Sunday, May 08, 2005

"Summer Movie Wasteland"

It would seem that Hollywood is going to be on auto pilot this summer. MOst the movies coming out are remakes, sequels, or lame attempts to cash in on old TV shows.

First off we have the Honeymooners coming out with Hollywood felt needed to be "urbanized" so they cast Cedric the Enterainer in the Jackie Gleason part. This might pissed people off casting black people as white people. I guess people have a point I don't see Eugene Levy playing Shaft anytime soon. I am more pissed that Cedric the Entertainer who I think is funny, is being so lame in the films he picks. I watched his show both weeks it was on before it got cancelled, why not write your own funny characters? Instead of trying to cash in on comedy legend's character from 5 decades ago? How very lame.

Second, we have a Bewitched movie with Nicole Kidman and Will Ferrall, which a really idotic premise. Don't forget the Batman movie where we learn the start of the legend. Anyone that actually read the comic in their life is tired of hearing this story. The entire concept was summed up in a few scenes in Tim Burton's 1989 film. Not to mention its a mostly british cast with a british director. Next years SUperman film is being filmed in Australia, are we out sourcing our super heros too?

The House of Wax looks like a lame slasher flick which stole the name from a Vincent Price classic. With Paris Hilton no less. I am told that theaters cheered when she got ofted. Throw in Speilberg air lifting the War of the Worlds to make it his own. TIm Burton remaking Willy WOnka, and a Star Wars pre-quel. No one had a original idea this summer?

Supposedly 8 horror movies are being released, and I saw a few trailers for other fantasy films that visually look like they just want to be the Next Harry Potter.

Oh yeah and Peter Jackson remade King Kong. Altough I am not sure if thats still coming out this summer.

I am looking forward to the Star Wars film. THe only other two is the Bill Murray flick broken flowers in August, and the Euguene Levy/Samuel L Jackson teaming "The Man" due out labor day weekend.

Maybe I am just being negative, but it looks pretty bad right now.


Unknown said...

Shaft wasn't just a guy who happened to be black. It was an integral part of the concept that Shaft was black. Jackie Gleason's character in the Honeymooners was an everyman, which in the 1950s meant "white". It doesn't mean "white" anymore, and that's great. So I have no problem with casting Cedric the Entertainer.

I think the premise for "Bewitched" is a really good one. I'm much more interested in seeing this after seeing the trailer. At first, I just thought it would be "Bewitched" as a movie with big movie stars. Yawn. Now it sounds interesting. It probably won't be good, so I'll wait until it comes out on video, but I think the premise is the best thing about this one so far.

"House of Wax" looks really, really terrible.

keith said...

I just think Cedric can do a lot better than that. Can't anyone come up with an original character anymore?

I don't know how well the concept of a the Honeymooners will translate into modern times anyway.

Fantastic Four might be good, but of course its just Hollywood people thumbing through comic books and trying to cash in.

Looks like nothing remotely original is going to come out. I have a BAN on anything with Paris Hilton in it. Shes just awful, and already rich enough.

Anonymous said...

I really recommend One Night in Paris, that is going to be her defining role.

There are some movies out there that are original you just have to look for them. I hear good things about the Bill Murray movie. The summer is not a time fo original movies, that is when the studios make their money on huge blockbusters, so why shold they gamble on something that might fail when they can get something that will all but guarantee a hit. Remember not all domestic flops are failures, even Waterworld made money. Artsy, original movies are usually only hits here. Remakes are huge everywhere.

And Keith this was probably the worst post you have ever written, gramatically speaking. Are you even trying?


Jenna said...

I can't wait for the Willy Wonka remake to come out! The original was kinda dark but I am looking forward to seeing what Tim Burton does with it. I think Johnny Depp will do awesome, even though their is no replacing Gene Wilder. I am also interested in seeing the new Batman flick.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only person on the planet who does not find Will Ferrell funny? I liked him in Starsky and Hutch, but that's about it.

I also seem to be the planet's only inhabitant who hates Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Facory. Hopefully Tim Burton can make something good out of the story. Maybe then I'll forgive him for Planet of the Apes

For the record, I also cannot stand Gone with the Wind and The Wizard of Oz. Heresy, I know, but I can't stand any of 'em.

Yeah, summer is indeed a wasteland for quality films. It's the season for "event movies" to bludgeon us into going to the cinemas.

Mainstream Hollywood does appear to be bereft of originality. They rely on pre-sold concepts to sell their films; concepts taken from TV shows or comic books or prior films or even amusement park rides, in the case of Disney.

Just how twisted is Disney's thinking? They recently scrapped their traditional animation department in favor of computer generated animation. Why? Because movies like "Shrek" and "The Incredibles" make money hand over fist, while their "Home on the Range" and "Atlantis" do poorly. Guys, did you ever think about the WRITING?? Pixar and Dreamworks kick your ass because they have good writers!! If you could come up with a great script, people would line up regardless of animation technique!!

Idiots. But I loathe Disney anyway, so take it for what it's worth.

Speaking of idiots and loathing, as much as I loathe what George Lucas has done to his own Star Wars universe, I know I'll be a big enough idiot to see RotS when it comes out. Maybe a month or two after it comes out, but I'm sure I'll be there. It's like a train wreck: I can't help but look at the travesty!

I guess that Lucas is now the embodiment of the old adage "be careful what you wish may get it". [TL]

Anonymous said...

I am with you all the way TL. I cannot stand Wizard of Oz and I have never seen Gone With the Wind and it is not exactly on my short list. I think that Will Ferrel has his moments but he is overrated. But you better get used to him, he has three movies coming out this summer.

Willy Wonka better be Citizen Kane if Tim Burton wants atonement for Planet of the Apes.


Unknown said...

I really don't like Will Ferrell either, but I did like him in "Melinda and Melinda". He was surprisingly not awful in "Starsky & Hutch", but I hated "Old School", I hated Ferrell in the Austin Powers movies, and I have no desire to see "Anchorman".

Jenna said...

I don't share this hatred for Will Farrell as the rest of you do. I think he is funny (and Elf still makes me laugh). He was pretty funny in Starsky and Hutch (what I saw of it at least) and I don't think he was in Austin Powers long enough to judge his acting. He was what he was and that was that. I would like to see Bewitched but I doubt that will happen.

As for the Wizard of Oz...I wouldn't want to watch it everyday but I enjoy it. I like the songs. I have never seen Gone with the Wind and I don't plan on it. I never had the desire to see it.

Unknown said...

I wasn't really judging his acting in the Austin Powers movies... he just wasn't funny. And I HATE Elf. That movie sucks.

keith said...

I wrote the blog in about 5 minutes or less. The company for Mothers Day came over like 15 mins early. So, I had to rush it up and finnish it. I didnt even give it a second look.

Yeah, I am sure there will be some Art house movies that will come out this summer that could be good. The problem is, unless they have an actor in it I like like Bill Murray. I won't hear about it till like a week before it comes out.

I really hope Bill Murray is allowed to play in a broader comedy. I undestand what he is doing career wise. But after Lost in Translation, RUshmore and Life Aquatic, (not that I have seen that later yet) the whole depressed but funny upper middled aged man it being played out.