Don't know how much water Rolling Stone holds in the world, but they seem to have declared Bush the worst President in the history of our country. This by far could be the most memorable cover since the time they showed Jennifer Aniston's ass in the mid-90s.
Come on Drew, Jay give points to support this claim.
Keith, I will turn it around to you. Give points that refute this claim. What has Bush done that is good for this country? Name another President that is worse.
He's certainly in a league with famous presidential failures like Hoover. It's difficult to say who is the worst, because it's difficult to make comparisons between drastically different periods in time. But I think it's difficult to argue that he isn't the worst president in our lifetime, by far.
There's an old National Lampoon sketch from 1973 called "Operation: Impeachable" that lambasts the Nixon administration. Here's the meat of it:
"Several high-ranking members of the Democratic party are attempting to sieze control of the government of the United States of America by legitimate means. They plan to use a free press, open discussion of the issues, and the universal franchise in an all-out effort to win the presidency."
"Should they succeed, all our efforts to repeal the Bill of Rights, pack the Supreme Court with right wing morons, intimidate the media, suppress dissent, halt social progress, promote big business, and crush the congress, will be destroyed."
It's eerie how well this applies to today. [TL]
Keith, I am going to assume that your silence on this point means that you agree that Bush is the worst President of our lifetimes (possibly ever). We Win!!!!!
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