One second your are starring in the biggest movie of 1986. The next second your agent won't return your calls.
It's a long road to the bottom for Soundwave, and during this behind the scenes special he does drop more F-bombs than he ever did on the original tv-series.
Enjoy the 2nd ever video on Tucker's world. Drew, if you and the guys haven't seen it yet. Its a must view at the next get together at your place.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
"Soundwave: The True Hollywood Story"
Video Killed the Blooger Star
You might have noticed some things have changed on the blog. Tucker's World is no longer green. For two reasons.
1. It was kind of like eating a turkey burger. It just didn't feel right.
2. What the point in fighting a cause? The man is just going to win in the end anyway. Besides, I think this problem will just solve itself like most global issues like, AIDS, and the Kosovos.
Now its time for a history lesson my friends.
In 1776 our country was born. Then for awhile nothing happened. In 1969, a man landed on the moon. In 1975 Jaws came out. In 1979, Tucker was born and this video was the first thing shown on MTV. Now MTV sucks and has nothing to do with music.
Now, I can post videos when I like instead of links. Which means if you are like me and read blogs at work. It will likely say "Access Denied" thats because the kill-joys in coproate don't want us watching videos. They are jerks.
Seriously though, I have a lot planned for this now. So,much more I can do. Enjoy the first video ever on Tucker's World. "Video Killed the Radio STar" by some guy that looks like my hippie Biology professor from Camden County College. He always wore sandals and once made us walk around in the woods looking for leafs. Most people think of the first video when they here this. Since I was either not born yet,or an infant I just think of Rex Manning day
Monday, November 26, 2007
"Bobble Briere"

The first game I went to this season, I was shocked how few people were at the game. In seasons past I had gone to pre-season games that were more crowded. The funny thing is many of the former season ticket holders were behind the nets. Which has resulted in a sea of red on either end of the ice.
The Bobble head night for me is just a cool bonus since I paid for the tickets a long time ago. So, I couldn't wait to get my bobble head. I brought my friend from work JOsh and promised him a Bobble. At first I had the fear that I was wrong with what night the give away was. There was no one giving the Bobbles at the door. Just a bunch of kids pounding away on drums. IF there is anything I hate more than kids, its kids playing really really loud drums. To make it more strange the people were trying to get us to sign up for credit cards using fake names for free t-shirts. Of course, I couldn't hear a damn word they were saying over the POUNDING of the drums.
Where the hell was my Bobble HEad?!?!?
Later, I found out that you get your BOOBLE at the end of the night. I have no idea what time they started giving them out. If you had to wait around and see if the Bruins would light the lamp 6 or 7 times and suffer to get your Bobble or not. Luckily, they didn't score that many, and of course I am die hard so I stayed to the end of the game. Which was good, because the third period was when the Flyers realized it wasn't a dream and they were indeed playing an NHL game. They must have been blinded by all the red they were seeing in the stands.
I guess its a good thing to have the Bobble at the end of the game for some reasons. I recall how annoying it was when my father and I went to Bobble COle Hammels night. Having to clutch them like a newborns all night long. Also, in order to make it easier for one person to take a leak or get a drink, one of us would be on "bobble duty" and guard Cole with our lives. I lived in fear all night that something would happen to my new friend.
However, what the Flyers didn't take into consideration was how it would effect people leaving the building. A Bobble Head Bottle neck was formed as people all stopped to get their mini Danny Brieres on the way out to the rainy Philadelphia night after our team sleep skated to a defeat. You couldn't move!
Josh and I took the advise of some dude and went to one of the other exits which required us to walk a quarter away around the WATCH OVER YOU CENTER. At this point we were not remotely near our car. So, we could fight the Bobble Head grabbers some more or we could walk around in the rain. I love the Flyers of course, but sometimes I think a monkey puts these promotions together.
I store Danny under my jacket to sheild him from the rain. HE will find a home with his new friends Bobble Fist Brasher (who is white for some reasons) and Generic Flyer Bobble guy from 2002. Generic Flyer guy suffered a broken neck once when my nephew was playing the slam the door into the computer desk over and over again for no reason game. He tobbled to the floor. Luckily, he can still Bobble with the best of them. Also, I am getting my nephew one of those annoying drums for Christmas, so no more Bobble Heads have to suffer.
Maybe the Flyers could have rolled back ticket prices this season to draw people in. YOu know knock a good 20 bucks off the tickets all around. I am wondering how much longer Derian Hatcher's checks bounce. But, I guess they will always have the die hards like me wandering around like a rat in a maze in order to get my Bobble head at the end. I clutched the Bobble Box close to my heart till we got in the warm car. A little wiser.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
"Shot From Hartnell and Not Too Late