The winner of the Tucker's World election is,,, Count Chocula! Wait ?!? What?!?! That doesn't make any sense at all!!!!
Well anyway thanks for everyone voted, even all those dead people that voted, and all the homeless people that the democrats paid to vote for the count.
Let's see if we can listen in on the Count's speech!
"Well Fang, You all very much"
::: Applause:::
"I look forward to sinking my teeth into getting America back on course!"
::: Applause:::
"This election was a real blood bath, BLAH!"
::: Applause::
"It was real neck and neck for awhile there"
"Watching the results and waiting was driving me batty"
"There was a lot at stake for this election!"
By far the funniest thing on Tucker's World ever. Also, fewest spelling mistakes. Did you steal this from somewhere else?
No, just the picture. The rest was pure Tucker.
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