Sunday, February 27, 2005

"Bigger, Badder, Whiter?"

******************11 30 am update******************8
Heard as low as 4-6 to as high as 10-12 (on NBC 10). Very tricky. Somehow I think its going to change over into rain. Ah, and Jamie Foxx just won best actor. Am I the only one, that is totally sick of hearing about Ray Charles?

Ah, a N oreaster. If you live in this area you know them well. However, in the winter they can be even worse with snow and ice. There is a pending storm and its more erratic then a micheal richards routine (the Seinfeld comic not the Flyers prospect).

Some say 3-6 inches like last week. Which wasn't that big a deal, but certainly enough to get the day off for many people. However, Rob Guriano seems to think we are in for quite a bit more then that. He doesn't seem to buying into the notion that many others are that it will change over to rain.

Now he hasn't released an official prediciton yet. However, reading his lastest column one wonders if he will go out on a limb and risk being the next John Bolaris.

At any rate. Looks like its going to be pretty nasty starting tomorrow morning. As always I will be excited to see what happens. However, I do have some stuff that I would rather not see cancelled this week. Old Man winter cares not.

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