he hasn't released an official prediciton yet. However, reading his lastest column one wonders if he will go out on a limb and risk being the next John Bolaris.

At any rate. Looks like its going to be pretty nasty starting tomorrow morning. As always I will be excited to see what happens. However, I do have some stuff that I would rather not see cancelled this week. Old Man winter cares not.