Wednesday, November 16, 2005

"Finally Cold"

Its about time. Its almost Turkey Day and I was wearing shorts yesterday. Freaking global warming.

Anyway its getting cold. FInally.

"Penguins Crosby is the Real Deal"

I am certainly glad to see Sid "the kid" crosby living up to loft expectations set for him by the NHL. I mean before the pucked dropped on the new NHL he was on the TONIGHT SHOW. Hockey players never get on there.

Earlier tonight Crosby was really tested after getting roughed up by Derian Hatcher resulting in two chiped front teeth for the 18-yearold rookie. After taking a retaliation pentaly Crosby made up for it, buy getting two goals and an assist. Including the game winner on break away with roughly 30 seconds left in OT.

Now, granted two years ago the goal would have been illegal, but Crosby acted as if he was 10 year veteran and made all the right moves. Crosby will rule this league in two years, and catching him now is seeing the first chapter in what will really be a legendary career. Crosby is truely one of the most gifted players to enter the league in a very long time.

Games 20
Goals 9
Assists 15
points 24

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


So I am in the market for a new bed, and let me tell you its a pain.

First off when you go into these bed stores they understandably make you lay down on the bed to try it out. So there I am position laying on the bed as the sales person hovers over me. Talk about power position. I have to curl up and lay on my side like I normally would in my sleep. As strangers pass me. Or even more akwardly im the only one in the store.

I sit there under the bright lights of the store laying on the same bed half of South Jersey has laid on. Trying to imagine the union that could form between my and this bed for the next decade at least. You are talking about someone who takes four trips to the store in order to pick up a new pair of sneakers. Only to end up with black sneakers that look mildly different than the pair they are replacing.

I generally have a rule not to buy anything the first time out. Kind of like when you go around the board in monopoly once before you can purchase a property.

Anyway, I lay on the bed trying to figure out if the bed is too soft , or too hard. On one hand the cloud like softness seems nice. However, I start pondering about it hurting my back, but the "firm" ones make my feel like I am sleeping on a rock.

When I do find myself enjoying the comfort of the bed it soons vanishes when I roll over and see the price tag. THe other day the sales lady was trying to tell me what a good deal it was. I wanted to tell her that it cost almost 3 times what I sold my last car for. Once she started talking about financing the bed, I knew it was out of my ballpark.

The longer it takes me to make the decision the more doubt I will have in whatever purchase I will make. Which every day that passes the level of buyers remorse that I will have increases two notches.